A literotica miracle.


Aug 21, 2000
Mine and Passionee(jenny29/Lady Luscious in chat)'s baby boy was born.

We met here at lit, and we owe this place much for the happiness that he brings.

It was a couple years ago, and i don't know how many will remember us... but i figured if any were left, you'd want to know :)

Druzil Da'Imp
I don't know you but Congratulations!!!

And what a lovely story....:)

Now I know Hanns and I stand a chance ;)

Take care...

Many blessings to you and yours. Remember: Be firm, be fair, be consistant, and say I love you as much as you can.
I remember you both...but i remember Passionee far more clearly. I can still picture her av, and "hear" her cool, calm tones.

My warm congradulations to you both. Truly, there's nothing more awesome in all the world than holding your newly-born child in your arms.

~elbows Muffie back and edits--geeze--what a demanding bitch you can be, babykins. I suppose if you jumped off the roof, i'd have to go too? I can't believe i'm editing spelling errors *into* my post just cuz you told me to.~
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I remember both of you very well. How absolutely wonderful!



*elbows cym* It's congradulations. Chey will be around shortly, we don't want to dissapoint her. ;)
Druzil said:
Mine and Passionee(jenny29/Lady Luscious in chat)'s baby boy was born.

We met here at lit, and we owe this place much for the happiness that he brings...
May you share many, many years of increasing happiness. Congratulations, and good luck.

Enjoy parenthood as they grow so quickly.

Many hugs and thank you for keeping us posted!

Congratulations, Druzil and Jenny!!

What nice news to hear!

Best wishes from Temptress/curious40
always nice to know of two souls that have found each other.

it's congraTulations.. just checked on dictionary.com. Entered both, and congratulations had a definition, and congraDulations suggested the spelling of congraTulations.
vixenshe said:
it's congraTulations.. just checked on dictionary.com.
Psssst...we know. We're fucking with Chey on the spelling thing.
You're new to me too but Congrats anyway. Good news on a Monday's always welcome. Good luck to all 3 of you. :rose:

edited to add an "o".
cymbidia said:
Psssst...we know. We're fucking with Chey on the spelling thing.

Sorry, I was gone for a long weekend and just got back to see THIS! I can't leave the board for even a few days and the spelling goes to hell around here...:D

CongraTulations, by the way!