A lady in waiting (please PM)


who knows?
Sep 29, 2010
"Lady Marisol is not in, Lord Klofner." There was an obvious snub intended as Jessop Klosner had indeed just followed the lady up the stairs to her lodgings only a moments ago.

It was beyond Jessop's station to arrive unannounced, but he was desperate to meet her. His family had earned station, the lady had heritage, a family from old money. He was the ultimate in affrontery - new money, no lineage.

He proffered a card to the servant, though he doubted it would reach the lady. Her servant was pertrified of the object, holding the tray at arms length. Jessop wandered back through the embroidery covered walls, marble columns and rich foilage that all seemed in excess - but were as much a part of the lady's attire as her boustier. Something Jessop dreamed of untying, lace by lace.
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Lady Marisol had been out on one of her adventures pretending to be just one of the many walking the streets, shopping, talking, looking for food or wanting to hire themselves out. She enjoyed being out among the people, especially when they didn’t know it was her. She would dress modestly and where a hooded cloak that covered most of her body and a good part of her face.

This time she got the feeling she was being followed, although she couldn’t really look to see who it might be or if in fact she was being followed. Feeling a bit insecure at this she decided to go on home, she didn’t want any trouble especially if her parents found out she was out and about like this. They would stop her little adventures and she really enjoyed them.

When she was in her room, she took the cloak off and laughed with her maid, telling her all the details of what went on. She even explained she thought someone was following her. The 18 year old beauty, 5’4”, raven black hair, ocean blue eyes and a body a man would die to hold, curved in all the right places, was quite surprised when a servant came up to the door and handed Mary, her maid, a card. Mary giggled, being the same age as her mistress, when she handed the card to Lady Marisol.

“Its from Jessop Klosner, I don’t think I have heard of him. He must have been the man that followed me. Maybe my parents have heard of him.”

That night at dinner she asked her father if he had heard of a Jessop Klosner.
Jessop walked away with so many questions. What had the lady been doing at the bazaar in the first place. If he hadn't believed that he knew who she might be, he would not have travelled so far to confirm his suspicion.

Lady Marisol was well known by those with rank and many with less station that her father. His money was old, generations of his family had prospered, and Marisol was just another precious gift that his family hoarded. She was never seen, really, outside of elegant functions, and even those, usually from a second or third floor balustrade, protected and available to only a few.

Jessop's family had been introduced to money through hard work, something that made his shoulders sing on a hard day. He was 30 now, had an immense head of jet black hair and dark eyes to match. His naturally olive skin was darkened by his days laboring with the rest of those his father employed. When he was a young boy, his father had shown Jessop how to polish stones, a long process of sand and water. It wore out his arms with limited results. But this was to be the foundation of polishing stone for the family and the entrance of their lineage into money.

He had grown strong through the labor of his body and wise with the attentions of his mother, who might have succeeded herself in business, if it were allowed. And while Jessop enjoyed the sight of lady Marisol, he thought her well beyond his attentions, but not his dreams...
Lady Marisol heard only negative comments from her parents about Jessop and how his family came into money. Her parents said he was beneath her station and shouldn’t even be concerned with the young man. Lady Marisol complained she wanted to be able to pick out a young man she wanted, not someone they wanted for her.

Once she was excused from the table, she went up to her room and talked to her maid about another trip, but she wanted her to go with her. She wanted to see who this Jessop person was, so she would go to his house as she was with her maid as chaperone. This way she could meet him and see for herself why he had followed her.

The next morning her parents had left for the weekend to spend it with other friends, which they did a lot. So Mary helped Lady Marisol get ready for her outing, dressing modestly charming. They got the directions from one of the male servants who use to work for the family, but was also told not to go there. They agreed, lying to him that’s not where they were going.

By afternoon, Lady Marisol waited in her carriage as the maid knocked on the door and announced the Lady’s arrival to meet with Lord Jessop.

Jessop was atempting to balance the books again for the growing business, it did not make sense that their family had so little when the business done was so vast among the province. The ink was drying dark on his palm as he scratched numbers again and again to no avail - he would have to ask his father what this meant. He opened the shutters to let the breeze in and breathed in the scent of the jasmine. There was something unfamiliar in their fragrance today, but not unpleasant, not in the slightest.

He heard the door and called off his stewart. It was not uncommon to find business wandering through the residence, modest as it was, looking for his father. He was prepared for almost any visitors, except for the lady at his door.

