A fluffy wish list

A Desert Rose

Simply Charming Elsewhere
Aug 16, 2002
With only 91 days until Christmas and only 86 days until my birthday, I thought it might be time for us all to be thinking about shopping early. You all have birthdays, too and things you would like to recieve.

I, personally am a year-round-Christmas and birthday shopper. I keep my eyes open for sales and gift items whenever I am shopping and store them in my sewing room closet until the holiday arrives.

I have posted my first wished for item. I am sure you have certain little gifts you desire, too. Please feel free to post your wishes here. Maybe one of Santa's elves will be lurking here some night in the next 91 and get your hint.


P.S. this is just the beginning of my wish list. I will have more.....So please post often as you find that one more thing you can't live without.
All I want for Christmas

is to move from Connecticut back to the Pacific Northwest to be with my slave, proud stallion.

Re: All I want for Christmas

Ebonyfire said:
is to move from Connecticut back to the Pacific Northwest to be with my slave, proud stallion.


I hope your wish is fulfilled Sis. :rose:
I want to move back south...

I want books,lots of them...

A day of quiet...

A lot more toys...

A gameshark and RE 0 for the gamecube...

Just one face to face visit with a certain lit poster...

For the kids to magically be good for a whole day...

And most importantly,I dont want to have an argument for one whole day.

If you see santa,please give him my list. ;)
All I want for Christmas

is for this to happen for you, Eb.

Ebonyfire said:
is to move from Connecticut back to the Pacific Northwest to be with my slave, proud stallion.


All I want for Christmas is for a particular person to drop off the face of the earth. My life would be so much more peaceful.

in lieu of that:
a Dom
a truck, anything as long as it runs
some extra money to buy myself some new clothes
a real Dad for my son
don’t need all of them , just one would be nice
lost said:
All I want for Christmas is for a particular person to drop off the face of the earth. My life would be so much more peaceful.

If santa can do that,let me know.

It'll be on my list for next year.
Happiness, peace, serenity and joy - just a few of the little things in life.

Eb, I feel for you. I had to spend a year in Connecticut hell too. I hope you can move back to the best coast. ;-)

Oh, I would also like about $1000 worth of dermatology procedures, but that's another story.
lost said:
All I want for Christmas is for a particular person to drop off the face of the earth. My life would be so much more peaceful.

I am feeling this way this morning, Lost. I am about to say a rosary after that same issue.

aka Miss Cute Pissy Bum
Re: All I want for Christmas

A Desert Rose said:
is for this to happen for you, Eb.


Thank you sweety. Remember, Mi casa, su casa.

the move is in the works!

NemoAlia said:
Wait, Rose, do you want the outfit? or the girl?

I'll take which ever she doesn't want.

(It's not for me, it's for someone else, honestly ! :))
Santa can bring me all kinds of things. This will do to start with....

Ws shop in the same store, Des

Desdemona said:
Santa can bring me all kinds of things. This will do to start with....


My favorite online one-stop-shopping place.....
Are you really surprised?
I want a remote controlled egg, too.
Desdemona said:
Are you really surprised?
I want a remote controlled egg, too.

Have to admit that I've been wanting one of those for months... someone said I should look at Adam and Eve for better prices than the last toy store I looked at...guess I'm gonna start a gift fund!!
