A Game For Devil Spawn.


Polymorphous Perverse
Apr 9, 2002
We are going to play 20 questions. (Since you have about 20 left to get an av)

I am thinking of an animal. It is larger than a breadbox.

You may ask me questions about it that can only be answered with a YES or NO.

You ready?

No, it's not a monkey. Try to establish more facts about physical features. You were going in a good direction.... :D
superlittlegirl said:
No, it's not a monkey. Try to establish more facts about physical features. You were going in a good direction.... :D
Sorry, had to change that when I realized it was bigger than a breadbox.
Oh goodness, this is getting silly.

No, it is not a newt or a giraffe. It does not live under water.
Yes, it can be found in North America! (Though not exclusively)

Good thinking, with the geographic specificity!
Okay... so, is it a bear???:) :D

P.S. Thanks for your help. You're awesome:rose: . And so is Liontamr:rose: .