A wise woman once said.....


Keep Believing
Jan 27, 2012
Men --- "You can't live with them and you can't live without them.

Then.... A wiser woman made a ball gag.:D
When a man says it's a silly childish game, it's probably something his wife can beat him at. :D
It has nothing to do with being cool. It has to do with being stupid.

Case-in-point: you thought it had to do with being cool.

It has everything to do with being cool. It has nothing to do with being stupid.

Listen I wanted tryharder I got tryharder end of story.
The thread title continues to get more and more ironic...
Every time baritone and soprano start their flirting, it's like watching an opera of stupidity.
This thread had 17 replies, but only showed me 5 views.
I am confused.

Also, I've never had a ball gag used on me.
Not sure if want.
They're off to cyber-land.

Quick - someone lock the door.