Jessop opened the door and marvelled at the quiet beauty before him. She looked a vision in white, her carriage having conveyed her in pristine fashion, her maid dutifully announcing her presence to Jessop at the door.

"If you will follow me to the library, Lady Marisol, I will find him at once!" He led the lady into the sitting room, there were books, but nothing on the order of her estate to be sure. He was embarrassed, flashed out the side door and ran to his handyman Alexander for assistance. After arranging for a few refreshment to be brought in by the cook, he scrubbed at his hand and tugged at his meager shirt while looking for his finest apparel. He would either look a fool or a foolish man, and he preferred to be a man!

Once properly cleaned and ready, he walked back into the room and offered his hand to the lady, "Lady Marisol, I am utterly astonished and humbled by your presence. Please forgive the surroundings, and pay NO attention to the bumpkin you met when you arrived." Had he winked any more directly, she surely would have called him a fool.
Lady Morisol smiled when he winked at her and replied, “Thank you for having me on such a short notice. Your home is quite modest but very nice. “

She walked around the room, looking at all the books and realized he must be a very educated man, which excited her.

“I was given a card with your name on it and came by to see why it was left there for me? Was there something you needed or wanted from me.”

She eyed his handsome looks and well behaved manner in which he spoke to her. She was already smitten by his charming looks, his strength and his deep sensual tone of voice. She knew he was older than her, but didn’t know how much older. There was a lot she didn’t know about him and that was the real reason she came by.
"Forgive me lady, for a moment I was caught up in listening to you speak and may not have captured every word. Yes, I did happen ask that my card find it's way to you just yesterday. I had stopped, hoping for a moment to speak with you, but you were not able to take my call. It was presumptuous of me to expect to see you upon my arrival. I gave no notice." He watched her eyes move about the lodging and wondered what she must think of the warm room. It was nothing like her own home, the tones were darker, wood laden and fragrant from the scent of the well oiled grain.

He did not feel small in her presence, though he thought he must or be mad. This was not a casual visit, but the lady Marisol herself. He had not even offered to keep her hand. But her visit was certainly not announced for many reasons. His parents would take charge and he might never have the opportunity to speak to her as he was now.

"Forgive me Lady, but a greeting is overdue." He took her hand and brought it toward his lips, careful not to touch the back of her gloved hand.
“Oh say no more, your home is very nice and it wasn’t like you had any warning was going to stop by.” Lady Marisol replied with a smile especially when he winked.

She looked around the room, noticing all the books which meant he must be an educated man. She definitely approved of that and he was quite more handsome than she had thought he would be. She was also glad to see that he was perhaps a bit older, but nothing like the men that her parents were trying to fix her up with.

The refreshments were brought in and she thanked him for that as they were pretty parched from the ride over.

“Lord Jessop, the reason I stopped by here as your card was left at my home. I did not get a chance to see you, but I had wondered why you had come to see me, or was it strictly for a visit?”
Jessop paused before answering, wondering why she had come with such haste to his home, when a formal introduction was more proper and certainly her Mother would have been speaking for her. Perhaps it had been her that he had seen.
"Well, MiLady, that is a delicate matter, one I fear I might overstep should I misspeak. I happened upon someone at the bazaar that reminded me of you, and stopped by your home to pay my respects. I've never had the pleasure of meeting you, despite our families business dealings, I suppose I took advantage of the circumstance. Please forgive my intrusion on your home."

He had watched her, not quite as carefully as he wanted, watching her was as distracting as it was telling. But she gave no hint. Perhaps she was innocent of any misleading...
“Why Lord Jessop, I’m very flattered that you thought of me. I have heard very little about outside the walls I live, it is nice to know that I am thought of.”

Lady Marisol was quite impressed with his honesty in the situation and with the handling of her just stopping by announced.

“Actually, my parents are away with friends, so I took it upon myself to see who had come calling for me and left their card. It is good to meet you finally. These refreshments are heavenly. She took a sip of the drink she was given and then added. “We are having a spring festival ball at my house next Saturday, I would be honored if you would be my escort for the ball. If you have plans, I quite understand.”

