ABSTRUSIONS: A Bohemian hangout.

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RebeccaLeah said:
i'm sorry. my house is practically built of estrogen. :rolleyes:

i'm glad to be out of class and work for the day and looking foward to ballet class. *demi plie, grande plie* :D

I took ballet for 6 years, many moons ago.

don't worry, Vella, it'll never happen. Why would I want to be a guy?
cloudy said:
I took ballet for 6 years, many moons ago.

don't worry, Vella, it'll never happen. Why would I want to be a guy?

well the only reason i can think of for being a guy is to have sex with women who are straight.. :rolleyes:
vella_ms said:
well the only reason i can think of for being a guy is to have sex with women who are straight.. :rolleyes:

i still don't believe any women is completly straight.

I love dance, any kind pretty much. it's funny though cause everytime i tell someone i dance the girls always say oooh! I took ballet when I was little. never freakin' fails. everytime.
sincerely_helene said:
:rose: Awwwww... Thanks Dranoel and RebeccaLeah.

Not gonna try to cop a feel now, are ya?;)

I don't know about him, but i would take that as an invitation if I weren't being lazy at the moment. another time honey and don't tempt me. ;)
RebeccaLeah said:
i still don't believe any women is completly straight.

I love dance, any kind pretty much. it's funny though cause everytime i tell someone i dance the girls always say oooh! I took ballet when I was little. never freakin' fails. everytime.

I took it from the time I was 6 until I was 12, and it became obvious really quick that I was way too tall to actually do anything with it. Switched to jock-mode, took up running, and never looked back.
cloudy said:
I took it from the time I was 6 until I was 12, and it became obvious really quick that I was way too tall to actually do anything with it. Switched to jock-mode, took up running, and never looked back.

too tall!?!?!? where you a 6'5" 12 year old?????

i'm impressed, i've never gotten good at the idea of running, i think it's the extra large grapefruits on my chest. they don't like running. :p
Somebody please bring me at least six cold beers and point me to a nice empty section of wall. I'm just gonna sit here and stare at it and enjoy this lust-induced daze.

RebeccaLeah said:
too tall!?!?!? where you a 6'5" 12 year old?????

i'm impressed, i've never gotten good at the idea of running, i think it's the extra large grapefruits on my chest. they don't like running. :p

At 12 I was as tall as I was gonna get - 5'7". But, I have long legs, and the muscles gained in ballet training did the translation to track really, really well. And, I have fairly small boobs, so no worries there.
lucky-E-leven said:
Somebody please bring me at least six cold beers and point me to a nice empty section of wall. I'm just gonna sit here and stare at it and enjoy this lust-induced daze.


*brings over a six pack*
you just finish reading a colly story or something?
lucky-E-leven said:
Somebody please bring me at least six cold beers and point me to a nice empty section of wall. I'm just gonna sit here and stare at it and enjoy this lust-induced daze.


Lucky, baby, what have you been smoking?
cloudy said:
At 12 I was as tall as I was gonna get - 5'7". But, I have long legs, and the muscles gained in ballet training did the translation to track really, really well. And, I have fairly small boobs, so no worries there.

ballet creates the best muscles in the world, expecially if you can learn to use the right ones for arabesques. I always use the wrong ones. :(

lucky...do you want to trade by any chance?
RebeccaLeah said:
ballet creates the best muscles in the world, expecially if you can learn to use the right ones for arabesques. I always use the wrong ones. :(

lucky...do you want to trade by any chance?

trade what?
scooches in next to lucky, giving her a hip bump, spilling her beer..

**oops.. im so clumsy**
lucky-E-leven said:
trade what?

i knew that wasn't going to work. i meant that cloudy was lucky and asked if she wanted to trade boobs....i don't like mine.

go back to your happy world of lust and love. :kiss:
Evenin' all. An Anchor Steam tonight please.

Once again, it takes me half an hour to get caught up.

Love the little pics in your sig Colleen. I have such a thing for redheads.

I only run when I'm chased. And if she's cute, I'll let her catch me.

Sweet AV, Crimson.

Oh, and I just submitted a new story. I put an acknowledgement for my inspiration at the start of it. Thanks vella!

(Lights a pipe, sits down in a corner, and hopes a straight, single woman walks in)
vella_ms said:
scooches in next to lucky, giving her a hip bump, spilling her beer..

**oops.. im so clumsy**

Hey sexy! Now that you've spilled my beer, clean it up! Don't bother grabbing a rag...your tongue will do. ;)
rgraham666 said:
Evenin' all. An Anchor Steam tonight please.

Once again, it takes me half an hour to get caught up.

Love the little pics in your sig Colleen. I have such a thing for redheads.

I only run when I'm chased. And if she's cute, I'll let her catch me.

Sweet AV, Crimson.

Oh, and I just submitted a new story. I put an acknowledgement for my inspiration at the start of it. Thanks vella!

(Lights a pipe, sits down in a corner, and hopes a straight, single woman walks in)

:kiss: :rose: :D

cant wait to see it posted babe
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