A Message from Luscious Lioness


Guerrilla Ontologist
Sep 19, 2000
I posted this into another thread the other day but thought I'd start a separate thread for everyone to see:

LL says that she misses "everyone very much." She's going to be out of touch for a while and has only very limited online access from her local library mostly for email. She can't access Lit at all.

She's having "a bit of a rough time" at the moment but says its "nothing serious."

Mostly she wants people to know she's OK... but I'm sure she'd be happy to know that she is missed and that people are thinking of her. If anyone wants to post anything here in this thread for her, I'll be happy to foward it on.

She's a woman with a good, kind heart. I know she says she's OK and its "nothing serious" but I also know she is a true optimist. What's "nothing serious" to her is a lot more to others.

She's one of ours. Send her all the positive energy you can.
I was thinking of her just last night when I added some stuff to her poetry thread. Tell her we're keeping the home fires burning, and a light in the window.
the CONCRETE jungle can,t stop that cat
she has eyes everywhere :rose:

ps : thank you ,for passsing this
Why is that all the off-Lit women get in touch with you, Dilly?

Who said the size of penis doesn't count?
Thank you for starting this thread,
I was just thinking about her earlier... :)
I wish her well, she's a kind soul.

And CV, dear :rolleyes:
It's not the size of the penis, it's the size of the heart...
Pixie said:
Thank you for starting this thread,
I was just thinking about her earlier... :)
I wish her well, she's a kind soul.

And CV, dear :rolleyes:
It's not the size of the penis, it's the size of the heart...
Is Dilly suffering from gigantism?

Oh, waite, the problem with gigantism is that the heart is nomal size...
Sending positive thoughts to Luscious Lioness. :)

:rose: :rose: :rose:
Whatever she's up agasinst , if she can't handle it yet, she'll no doubt learn how.:rose:
An extremely classy & ERUDITE Lady...

... is our Luscious Queen Feline! :rose: :p :D
Don't know how much its my place to say. She's trying to take care of herself and family and friends - seems like trouble comes in a lot more than just threes.

She amazes me - she manages to keep a positive attitude through things that would overwhelm most other people.
I emailed this entire thread to LL and here is her response:

CV, Dillinger is a longtime friend of mine, always has been and always will be. He has a wonderful heart and mind. I would hope that would be your true reason for that blurt of jealousy. Keep in mind... I miss you as well.

I want to address each of your posts but I have only a limited time here. I am truly fine. If something really major were taking place, I would have already come clean on it. :D

I have a terrible habit of never saying "NO". I'm helping a dear friend with medical bills (he has been told that he might have bladder cancer) and I think that a little sacrifice on my part is only right. I would do it for any friend or family member that needed my help. I'm not starving, I'm not out on the streets. I'm caring for me and my daughter first as always then extending my helping hand from there. I'm here on this earth for something beside taking up valuable space.

I will not lie. This year has been an emotional rollercoaster and I would love for this particular ride to stop... but we can't choose the trials in our lives. I love each of you dearly and hope to be around soon. I will ask this much of you though, please donate to the cancer society. This disease is taking control of too many lives and taking too many precious souls.

Pixie, you better not have given my bra away.
That gurl is tough as nails, without losing any of the sweetness.

I hope she gets some peace.

Come back soon LL, you know I miss ya.
:eek: Good thing I still have that bra...

*sniffle* I miss LL :(