A Lovely Morning


Polymorphous Perverse
Apr 9, 2002
It's just a little chilly in my house, so I turned the heat on, made myself a cup of tea, then scampered back to bed. There's still a nice warm spot, just where I left it! The tea is wonderful-- a little too much raw sugar and some nice half-and-half-- just like I like it! I am up early, having already slept! and I feel great. I have a ton of things to do today, but they are all things I actually want to do! I hope the rest of the day goes so well as the morning has!
Do I ever have socks! You can wear rainbow-striped or argyle, or even my favorite Smartwools. They're so toasty. Of course, there are three kitties, too, all of whom would love to sit on your feet. I'm putting the kettle on for another cup.