She looked at him and smiled, hoping that he would accept, even knowing her parents wouldn’t be too happy. She didn’t care, she liked him and wanted to get to know him better.
jessop's mind raced with his pulse. She had indeed invited him to the event of the year, but had he heard her correctly? Her escort? Most of the county dreamed of attending, some spending a year saving for their attire. The Lady did not seem to be disingenuous and any delay in responsed seemed to say he was hesitant to accept.

She turned, perhaps confused be the silence following her offer. It only caused him more consternation as the flowing fabric of her gown twisted sensually around her leg, exposing her thigh.

"Lady, I would love to accept! Are you certain this choice would be acceptable to your family? I do not want to cause you issue with them?"
“I’m sure once I’ve told them that I have met you and your family, they will be very happy to know hear I’ve invited you to escort me to the ball.” she said smiling at him, seeing the hesitation in his eyes calm once she let him know her parents would be happy for her.

“Now I’m going to have to leave and get some errands run, but if you would like to come for tea in the middle of the week, please call ahead and then we shall visit. There are lots of details I have to address for the ball and I can go over some of them with you during the week.”

With that she stood up as did he, and she held out her hand to him.
He was anxious to take her hand, as he knew it's warmth from their greeting. The soft silk of her glove did little to hide the slenderness of her fingers. There was the faintest of pulse that could be discerned through the touch and he gave himself over to that moment of connect, it concluded as it had begun.

She walked through his doors, out an on her return to her home. He had not responded, and quickly called for one of his father's men. The man was dressed for work, not for an errand, but Jessop refused to let the opportunity slip by. He penned the message as it's messenger waited to make it's delivery.

Be it presumptuous or not, to accept you invitation so quickly, I hasten to respond and hope to secure a moment with you this coming week.

I have business to attend nearby (he would find some business by then, if he was able) on Tuesday of this week. If noon is acceptable, I would gladly look forward to the pleasure of you company yet again.

I look forward to meeting your family.

You absence in my home is already felt,


The man left directly. If she was not travelling home quickly, he might arrive prior to the lady with Jessop's offered message. He looked forward to her response.
When Lady Marisol returned home she was surprised to see Lord Jessop’s messenger waiting for her return. She took the message he had for her and read it, smiling after words. She then wrote a message to him and handed it to his messenger to carry it back.

Lord Jessop

I am flattered by your quick return on my invitation. My family and I will expect to see you, Tuesday at noon. We will have a nice lunch outside in the rose garden. I look very forward to seeing you again.

Sincerely yours


After the messenger left, she went upstairs to her room and had her maid run her a bath. The day had turned out to be better than she could hope for. She now had a luncheon date Tuesday and an escort to the ball on Saturday. Now she just had to make sure her parents knew how important this was to her.

“Your bath is ready miss,” Mary, her maid said and helped her out of her clothes and into the tub.

Mary lay back and closed her eyes, wondering what this knew man in her life would bring to her life. She took a long hot bath and even had Mary help her wash and rinse her hair.

When she was through, she told Mary she was going to lay down and wake her when her parents got home. She couldn’t wait to tell them.
Jessop was pulling in the lasrt of the horses when his reply returned, it was placed on a tray near thew door while he cleaned up from the road dust, dampening the smell of animals from his skin before settling by the fire with Lady Marisol's reponse.

He read the note twice, before looking at the strokes of her handwriting again, the carefree curves that reminded him of her figure, the free flowing movement of her pen across the paper, just as she had glided across his floor. Her message was clear and it reminded him of her eyes.

He walked through his parent's home, closing shutters against the night, watching the stars blink through the darkness. He stopped at the uppermost floor and sat on the window ledge for a time, his gaze leveled at the distance between his home and that of the lovely Lady he would see in only days.

Jessop thumbed through his clothing - what would he wear for this meeting, to impress the lady and her prestigious parents. He did not even give thought to the ball. If their meeting went askew on Tuesday, he would have no reason to worry about the ball.

He tugged at his clothing as he prepared to wash and retire. He would not sleep well, but he welcomed the moments he would spend in thought of his reunion with the Lady Marisol.
When her parents came home that day, her maid had woken her up and she had a long talk with them. After some hesitation and a little pleading on her part, letting them know how much this meant to her, they agreed to meet Tuesday. After that meeting they would let her know about the ball, but she smiled, sure that they would see what a kind man and such a good looking one at that.

Tuesday morning came and Lady Marisol had her maid running circles around her, helping her with the bath, then fixing her hair. By the time it came to pick a dress to wear, the poor maid was yawning already.

