~~~~~ A fallout in Medieval times~~~~check OOC to join.


Literotica Guru
Aug 4, 2015
We begin as Cathrina smuggles out another group of enslaved women. "The rebellion rises" Cathrina whispered to the group as they made their way to the old capital, Cyrodil. Where a group of 20 Firrans took shelter. Cathrina jumped from a tree and landed on a slaver. Sinking her hidden knife into his throat. She swiftly walked away from him. Into the camp she walked into the inn, hopefully unnoticed. She took a sobbing, naked Firran, woman's hand and walked swiftly, towards the gate, she pushed the woman and whispered, "Go to Cyrodil, others await, rebellion rises" and with that the woman nodded and ran off. She looked at a bounty of herself on the wooded board in town. Ripping it off the wall and throwing it down. "Hey wench! You hungry?! Come here don't be shy!" A man yelled from the doorway of the inn. Cathrina's eyes narrowed and her tail swished and she walked with swift speed until she was right In front of the greasy old fat man. She grabbed the side of his head and bashed it five times into the doorway of the inn. He plopped to the ground. Dead. Cathrina turned around to see herself in front of a man who grabbed both her wrist in a instant. She was caught... Again.
Rakarn was encamped along the borders of Firran territory with a massive war party of his people. Today he wore his leather armor and had his greatsword strapped to his back, he wore the skull of some great swamp beast as a helmet, its skin as a cape, and its teeth and claws as a necklace. He walked amongst his people speaking a word here and there in his native language and bashing a skull that belonged to someone getting out of line here and there. The great beast towered at over seven and a half feet tall with arms as big around as any human's legs.

Once he did his rounds he gathered his most trusted scouting party in his tent and laid out a well made map on a crude table. "Soon we will invade the jungles and drive out the human scum that dwell there, we will free the firran from human captivity and then we will include then in our great army, but first we must learn of our enemy. This is only the first of many excursions into their territory and I will lead it myself. We will travel the waters of this river until we come to this outpost here, we will watch and learn then we will attack it and see what these pathetic, pale men are worth." The men gathered gave their sounds of approval as Rakarn gave then a toothy grin then dismissed them to get ready.

Once the men were assembled on the banks of the small river Rakarn looked over his scouts, wiping mud on to one, adjusting the river weeds on another and so forth until he was sure they would all look like nothing more than natural debris floating along, with that they all moved gracefully into the water and made their way downstream into the jungles and toward the outpost.
Kicking the man in the balls, she jumped over him, and ran out of the camp, she kept running, right until she bumped against a large army of croc men, falling backwards in utter surprise.
The sentries were taken aback, yes, but only for a moment before quickly moving to subdue the intruder, not only were they quite powerful but they were deceptively quick for their size as well. Once Cathrina was bound they led her to a tent that looked like it might be used as a supply tent, full of various kegs and barrels. One rather large crocman tied her to the central support post and blindfolded her before retiring to just outside the entrance to the tent while another went in search of the second-in-command so that she could be questioned.
Cathrina sighed "Seriously?, this is great." She muttered under her breath. She struggled but it was no use.
Eventually a, relatively speaking, slim and short crocan standing at only 6ft. came into the tent a d pulled the bag over her head off, he carried a simple shorts word and handle and wore leather armor like most of the others in the camp. He simply looked at her for a few moments then spoke to her in the common language with a gravely voice, "Who are you and why do you come here? Who sent you?"
"Nice to see you too" Cathrina grimaced. "Nobody sent me, if they did I'd be a whore. I was running from the slavers camp. I'm Cathrina"
"Hmmm...very well, you remain here until Warleader Krios return, he decide what happens to you. We give you food and water." He walked out and two more sentries came in, one bearing a plate of raw meat, bread, and water, the other untied her hands from the support beam but bound her legs to it, he retied her hands in front of her so she could eat. When he fi is he'd that the two sentries back up a distance of 10 feet and waited for her to finish her meal, watching her carefully.
