A Place to Chill

I'm fascinated by today's socioeconomic landscape. This isn't necessarily about my opinions on the matter, but there are jobs which people are doing in order to make money fast that I didn't think was likely when I was much younger.

In my state we have the bikini baristas. Young women dressed in nearly nothing serving coffee to people at a premium price. Ingenious? Or simply this is what cards they have to play in order to make a few dollars above minimum wage?

This is a service industry society.

Fascinating as well are the cam girls. Some can make very good money. I find it interesting. That train wreck I cannot look away from at times. As I lay in bed at 3:30 am, I'll open up a screen and find an interaction I find interesting. It doesn't generally lead to masturbation. I'm on a porn board. No reason to lie about this.

This morning there was a young woman who had written "Trump fans only" across the bottom of her screen. What would drive a person to do this? She wasn't nude. She wasn't trying to play any games.

She seriously was collecting money while clothed talking about politics on a porn site.

I got up, showered and got dressed.

Interested, I pulled it back up while my car warmed up.

Still going.

I sit here this evening wondering how much she made. Wondering why anybody threw money at her.

Maybe she will be back there in the morning. She's only spending time.

I suppose it probably got more people to listen than starting a youtube channel.
I have been watching coverage of Hurricane Michael with the sound down.

Post rock playing.

Everything has a soundtrack.

Stay dry. And safe. Florida.