“Oh Mary, go down and get us a little snack, it’s several hours before he will be here and maybe that will help you wake up. Go on, I’ll keep looking at these dresses.”

“Yes Mam,” Mary said and as soon as she left her mother came in with a silver necklace with a sapphire teardrop hanging from it.

“I thought if you’d wear that pretty blue dress you have, then this necklace would go beautiful with it. It will make you sparkle all over, although you do any way. I can see how excited you are, but please try and go slow and remember we are just looking out for you.”

“Thanks mother, would you put it on me?”

So her mother put the necklace on her and helped her into the well fitting blue dress that had white ruffles around the skirt and the bodice pushed her breasts up, and sleeves worn on her arms not shoulders. They looked together for a pair of blue heels to match and then her mom had her look in the floor length mirror.

“I told you it would make you sparkle, now I better get ready myself and make sure you’re father is ready to greet this new friend of yours.”

With that her mother left the room and Lady Marisol waited anxiously, talking to Mary as she waited, for Lord Jessop to come for lunch.
Jessop was a mess on Monday, he couldn't keep his mind on business, couldn't spend his day thinking of the lady, but the Lady was on his mind when he least expected it. He thought he saw her behind the barn, at the bazaar again, at the stable with the horses... he really was unable to stop placing her everywhere.

He had mentioned the date to his parents and they had burst into activity. A new tailor was called, that they could not afford, new shoes were started for the three and his father had a twinkle that surprised Jessop. He had not expected the frenzy, but he had gotten it just the same. Now that the day approached, he was having difficulty completing any tasks.

It was just lunch, but he was fitted in finery, better than he had ever seen on his father. And while his mother and father looked well enough, they had lavished the majority of their coin on Jessop. He stared at the tooled boots, nothing elegant, but rich and dark. His vest was heavy with embroidery, not outlandish, but classic, understated and a step or two above his station.

When Tuesday approached, he waited until the last moment to dress, he had no intent to foul his clothing. The day was dusty and dry, but Jessop did not notice, did not care. His lunch was to be had, and the lady Marisol his company.

As they approached the home, there was a trail of servants on the dirt road, carpets had been laid to the road to protect shoes and the hall into which they entered. There was a echo as each laid down their own patterned steps to the gathering of Lady Marisol, her maid, a few other servants, and Marisol's mother and father.

"Lady, you do me an honor with your invitation." He took her hand and properly kissed the air above it. He felt a squeeze against his hand as he had taken it. Jessop took Marisol's mother's hand in the same manner, though the reaction was less than encouraging. She allowed it to lay as a dead fish in his gloved palm.
“I’m honored that you have accepted my invitation.” she says as he sweeps a kiss over her hand. She notices him do the same for her mother, yet can tell her mother is very stiff. She should have had a better talk with her mother about this visit, she thinks to herself.

“We are having lunch in the rose garden, it is beautiful there.” she says and takes his arm, guiding him thru the house and outside to the patio in the middle of the rose garden.

“Isn’t it just so beautiful? And some of the fragrance of the roses are so divine.” she says as she shows him several of her favorite roses, one especially a white rose, that has a fragrance unlike any other.

While the two are looking thru the garden, Lady Marisol’s mother guides everyone else to the table that has been set up for the luncheon. The servants come out filling all the glasses with ice tea along with a smaller glass of water.

“You two, I think you need to sit down, lunch will be served soon.” Mrs. Marisol says, more in a commanding tone than sweet.
Jessop was confounded when he saw her attire, so simple, yet ultimately elegant, the gentle sweep of her hair, the perfection in the flow of her gown, the brilliance of her jewels, only surpassed by her smile. Smitten as he was, and certain it showed like an emblazoned shield in his demeanor, he did not try to hide his fawning.

She was speaking again, to him as it turned out, about the flowers he mused. Yes, they were lovely, smelled intoxicating, but the thick fragrance was nothing compared to this sweet lady by his side. As she had taken his arm, he felt a gentle urge to wrap her up, something he held himself from for the moment. He did not know how long he could be expected to hold court with her, when all he had thought about since she left his home was how soft her lips appeared, what they might feel like against his.

Her mother broke the reverie effectively by calling them to the table. Jessop moved only as she moved, with slow deliberate steps, delaying the arrival and prolonging their contact. Jessop noted the look her mother gave the lady as he returned her to her rightful place. Parting their touch, reluctantly - eye on one another, flirting with disaster.

