A reasonable sacrifice...


Fiel a Verdad
Dec 20, 2001
A question of sacrifice

A wealthy gentleman in this neck of the woods, was old and had failing kidneys. The Filipina nanny working for him and his family offered to supply him one of her kidneys. Several hospitals refused to do the two operations --on him and her-- on ethical grounds, since they felt the nanny was not in a position to oppose her employer's wishes. Finally a private US hospital agreed, having talked to the nanny: She said she loved the family, and they, her; she'd been like a member for 15 years, and was happy to help extend the life of her employer. Since this story hit the papers, a number of groups, including one of Filipina nannies have expressed dismay over the last hospital's agreement, thinking that this puts nannies in a (more) vulnerable position.

Would a dom/me in a loving, SSC adult relationship, who ran into a kidney problem, be out of order--morally-- in requesting that his or her sub (or erotic slave) make such a donation? Or, in suggesting that s/he would be appreciative of this sacrifice? **
(It would be done voluntarily by the sub).
(Assume that a hospital agreed and its standard procedure and ethical review were followed.)

[Added 2:54pm Nov 19]]:
// If you say, 'no, no problem', would you have a problem about an ailing dom/me who acquired a sub, with this arrangement in mind? With a dom/me asking a sub for a donation of an eye, for the dom/ne's child who's going blind? (The sub would lose the one eye, but presumably be able to get along OK, that way.) How about, in a jam, asking the sub for the loan of his/her entire life's savings? //

Note on the welfare of the 'slave'. Assume the operation is to be above board, in a hospital, by a qualified surgeon. AFAIK, as a lay person, such removal of a kidney, as a major operation, has some dangers. Yet the loss of one kidney in a healthy adult does not usually harm their way of living, though there is no reserve capacity should the remaining one fail.

**Note: My kidneys are fine.
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If I was a match for someone I loved a husband, a child grandchild mother father aunt uncle niece nephew employee sub or master I would give to them all I had. a stranger on the street who needed help I knew I could provide if I had it to give I would give it, it was the way I was raised you help those in need if you have it to give and even when you don't you still share what you do have, my granda was that way and he taught us all to do the same, he'd give to shirt off his back to someone in need I saw him go with out many a time so that another would not have to. I'm not like my granda in that i sometimes put my own needs above anothers and I don't know that I would ever bea ble to do without the way I saw him do but I know I would I would give anything I had to help another if I had it give be it money food clothes a roof over their head and yes even a kidney if it would help someone or safe a life.

just my ramblin thoughts
In any loving relationship, would not the non afflicted partner make the offer?
Pure said:
A question of sacrifice

Would a dom/me in a loving, SSC adult relationship, who ran into a kidney problem, be out of order--morally-- in requesting that his or her sub (or erotic slave) make such a donation? Or, in suggesting that s/he would be appreciative of this sacrifice? **
(It would be done voluntarily by the sub).
(Assume that a hospital agreed and its standard procedure and ethical review were followed.)

[Added 2:54pm Nov 19]]:
// If you say, 'no, no problem', would you have a problem about an ailing dom/me who acquired a sub, with this arrangement in mind? With a dom/me asking a sub for a donation of an eye, for the dom/ne's child who's going blind? (The sub would lose the one eye, but presumably be able to get along OK, that way.) How about, in a jam, asking the sub for the loan of his/her entire life's savings? //

Note on the welfare of the 'slave'. Assume the operation is to be above board, in a hospital, by a qualified surgeon. AFAIK, as a lay person, such removal of a kidney, as a major operation, has some dangers. Yet the loss of one kidney in a healthy adult does not usually harm their way of living, though there is no reserve capacity should the remaining one fail.

**Note: My kidneys are fine.

lol... glad your kidneys are fine, Pure.

On the first question. Yes, I think a request for a donation would be within anyone's rights. But, in some of the examples I think the sub could face a bit of discomfort and dilemma if they had in fact not offered. If the Dominant were a philosophical or moral sort, they may also feel uncomfortable in some of these requests. It would depend on the relationship, wouldn't it? If it were a friend, family or life partner I would give what I could.

The second question reminded me of that case where a couple decided to have a baby, and they were going to "mine" something from that baby's body to save someone else's life (I believe their first child. Who would die without a suitable donor - no one being a match in thier family.)

Many moral questions came up about that case. I believe they said that they planned on having another child, but this sped the process up, and of course they would love and raise the child, but one of the necessities and decision making processes stemmed from needing that baby's body part. This example lends itself to your second example somewhat. We can assume the Domiant would be looking for a sub any ways, and planned on treating them well, caring for them but, as they need this donation, it becomes one their wants/needs in a submissive.

There are all sorts of ways to look at it - and it's tricky. But if ultimately there is love and life for all, can it be so bad? Dunno. ;)