A Chance Encounter (closed for Aussie_Wolf)

Troy smiled and watched her then launched himself from the blanket and began to chase her. The problem was she was very nimble on her feet and always stayed just out of reach. Oh if he was really serious he probably could have caught her, but he played the game and every now and again allowed his hands to trail along her hips, or her cute bottom.

They were both laughing by the time she seemed to allow him to 'capture' her, and he grabbed her around the waist and picked her up and carried her back to the blanket and laid her down.

Straddling her he pinned her down and once again kissed her then looked into her eyes. "Hmm no that won't do will it. That is the penalty for potato salad, and I definitely want chicken," he grinned.

Deciding to be a little bold he once again leaned down and kissed her this time deeply, but he allowed one of his hands to come up and massage her breast through her top. He did it slowly and gently, giving her ample opportunity to stop him if he was going too fast and she wanted to knock his hand away.
Squealing when he grabbed her around the waist and picked her up, she clung tightly to the chicken and carefully placed it beside her on the blanket. Her eyes grew wide as he straddled her and pinned her down. There was no way she was going to try to wriggle out of this. She was grinning ear to ear as he leaned down to kiss her gently. They had kissed before, but this one was sweeter, and she was sorry when he broke the kiss.

"Hmm no that won't do will it. That is the penalty for potato salad, and I definitely want chicken," he grinned.

She started to say something, but he leaned down to kiss her again, his mouth less gentle, more passionate, this time. Her heart was already beating hard from running, but now the blood coursing through her body warmed and tingled all the way down to her toes. Then she felt his hand caressing her, moving over her breast as he kissed her and she couldn’t hold back the moan. It seemed as if everything that had happened this morning had been leading up to this moment and she wasn’t about to stop him. She knew that this was what she wanted, who she wanted.

Then, Danae came to her senses and remembered where they were. What if someone came up here and found them like this? Troy hadn’t said whether or not this was a popular spot, but the way it was kept suggested that they weren’t the only ones who knew of this place. She placed her hand on his and pulled it away, but she didn’t stop kissing him.

With the birds singing and flying around their heads, her hands moved up to caress his arms, neither pulling him closer nor pushing him away, simply enjoying this moment when she could be herself and enjoy his kiss, the way his tongue moved in her mouth and slid against hers, how he tasted like a single bite of potato salad.
Troy was a little disappointed when she moved his hand away but as she continued to caress him he had a thought. She wanted him as much as he wanted her, but maybe she was afraid of the spot he had chosen to begin his expression of it.

He wanted to smile but his mouth was busy with other things at the moment. Still he did have to reassure her of something. Reluctantly he broke the kiss and then looked down on her.

"Danae I think you are thinking what I am thinking but you might be scared about the venue," he smiled. "I could try to assure you that in all the time I have been coming here I have never seen another soul, but I don't think that would be too reassuring. There is always that one off chance right?" He rolled off her and sat up beside her and pulled her up so she was sitting beside him.

"So what I propose is this. We have a very pleasant lunch, and if you don't mind I will sneak a lot more of those kisses," he grinned cheekily, "then and only if it is agreeable to you, I will invite you back to my house for a drink. Once there we can see how things go. If nothing happens, nothing happens and we have a pleasant drink and then you go home and we will see each other again. What do you say?"
Her hand came up to fix her hair a bit as she listened to his proposal, trying to pretend she wasn’t flustered by the passion in his kiss. If he had continued, she would have forgotten where they were altogether, but she wasn’t going to tell him that! Her heart was still racing and she took a deep breath as he finished talking.

It sounded like a decent idea, if you could call going to his place and deciding what would happen from there decent. Decent would be going home alone after a kiss. She wasn’t too sure she wanted decent at this point. Maybe when things settled down she would feel differently, but right now…she couldn’t make a wise decision. Anyway, tomorrow they had to work, but they were both adults and that really wouldn't matter. She could just drive home, shower and dress, and head to work. It was hard, but she stopped herself from planning ahead.

Reaching for some plates that had come with the picnic basket, she handed on to him and took another deep breath. “You know, I think you’re right. Let’s just enjoy our picnic and a drink at your place, and see where things go from there. Now, what part of this chicken would you like, all that running around and kissing has made me suddenly very hungry.”

Danae looked up as she realized the double entendre and laughed…”Don’t you dare go thinking twice about that, Troy! I was talking about lunch.” Taking a spoon and the potato salad, she put a spoonful on his plate, “One for you… two for me”. Seeing his expression, she burst out into laughter. “Okay, two for you and three for me, right?”
Laughing he nodded. "Alright you win. More potato salad for you. However I am going to take that back in trade you know," he promised her with a cheeky chuckle.

