Abortion- Unexpected results

Shrugs. All that happened when Roe was overturned was it moved laws regarding abortions down to the State level, where they should always have been. So if it means that much to you and you want an abortion, pick your state and move there. Simple. I can't see that it would have much effect on abortions one way or the other. I'm not in favor of them myself, except for valid medical reasons, but at the State level is where this belongs, constitutionally, and the voters can decide, as they are.
Shrugs. All that happened when Roe was overturned was it moved laws regarding abortions down to the State level, where they should always have been. So if it means that much to you and you want an abortion, pick your state and move there. Simple. I can't see that it would have much effect on abortions one way or the other. I'm not in favor of them myself, except for valid medical reasons, but at the State level is where this belongs, constitutionally, and the voters can decide, as they are.


Chloe "Chicongo" Tzang, etc, are indifferent to the risks to women’s lives, suffering, and costs associated with the overturning of Roe.

Chloe "Chicomgo" Tzang, etc, are sociopaths / psychopaths.


Full stop
Shrugs. All that happened when Roe was overturned was it moved laws regarding abortions down to the State level, where they should always have been. So if it means that much to you and you want an abortion, pick your state and move there. Simple. I can't see that it would have much effect on abortions one way or the other. I'm not in favor of them myself, except for valid medical reasons, but at the State level is where this belongs, constitutionally, and the voters can decide, as they are.
You'd think that an ER nurse would be aware that sometimes when a woman needs an abortion it's a medical necessity and there isn't enough time for her to move to another state.
You'd think that an ER nurse would be aware that sometimes when a woman needs an abortion it's a medical necessity and there isn't enough time for her to move to another state.
Most states cover abortion on medical grounds. Where they don't, I'd be moving preemptively myself.
Shrugs. All that happened when Roe was overturned was it moved laws regarding abortions down to the State level, where they should always have been. So if it means that much to you and you want an abortion, pick your state and move there. Simple. I can't see that it would have much effect on abortions one way or the other. I'm not in favor of them myself, except for valid medical reasons, but at the State level is where this belongs, constitutionally, and the voters can decide, as they are.

I keep telling them this but they always seem to have an excuse not to do it and instead demand that the State they're in cater to their personal and ideological whims instead of the desires of the people.

Apparently when it comes to Democrats and abortion, any inconvenience to the desires of the minority outweighs the will of the majority.
I keep telling them this but they always seem to have an excuse not to do it and instead demand that the State they're in cater to their personal and ideological whims instead of the desires of the people.

Apparently when it comes to Democrats and abortion, any inconvenience to the desires of the minority outweighs the will of the majority.


Overturning Roe was the tyranny of the Christo-fascist minority.


Hope that ^ helps.


👉 Derpy 🤣

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Shrugs. All that happened when Roe was overturned was it moved laws regarding abortions down to the State level, where they should always have been. So if it means that much to you and you want an abortion, pick your state and move there. Simple. I can't see that it would have much effect on abortions one way or the other. I'm not in favor of them myself, except for valid medical reasons, but at the State level is where this belongs, constitutionally, and the voters can decide, as they are.
Yeah, Dixie, we know, Confederates always want human rights to be determined at the state level.
Yeah, Dixie, we know, Confederates always want human rights to be determined at the state level.
The biggest mistake in that war was that we didn't hang all the slave-owners and treat surviving Southern women like how the Soviet Red Army treated Germans. The second biggest mistake was that we didn't torch the US Constitution afterwards and replace it with something practical.
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Overturning Roe was the tyranny of the Christo-fascist minority.

Overturning Roe was precisely what should have been done if you're okay with your country's legal system being dictated by the opinions of dead slave-owners.


If you lived under communism, though, Clarence Thomas could be taken behind the barn and shot, and his entire family marched off to die in the gulags.


Hope that ^ helps.


Most states cover abortion on medical grounds. Where they don't, I'd be moving preemptively myself.
Most forced-birth states have deliberately vague statutes on what constitutes an abortion necessitated by medical emergency. Texas proved that earlier this year when the Texas Supreme Court refused to "pre-clear" an obviously necessary medical emergency abortion. They told the doctor to perform it if he saw fit, that the courts (!!) would rule after the fact if it was a "true" medical emergency or the doctor should lose his license to practice medicine.

No doctor will perform an abortion under those constraints, as Texas well knows.
I keep telling them this but they always seem to have an excuse not to do it and instead demand that the State they're in cater to their personal and ideological whims instead of the desires of the people.

Apparently when it comes to Democrats and abortion, any inconvenience to the desires of the minority outweighs the will of the majority.
Know what is in the minority? Carbon in water?

But you seem to be okay with it outweighing the actual part of water…
All good arguments in favor of better abortion legislation, to be sure and I agree, with qualifiers. No argument from me on those. But that's a seperate issue from SCOTUS overturning Roe. Their job is constitutional law and they did it, kicking the ball back to the States. It then becomes a State-level issue.
All good arguments in favor of better abortion legislation, to be sure and I agree, with qualifiers. No argument from me on those. But that's a seperate issue from SCOTUS overturning Roe. Their job is constitutional law and they did it, kicking the ball back to the States. It then becomes a State-level issue.
The Coathanger Five's objective was not "kicking the ball back to the states", it was putting an end to safe, legal abortion. Just because they can't do it nationwide is neither here nor there with respect to what they were after.
The Coathanger Five's objective was not "kicking the ball back to the states", it was putting an end to safe, legal abortion. Just because they can't do it nationwide is neither here nor there with respect to what they were after.
Apologies, I am skipping everything else for the next couple of days while I do a writeup for my own social media on the Kursk Attack.
I keep telling them this but they always seem to have an excuse not to do it and instead demand that the State they're in cater to their personal and ideological whims instead of the desires of the people.

Apparently when it comes to Democrats and abortion, any inconvenience to the desires of the minority outweighs the will of the majority.
Yes, yes, you've been quite bellicose in your belief that procedures that don't affect you personally should be regulated at the state level. Medical procedures that DO affect you, though, one would suspect you claim you have a "right" to basic medical care.

Just suppose for a moment the state you lived in outlawed spinal procedures. because reasons. Oh how you'd squeal! (Well, more than you usually do). You fire a pewpew into the air in a moment of outrage and immediately pay for your "sin" as the recoil does damage to your genetically fragile backbone. Normally, that would require a trip to your orthopedic doctor but hooo ha! Now YOU would have to "move to a different state" in order to seek relief from your condition!

How about them apples, counselor? Give us some rationale to support your expected "rules for thee, but not for me" bumper sticker doggerel!!