A Sad Day West of My River


I wonder though, how long we're going to blame the guns, before someone starts looking at what is pushing these people to do this.

This guy was what? 20?

This society is in bad shape. Parents idea of dealing with their child's issues is to send them to the doctor who's idea of helping is medication, then medication to counteract the medication.

Shrinks no longer even try to help you deal with your problems they just dole out meds as well.

People are jobless, they are homeless, they are poor.

There is an air of despair in this country not seen since the depression and people decided they wanted 4 more years of the same.

Pure and simple we are devolving as a nation and are heading for more of these events.

People are snapping and whether they kill someone with a semi automatic or just pull out a shot gun or a revolver, they will keep doing this.

When all guns are outlawed they'll start coming in with axes and start swinging.

It has to start with looking at the killer, not the weapon.
I don't understand the clamor for gun control

What is needed is a health system for people in this country. There are a lot of sick people out there who have no help, and nobody cares until something like this happens.

This boy should have been under the care of a doctor. Instead he was ignored and left to his own devices.

We as a people are as crazy as he was as an individual. We are just too fucking cheap and too fucking uncaring about our fellow citizens.

The one thing that this is not about is gun control. It should be about the lack of a public health system.
I don't pray. But my sympathy and tears are with the families of the deceased.

(edited because this is a memorial thread)
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"Well-Regulated Militia"

Not the right to sell heavy firearms to mentally ill teenagers.

I agree that our health system is fucked up. But the both of you are just so fucking blind that it makes me sick. If this sick bastard hadn't been able to get a gun, those children and administrators would still be alive.

I don't pray. But my sympathy and tears are with the families of the deceased.

No one sold a firearm to the teenager. He killed his mother and took her firearms. Gun control would have had zero affect.
As to the health system, there might just be another explanation. If the teenager was so fucked up mentally that he was going to kill his mother and any number of children, why did none of the adults in our society notice? We're supposedly trained to deal with others. Yet, when some whako goes off the rails and no one notices until too late, it's guns that are to blame, not society.
In China, some whako did much the same thing, only whako boy used a knife. A knife doesn't really make noise, the noise that warned many of the survivors in the USA school.
I feel sympathy for the dead victims. However, I feel no sympathy at all for the dead whako. If I were running things, there would be a roundup of any number of whakos, who now roam the streets. There would by medical exams to determine sanity. Then I would deal with the insane. No excuses, just reponsibility.

Won't be back to read this thread, because I have no patience to read any more of this crap from the gun enthusiasts. It's past time for American society to wake up.
I know you are a smart person

"Well-Regulated Militia"

Not the right to sell heavy firearms to mentally ill teenagers.

I agree that our health system is fucked up. But the both of you are just so fucking blind that it makes me sick. If this sick bastard hadn't been able to get a gun, those children and administrators would still be alive.

I don't pray. But my sympathy and tears are with the families of the deceased.

But you sure sound stupid sometimes, I don't own a gun and I am not against gun control. I am against government having too much power, I think people should be allowed to have a gun, but I think that sick people should have a doctor.

If that makes me so blind and stupid that it upsets you, well all I can say is, Fuck you.

It makes me sick when some body too young to know what life is about, is telling me that I am blind. You, child, are the one who is just learning what life is about, I have run the course and seen the track, I know what life is about and believe me I didn't when I was your age. I don't think that the views you hold today will be the same as when you reach my age.

Learn to respect your elders, youngster. :)
As usual, the POS put his lights out before he could be questioned so we'll never know what his motivation was, if any. :mad:

My heart goes out to those poor children and adults and their families. :heart:

Blame the hand, not the gun.
Won't be back to read this thread, because I have no patience to read any more of this crap from the gun enthusiasts. It's past time for American society to wake up.

Hear, hear
but I fear
more shall lose
someone dear
asking who's
brave enough to end this madness
filling all the world with sadness.

Blame the hand, not the gun.

A rose to the OP thread intent.

A middle finger to the poster quoted and all of his idiot gun-toting fellow posters.

The bullets from guns killed these people, idiot. And because the guns were easily acquired and because they are so bloody efficient at killing, a lot more people died at one go than would have died if Americans weren't stupid enough to let people like you keep gun controls loose.

Find some other thread for your blood-thirsty selfishness and stupidity. This one was put up to help those who aren't half wits mourn the stupidity of posters like TE99 and the other gunslingers.
Here's your gun control:

Lanza reportedly tried to buy rifle, was denied

NBC's Pete Williams reports that Connecticut school shooter Adam Lanza attempted to purchase a rifle earlier this week at a sporting goods store in Danbury, Conn.
And he got the guns from someone who had no business having guns either, and who got killed with her own guns. Give that some thought, dimwit.

And get the hell off this mourning thread. You now have a thread of your own to beat your manly breast on.
Sorry to continue with the off-the-raling of this thread, but I think part of a solution might be to put a prohibitively high tax on violence in the media. Have the makers of violent TV shows, movies, and video games pay into this tax, which would fully fund battered women's shelters, mental health clinics, and health care for victims of violence. (Gang members wouldn't be considered victims of violence, they would be considered promoters of violence and not eligible.)

:rose: for the families. This sucks.
No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.

These famous words by John Donne were not originally written as a poem - the passage is taken from the 1624 Meditation 17, from Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions and is prose. The words of the original passage are as follows:

John Donne
Meditation 17
Devotions upon Emergent Occasions

"No man is an iland, intire of it selfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine; if a clod bee washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or of thine owne were; any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee...."
No words will suffice.
No comprehension to be had.
Just tears for the lost souls.
Just payers for the suffering families.