Cathrina did not mind the raw meat, she always ate it to live anyway. Eating very uncomfortablely as the sentries watched her eat. Somewhat filled she stopped eating. "Better then sitting a tree" she muttered. And waited for who ever to come.
Nolean listened intently as one of his scouts reported a gathering army of croc-men gathering at his border. When the scout finished his report, Nolean stayed silent considering his options. The swamp dwellers were a war like people, and Nolean had no interest in starting a war. "Send an ambassador to their forward camp. Offer them gold, women, wine, meat, whatever interests them. I'd prefer to avoid a confrontation." Nolean said quietly, taking a sip of his wine. "Of course Captain. I'll send word straight away." The scout said leaving the captain with a bow.

Nolean took another sip of wine before turning back to the man sitting at his table. "Rexus, you owe..." "I swear it was...!" "SILENCE!" Nolean shouted to the quivering man sitting across from him. "As I was saying before you so rudely inturupted me, you have cost me a great deal of money. You killed three of my bed slaves, as well as two of my men. Then had the audacity to steal all of the gold in one of my inns and try to take a ship. Not only that, but you insulted my rules by coming to my lands unannounced and armed. Frankly I'd like to just kill you and be done with it, but there's no profit in your death. So Rexus, what do you purpose I do in this situation you've placed me in?" Nolean asked, his voice low and deadly calm.

"P-p-please m'lord! It wasn't me! Honest! I was framed! It was me mate... Fredric! Yea, Fredric did it not me! Just let me go, I'll even find Fredric for you! Honest!" Nolean sighed at the pathetic man's whimpers. He snapped his fingers and one of his crew walked into the room. The man's black leather armor distinguished him as a member of The Children of the Damned. The foot soldier gave a polite nod to his captain. "What do you need, Captain?" The man asked, unconsciously rubbing his side as his eyes passed over Rexus.

Nolean smiled at his foot soldier and offered him a goblet of wine. "Tell me... Robert. Your name is Robert, correct?" Nolean asked the foot soldier. "That it is Captain." The man said taking a sip of the wine. "Do you recognize the man sobbing in the corner there, Robert?" Nolean asked refilling his goblet. "I do Captain. That's the man who killed Ronel and Briggie. He also ran a knife into my side. I'm lucky to be alive Captain." Nolean smiled as Rexus realized there was no way out of this situation for him. "Yes Robert. You almost died defending my investments, and I value loyalty. I value it quite highly in fact." Nolean said scribbling a note onto a small piece of paper then handing it to Robert. "Take this to slave master Argorn. He'll let you have your pick of the lot, for no charge of corse. And take this sniveling wretch with you. I'm sure Argorn will know what to do with him." Nolean said with a smile. Robert thanked Nolean and grabbed Rexus, dragging the sobbing man towards the door. "Oh, and Robert?" Nolean said handing the man a blackjack. "Take your time with that one." Nolean said sipping his wine. "Aye aye Captain." Robert said with a smile dragging the sobbing Rexus from the room. Nolean couldn't help a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he heard the sound of Rexus tumbling down the stairs. "Lovely." The captan sighed in contentment taking another sip of his wine.
Lined up in a row kneeling, bound hand and foot, before Rakarn were the surviving humans at the outposts he and his men had attacked, only ten men total, unfortunately this particular outpost had no firran at it for them to take with them. "Five of you will escort the prisoners back by land, there I will decide if they become slaves or food for us. The rest of us will return the way we came, when we get back to the camp we will send men out to meet up with the rest and aid I'm bringing the prisoners back." With that five of the croc-men made the slow journey back to the main camp, the rest moved down into the water to make the quicker journey home.

Once back at the encampment Rakarn was given news of their captive. After seeing that men were sent out to rendezvous with the others he made his way to the supply tent and removed Cathrina's blindfold as he sat down cross-legged in front of her, his greatsword resting next to him. "Do you know who I am, firran? Are you a runaway slave?"