"Forgive me, all, for withholding the lady's company from your luncheon. She had me quite captivated with the botany of the garden." He smilled with deferrence to Lady Marisol, hoping to take the blame for their delay in reaching their eventual goal.
“Oh don’t blame him, mother, I wanted to show him our lovely roses. That was the whole reason for eating outside in the rose garden.”

“Fine…now that you’re at the table we should be served lunch fairly soon.” Her mother said, almost as if in a hurry to have this over with.

“Excuse my mother, she’s not use to having company,” Lady Marisol said, giving her mother a look that let her know she wasn’t happy with her comments. Her mother knew very well how much she had looked forward to this afternoon and her mother needed to give him at least a chance.

“My mother was good enough to plan a wonderful luncheon,” she said sweetly smiling at her mom. “We are having a fresh garden salad with small shrimp in it. Then we will be having a variety of delicious finger sandwiches, some ham, some beef and some turkey with bacon on all the sandwiches. They are very filling and Don, our chef, has been working all morning on them. He’s also prepared a fresh green bean casserole to go with that.”

As she told them about the food they were going to have, all were smiling as well as commenting on how good it all sounded.

“I think the dessert is the best thing we our going to have. It is my favorite. He makes these little cakes and on each one there are a dozen or more cut up fresh strawberries sitting in a very thick heavy cream. It’s very rich, but tastes delicious.”

She was looking at Jessop when she spoke, her eyes were sparkling and her smile was from ear to ear.

“So why don’t you tell us a little more about yourself, Lord Jessop,” her mother asked, practically interrupting Marisol’s description of the dessert.

As she was speaking two servants came out pushing a cart with the salads on them. They started handing them out.

“Finally the food, I’m starving,” her father finally said, chuckling a bit which helped loosen up the tension that seemed to be in the room.
Jessop picked up the conversation, hoping to enlighten Marisol's mother and father as to his work.

"Frankly, it is fascinating work, the business that my family built." He saw a noticeable blanch in Marisol's mother as he clearly pointed out that they were working class. "I've learned a lot from my father about the geology of rocks and how to cut slabs of semi precious stone, such as the tile in your entry. It takes a steady hand, skill and knowledge of the creation of your quarry to get the best and largest cuts free. It's painstaking, but a good crew can pull enough stone for the floor in the room in less than 4 days. When my father brought me into the stone works, it might have been 10-12 days to accomplish the same task."

Jessop realized he was rambling, and despite the ardent gaze of the lady, he saw the boredom and little less than tolerance in the eyes of her parents. Her father was quite comfortable, but then he might have been on his chamber pot for all the expression he returned.

"Lady Marisol, the luncheon is overwhelming, my thanks to you and to your parents for offering your table. I have brought a gift, which is standing in the entry. I do hope it will be something that will reflect my gratitude for your company and hospitality."

He plucked a shrimp from his salad and ate it with a slowly growing sense of delight. The food was beyond his normal fare, and he intended to give into the luxury, before he risked being tossed onto the street.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying the food, it is especially delightful.” she said with a smile. “You’re work sounds fascinating also, it’s something I never gave much thought as to how the tile floors came to be. Now I have learned from you and you are a remarkable person to work so hard at something that turns out so beautiful.”

“Yes it sounds like a lot of hard work, of course hard work never hurt anyone,” her father finally said, still expressionless, although at least listening to the conversation.

There was small chit chat going on as they ate their meal, complimenting the cook about how good everything tasted. Then the two servers brought the dessert out on a cart.

“See Lord Jessop, didn’t I tell you it would be delightful and it taste’s scrumptious. I don’t think I’ve ever had cream as thick and delicious as what our chef makes.”

All ogled the dessert as it was being handed out and once they started eating it, there were many compliments on it’s taste.

“So what surprise do to you have for me? Or do I have to wait until you show it to me?” Marisol asked, looking directly at Jessop.

