account question




I've signed up for an literotica board account,
but I can't log in to the regular site using
my name/password. (I was trying to submit a

Any suggestions? Does it take a while
to get a regular acct set up?
have you tried to submit them through the user page that comes up as you log in to this forum?

(There is a bit named submissions just above where it says forums, if you click that it allows you to submit a story or poem and check your submitions.)

Just an idea
Welcome aboard Imp!
Are you going to be able to balance the "Euro view" here on the board, or are you another "Brit Wanker" in the vein of P P man?:D Welcome either way!

I can't really help with your question, but I recall from somewhere that stories take a few days to clear and be posted? More knowledgeable people will be along to help.

RhumbRunner13 said:
Welcome aboard Imp!
Are you going to be able to balance the "Euro view" here on the board, or are you another "Brit Wanker" in the vein of P P man?:D Welcome either way!

I'm a total wanker.

Oh, wait, is that a bad thing?

I'll try your suggestions.
EarnestImp said:

I'm a total wanker.

Oh, wait, is that a bad thing?

I'll try your suggestions.

I think if you "Wank it", it's OK.

If you are a "Wanker" you get to sleep with Peeps.

Your choice!:D

RhumbRunner13 said:

I think if you "Wank it", it's OK.

If you are a "Wanker" you get to sleep with Peeps.

Your choice!:D


That's it, frighten the poor bugger before he's had time to settle in.:D