Senren pulled on his purple cloak, the universal sign of a diplomat, with a reluctant sigh. He didn't look forward to dealing with the Croc-men, but Captain Rade's word was law. The half-elf ambassador chose five other men to take with him before leaving the outpost. His small group made their way to the forward sentries of the Croc camp. "Illustrious keepers of the marshes! I, a humble speaker for Captain Rade, beg that you allow me to hold a meeting with your leader. My men and I come seeking only peace, and we can offer you many pleasures to leave our lands in peace!" Senren shouted with his hands held high in a peaceful gesture. He waited for the sentries response, hoping he wasn't about to get a spear through his gut.
"No I have spent my whole entire life smuggling out Firrans. We are people not toys. And as a matter of fact I don't, you know why? I spent my whole life in a tree. And am greatly wanted by the slavers. And then I'm the middle of an escape I run into you guys and am tied up. And now a hear a scout of the captain. Offering us to them." Cathrina looked away.
He grinned a toothy smile at her as he slowly rose to his full height, "I am Rakarn Krios, Chieftain of the Krios Tribe, Warleader of the Crodile people. I am here, on the borders of the jungle lands, home of the firran people to bring them into the fold, to join then with my tribe and that of the Crodile. You will forgive the treatment you are given but the pale flesh use your kind as spies." At this time one of the sentries come rushing I to the tent to inform Rakarn of the ambassador. "You will remain here for now, I will return to continue this conversation soon."

After snatching up his greatsword he gave orders for the ambassador to be brought to his tent, his men to remain under guard in the encampment. Rakarn sat at the desk in his tent and gave orders for a strong, local brew to be brought in, lush fus and skins covered the walls and floor of the tent. "What did you say your name was, pale flesh? And what is the name of the man who sends you?"
"My name is Senren, and I am the humble envoy of Captain Nolean Rade." The half-elf said giving the chief a low bow. "I am here to prevent a war between our people. The captain can offer you wealth, women, food and drink, whatever you desire. He knows of your people's skill in battle and wishes to avoid blood being spilled on either side. What can we offer you that will allow you to move away from our lands, oh illustrious war-chief?" Senren asked with another bow.
"Wait your helping us?!" A bit of hope rose in Catharine. Yet slumped when the ambassador showed up and he left. Cathrina listened in on their conversation. Hearing the ambassadors words. Cathrina screamed, "What are we to you! Nothing?! toys?! Women! You provide women?! I'll cut your throat! Cathrina struggled, wanting to kill.
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Rakarn snarled and waved a hand to send a sentry to the supply tent to silence the firran, he spoke to his fellow Crodile in their native tounge, "Gag her or knock her out, I don't care, but make sure she lives." Then back to Senren in flawless common, "I care not for these things, what I want if for your kind to be gone from these lands. I have united every tribe of Crodile under my rule, I plan on the Firran joining me next until all the beast races are but one tribe with one ruler. If your...Captain, wishes for peace then he will allow me to do so, otherwise there will be blood."

At about this time the ambassador's guards outside might notice a large group of crodile soldiers bringing in the ten beaten humans from the outpost they had attacked. The humans were placed in a strong, large wooden pen like animals and placed under armed guard. "Know that if it comes to war many will die on both sides, but Crodile are strong, stronger than your kind and we will endure and survive."
Cathrina almost banged her head on the post. She was gagged. Some help they were. But yet almost jumped with joy when she heard Rakarn reply to the ambassador. She lead a revolution. There were whispers of her name on the street. Known as "The Hidden Queen" amoung her revolution and on the whispers of the enslaved Firran. She would have no problem uniting under the Croc-mans rules. As long as they were free again. Cathrina not sleeping for months, finally dozed off.
Senren considered his options for a moment before replying. "Captain Rade has grown quite fond of these lands. As well as the people who inhabit the lands." The half-elf said giving a nod towards the gagged Firran prisoner. "The Captain will not leave these lands willing, or give up the many prizes he's gained. But perhaps our two factions could come to an accordance? The Children of the Damned have already proved their combat skill over the Firrans. Why not have us join you instead? Once you've taken the island, with our help of course, I'm sure Captain Rade would only ask a small reward of you."