Both parents looked up and then were looking at him for his response, they too were wondering what he had brought to his daughter.
Jessop pulled a leather pouch, the size of his hand from the inner pocket of his coat. He had intended to gift this to the lady when they were in less formal surroundings.
Pulling the leather strings he opened the pouch and carefully removed the contents, wrapped in a soft cotton cloth.
"It is not extraordinary to find an item such as this, but it's existence is not it's favor." He took a moment and weighed the potato sized object in his hand. " When excavating. It's not abnormal to find an object such as this one. He took the wrap from what appeared to be a stone and removed a sharp edged small hammer from the same pocket as the cloth covered rock.
"Forgive me, but to show what this contains, I've scored this so it will break along the seam. I do hope it does not shatter, if so, I will pick up each and every fragment - that is a promise!"
He did not see any relief in the eyes of anyone at the table and decided to execute his task quickly, rather than wait. He struck the rock expertly in his palm, watching the mix of fascination and distrust pass through lady Marisol's mother and father's eyes.

The geod fell apart as if by magic, the fractions of light caught the interior crystals and the object caught a light of fire from the noon sun.

"This is naturally forming, but not the present, indeed, it is more the explanation than the gift. Please excuse me."

He strode down the hall and returned with a servant in tow. The man placed a trio of wood that was tied at center and spread the wood legs to form a tripod of feet and three supports above.

"Here is my gift." Jessop pulled open the wooden box he had carried and set it on the table.

"As you look at the stone that was broken. You will see that the crystals form to leave a void in the interior. When you carefully polish this stone from the outside, you can break open and destroy the crystals beneath. But polished slowly, you can see the inner working of the world of this rock.". He placed the polished geode onto the stand and it's clear cover looked painfully thin, exposing the world of the rock to the light in it's own encapsuled universe. Light refracted from every surface - the lady's mother gasped and looked away. Her father seemed fascinated.

"I've attempted to polish these stones for four years. This is my first success. -'d be very much in your debt if you would accept it as a token of my thanks."
Marisol didn’t care that her parents were listening with half and ear between the both. Although later, in private, she would tell them how rude they had seemed and were not doing what they had agreed to do, giving him a chance.

Marisol found his story of the stone very intriguing and she listened and watched closely.

Each step he took, she could tell he was very experienced and had spent a lot of time on this. Which gave her the impression that he would spend just as much time with whatever he did, including escorting her to the ball.

When he had to hit the stone to open it, she leaned closer to it so that she could see what he was doing. The scent of her perfume drifted his way as did her intense look at what he held in his hands. She watched him set it up on the tripod, which looked like he had taken time in building that as well. He seemed to be very good with his hands and thoughts of his hands on her seemed to float to her mind.

“That is so exquisite, I am in awe of what you have done and how much this gift must mean to you.” she finally said as she looked at the workings of the inner rock. “It is truly beautiful and I shall treasure it always.”

She looked at him with her eyes brightly gleaming with happiness. That he had gone to such lengths to give her a gift, a very valuable gift to someone he hardly knew was, had shown her more than he would know. Now more than anything, she wanted him to be her escort to the ball.

They all admired his treasure, although it was now given to Marisol. After some chattering back and forth, the time was growing late and Marisol thought her parents would bring up the ball, but so far they hadn’t.

“I do hope you are still going to escort me to my ball,” she finally said, not looking at her parents, who now sat with their mouths hanging open just a bit. “The ball starts at 8:00pm but I would appreciate it if you were here before that time. That way you could help me greet our guests. Will that be able to work for you?”

Her parents didn’t say a word, now that they had been put on the spot, they couldn’t very well embarrass their daughter or themselves by not giving their permission to the young man.
He was so engaged in the exchange with Lady Marisol, that Jessop did not recognize, perhaps willfully ignored, the lack of enthusiasm of her parents. He had made the gift to her, and as she had leaned in his direction, it was not only the scent of her that collected in his mind. He had allowed his vision to stray to her cleavage. It was not the erotic sight that left him shaken, it was that she had recognized his falter and though nothing less of him in response. Jessop considered apologizing, knowing that if he offended her, his family might well bear the blame as well.

Then she had mentioned the ball.

"Lady, I am honored that you would consider me. I would be delighted to escort you, your company is a pleasure I cannot seem to partake in enough.
I will be at your bidding for the day, should you require anything at all." He had not expected it, but for a moment the thought of her preparing for the ball took over his imagination. His thoughts were of assisting her in dressing, which he banished from his mind for the return home. Jessop had control for the moment, but wondered if he must spend his life pushing back his baser instincts.

The luncheon ended just as it had begun, but though the lady escorted him to her door, her parents now were at her shoulder, rather than down the hall. He could not take a moment now to express his regret for his earlier actions.