The lady has it all


Jul 20, 2022
Victoria Pemberton was the first to enter the British Airways flight from London to Nice, courtesy of the VIP card belonging to her husband, Gerald who followed behind her. These special cards weren’t the reward for miles travelled or pounds spent but ones handed out to royalty or very occasionally celebrities to ease their passage through busy airports.

For those that were neither royalty nor celebrity they could be bought by 'person’s of merit’ for an exorbitant fee. And this is how Gerald happened to be in possession of one, bought for him by the mid sized London investment bank of which he was chairman.

Victoria hated short haul flights, ever since they’d done away with first class. The flight would be a couple of hours of poor service and mediocre food followed by a one hour transfer to the hotel in Monaco. At least they would be staying at the Hotel de Paris. It was one of Victoria’s favourites even though it would be full to capacity during the F1 Grand Prix week.

It was the first year that Gerald’s company had taken an active presence at the event, entertaining high value clients on a yacht hired specifically for the occasion and moored in the harbour alongside the circuit. It was a sign of the times and an indication of where the money was these days. New money wanted to be seen which Victoria thought a rather vulgar concept, but it was what it was. Victoria didn’t really care for motor racing but the gala balls and fashion shows interested her and so the trip was not without merit.

She eyed the pretty cabin attendant enviously as she distributed hot towels. In her youth Victoria had been a beauty and although still beautiful, at thirty nine she knew she no longer had youth on her side. Gerald, her senior by ten years, had aged gracefully. He’d not tried to cling on to his youth like she had but accepted his fate. It was easier for men Victoria thought to herself.

As a young debutante Victoria (or Lady Victoria by birthright) could have married anyone she’d wanted. But her family had wanted her to marry Gerald and so she had. He’d come from excellent stock, his family owning significant swathes of land in Scotland and Lincolnshire, while her own who had been reeling from the effects of inheritance tax on their wealth had been left with little more to their name than their titles. The marriage had restored her blood line to its rightful place in society.

Soon after they'd been married Victoria had dutifully borne Gerald a son, who was now at university. She’d been a loyal and supportive wife to her husband and they’d made a good team, standing the test of time when many others hadn’t.

But after twenty years of marriage, nobody could blame them for letting things go a bit stale. Their sex life had tailed off gradually, almost imperceptibly over a number of years and now it was a shadow of what it used to be. It frustrated Victoria and worried her too. She had the body of someone much younger and the need to put it to good use. But she also felt that if Gerald wasn’t interested in her then who or what might he be interested in?

Gerald had been on the phone the whole time since leaving their London home that morning. If it wasn’t about the Bank’s presence at the race then he was talking to the land agents about problems on their Scottish Estate or setting up the old boy’s reunion at the Public School he’d spent his youth at. She was glad when the announcement came over the tannoy telling people to buckle up and turn off their devices. She’d wanted to tell Gerald to buckle up for the last two hours but had held her tongue.

As Gerald turned off his mobile she asked, "Are you finished dear?” placing her hand affectionately on his,
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Gerald had done well out of life. Born into wealth and position' things had come easily to him and he developed a natural air of confidence and entitlement. This had served him well as his career had advanced to his current position as head of a London Investment Bank. He felt as he approached his fiftieth year his life was somewhat at a crossroads.

It had been something of a wild youth that had been enjoyed by Gerald and it was not until the age of 29 that he had settled down with Victoria. He knew he owed so much to her. He had been in danger of throwing his life away on drink, drugs, gambling and women yet she seemed to see something in for him for she accepted his invitation out and immediately through her immaculate ways of diplomacy and persuasion set him back on the right path. She was beautiful and he became besotted with her. She knew exactly the ways of a dutiful wife which a man in his position needed and should expect.

Gerald had spoken little with Victoria about his earlier years and they rather reached an unspoken agreement that it was all in the past and not to be mentioned. Gerald was never able to forget how when they first made love, Victoria lay back and pulled her pussy lips gently apart whilst Gerald applied a lubricant to his manhood before pushing hard against her vaginal entrance. He entered her and ever so gently pushed in and out, gently fucking her pussy which was so very tight. He held as long as he could, which was not very long, before he lost control and released his sperm inside her in his act of love. He has always assumed that she was a virgin and that has always been a source of immense pride to him.

His wife was beautiful, Gerald knew that and has always remained beautiful. As years rolled on though and his desires waned Gerald began to wonder if he was enough. In the end he told himself that he couldn't be and that Victoria was so understanding out of her duty and support for their marriage. He wanted her to be happy though and didn't want her to have regrets in her life. It was true he had given her financial stability and an excellent lifestyle but there should be more to life than that. There needed to be emotional and sexual fulfilment.

He answered her, 'Yes I am finished Victoria. I am sorry to rather ignore you like that but there were some things I just had to get done. I feel though we need to have a little chat about things and how we best might enjoy our holiday' said Gerald in answer to Victoria's question. She had been as understanding as ever but Gerald felt that now was the time to grasp the nettle and set their lives on a new path.

'Perhaps after dinner we can have some quiet time together' he further explained to her.
In recent times Gerald had found himself imagining Victoria with other men and women. He had taken such interest to the use of internet porn and watching scenes of husband's looking on as their wives were ravished by others, often much younger. He found the fantasy and watching gave him a far firmer erection than he had when he did have sex with Victoria. He wondered about Victoria though and what she felt about the prospect of sex with others in controlled situations. Would she enjoy it and particularly given that to his knowledge she had never been with a man other than him? He intended to find out. He would do so cautiously for he did not want to ruin their time away or think that his feelings for her were other than complete love, albeit his style of love.