Senren paused and studied the war chief. Even if the chief was human Senren doubted he could read his facial expression. "Once you take this island, what's your plan to take the mainland? Your swamp ships won't help you to cross the sea. Captain Rade however has his own fleet of sea worthy vessels as well as men who are experienced in sea war-craft. You could deploy us as a type of navy to compliment your army. In exchange for his armies valiant services, Captain Rade would ask to keep his territory as well as the Firran people. In addition he'd ask of you to legalize the slave trades throughout your newly gained lands. Captain Rade would become one of the most powerful and wealthy men in the lands, while you'd become the king. With our help your rule would last for a thousand years. Captain Rade is a terrible enemy to have. A terrible enemy, but a very good friend." Senren said feeling confident he'd made a good offer on his leader's behalf.
"My people know how to build seaworthy ships, many of us are even capable of surviving a swim to the mainland. As for our plans after we take these territories, simply know that there are plans. And what do I care about slave trade? If you are not strong enough to ensure freedom then you do not deserve to be free. I never claimed I would make anyone free, only that all will soon become part of my tribe. If your captain wishes to join us instead of falling under the iron heel of the Crodile boot then he and his men will join Tribe Krios as well as the Firran, I will be accepted as his superior."
Cathrina awoke only to find she slept for a minute. She heard the ambassador "Captain Rade would like to keep his territory as well as the Firran people." Cathrina screamed with rage through her gag. And wanted nothing more then to kill. She took the whole gag in her mouth started to chew. Finally ripping it in half. Nobody noticed from what she could see. Cathrina spoke "I only could've hoped you would have a change of heart. I guess you'll all the same no skin or not. You care none of our people. You're all heartless. We have spent years being used as NOTHING. And you all you care about is wealth and power. And let me tell you. The Firran look up to me. It would be MY decision. And I may be young. But I'm honorable. Unlike anyone else. The elves may help. I can see the croc men will not. Power, wealth. Both of you." Cathrina continued to slowly grind through her ropes with her hidden knife.
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Senren suppressed a smile when the war chief said he'd be the Captain's superior. "I'm sure the Captain would prefer to be on equal footing with you. He has no desire to be a king, at least in any lands besides his own. You need not worry about him usurping your rule. He will follow your laws and orders. To a point. Think of him as a partner, not an underling." Senren said, knowing that Captain Rade would go to war before bowing under someone else's rule.

Senren raised en eyebrow at the Firran prisoner's outburst. He snapped his fingers and her body went limp. "A simple knockout spell. She'll be fine. But I suggest you have one of your men search her. This one is dangerous." Senren said recognizing the woman from wanted poster all around The Damned territory.
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A large hunting g knife was quickly pulled out now, it would be considered a short sword amongst most races, and it was leveled towards Senren's chest. "This is your only warning, you do nothing to my prisoner's ever, you do not use a spell in my presence without my permission. Do so again at the cost of your life. Return to your captain, tell him I will think on this and he will have my answer soon enough. And tell him that Warleader Rakarn Krios has no equal, he is superior to all." With that, two burly Crodile guards stepped up on either side of Senren and grabbed an arm as they led him from the tent then the camp.
Morrigan watched the camp. The croc men restlessly traveled around the camp. Morrigan turned into a small chipmunk and scuttled past the senturies. And chewed into Cathrina's bonds. Once free. Morrigan turned back into her natural human form and put a knock out spell on both senturies. Morrigan turned into a giant white tiger. And then budgeting Cathrina till she was awake and on her back. Running off into the edge of the forest. Turning natural again. Cathrina hugged Morrigan. "Why don't they understand" Cathrina cried into Morrigans arms. Morrigan pulled back and put her hands on her shoulders. "Hey listen, this world is drivin my power and greed now.
we can do this. With or with out them. We will get your Firrans back."
Of course once Rakarn got word of his captive being free he had the two sentries literally torn limb from limb and fed to the camp animals, he then sent out men to tighten the patrols of the area, he would have his captive back and the one who would rescue her. That done he secluded himself in his tent to ponder his next course of action, he needed to figure out just how useful this human would be to him, if he should use him first before ridding the land the land of him or if he should just begin his war now.