A people like any other...


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
I believe it was Rabbi Abraham Kook who wished that the Jews would "be a people like any other people," not looked down on or discriminated against or worse, yet not think they were better than others. He was a visionary of great intellectual calibre.

Today, I feel the same way about the white race as a whole. We deserve to be a "people like any other people." Certainly we are no better than any other, but we are no worse either. We no longer accept the burden of having to prove we "don't dislike anyone" or that we "aren't "racist"" or all of that baloney.

What other people in world history controlled nearly the entire world and out of the goodness of their hearts gave it back to others? I can't think of any besides whites that did or would do that.

Sure, our ancestors did some bad things. Others did many many good things. Just like any other people. We deserve exactly the same standards as any other group today. We are no different than any other group.
We are no different than any other group.

You are correct, lemming...

...as long as you insist on confining yourself to a group - any group - group identity is the most you can ever expect to achieve.


...onward to the cliff!
I believe it was Rabbi Abraham Kook who wished that the Jews would "be a people like any other people," not looked down on or discriminated against or worse, yet not think they were better than others. He was a visionary of great intellectual calibre.

Today, I feel the same way about the white race as a whole. We deserve to be a "people like any other people." Certainly we are no better than any other, but we are no worse either. We no longer accept the burden of having to prove we "don't dislike anyone" or that we "aren't "racist"" or all of that baloney.

What other people in world history controlled nearly the entire world and out of the goodness of their hearts gave it back to others? I can't think of any besides whites that did or would do that.

Sure, our ancestors did some bad things. Others did many many good things. Just like any other people. We deserve exactly the same standards as any other group today. We are no different than any other group.

What kind of "white people"?

We have our Scandanavians, Italians, Polish, Irish, English, Aussies, Catholics, Protestants, etc, etc, etc...

I think you need to narrow this down.