He then took a piece of breast and looked at her with another cheeky smile, then piled his plate with salad and bread and sat back. He waited until she had finished serving herself then started to eat.

He looked over the city but found his eyes returning to her more often than not. The beauty of the view could still not compare with hers and he found himself drinking in the view of her.

He found himself being caught out staring at her once too often and decided he better cover it up. "So tell me a bit more about yourself," he said. "Have you always lived here or were you born elsewhere?Where you always this beautiful even as a child?"
Settling next to him with her plate full, Danae watched him watching her from the corner of her eye. She was trying not to smile, or to let him know she saw what he was doing, she didn’t want him to feel awkward in any way and, it was actually quite endearing.

She had noticed that he had waited for her before he had taken his first bite, and thought to herself that he always showed such impeccable manners. Since they had first met in the parking lot with her flat tire, and even when they were at his shop, Troy had been nothing but a gentleman. That was such a rare thing these days, and she was getting ready to mention it when he spoke up.

Danae didn’t know whether to laugh or blush, so she did both as she answered his second question first. “I doubt I was ever a beautiful child. I can’t imagine looking cute with my hair in pigtails and my front teeth missing.” They both laughed at that image.

“When I was a very little girl, we moved to Bridgewater from Melbourne when dad transferred to here. I don’t remember living anywhere else, and my parents still live there. What about you? I was under the impression that this was where you’ve always lived. Did you go to college here?”

She took another bite of chicken and waited for Troy to tell her a little bit about him. She wondered what kind of child he had been, was he silly, mischievous, bratty? There were so many things she wanted to know about him.
"Not much to tell really," he tried to dismiss her question. He actually hated talking about himself as he got all embarrassed when he did. "I was born here down in McClaren Vale, and grew up all over Adelaide. As a kid I guess you would classify me as the class clown. We moved around so much it was the easiest way of making new friends. Especially for the small chubby kid," he grinned. "Eventually I graduated High school and then entered Culinary school."

He laughed and waved his fork. "Yes I know, it is a long way from the job I am in now, but stranger things have happened. It seems it is not a good time to try to go into cooking during a recession. No one was hiring apprentice's when you could get a fully trained cook for the same wage."

He shook his head and sighed then smiled. "Anyway dad pulled a few strings and got me a job in the mines for a few years fitting tyres. Then I came home and started learning the family business from the ground up and now I run it. My old man is now retired and because of my time in the mines, and the fact I haven't had a steady girlfriend to spend my money on," he chuckled, "I own my house, car and a few toys."
Danae sat smiling as she listened to him recount his childhood as a ‘small, chubby kid’ – she just couldn’t picture it, but it was endearing to her. She was surprised to hear about him going to culinary school – he hadn’t mentioned that when they had talked at the restaurant or when they had been at home.

She finished eating and had just set her plate aside when he talked about his father retiring and how he had taken over the family business. Then, it dawned on her. Family business. Tyres. He wasn’t just an employee, or a manager. No…that couldn’t be.

She held her hand up to stop him.

“Wait…wait….Troy. You said that you learned the family business. That your father is retired. Why are you working at the shop? I thought you were an employee when you came to help me.” She could have continued, but she heard herself and realized she sounded silly.

She was blushing. Why did I have to open my mouth like that. I look so foolish!
Feed him! Give him more to eat, take his mind off of this.

“There’s plenty more potato salad and chicken if you’d like some, Troy.”
Troy chuckled and put his plate down as well and then placed a finger under Danae's chin and turned her head towards him so he could look her in the eyes. "I may own the place, Well actually co own it as my dad still owns about 30%, but I love my job and yes I am just another employee. Sure I am the Manager," he smiled at her, "But I can still outfit all my guys and they know it."

He leaned in and kissed her again, a nice fiery kiss, putting all the feelings he had for her behind it. It lasted several long minutes and when he finally broke away from her he was actually panting a little.

"Besides if I hadn't come to fix your tyre I would never have met you and that would have been the biggest regret of my life," he told her sincerely.
She looked into his eyes as he spoke, knowing that what he said was truth. There was the possibility of never crossing his path if it weren't for her tyre and a desperate phone call. Even if she had called them half an hour earlier, there was a greater possibility of someone else coming out to help her. Would she have met him at shop them?

“I know, and I’m glad that you were there to help me. If you hadn’t… I don’t know what I would have done. I don’t know that we would have ever met, and I think that would be such a terrible thing.”

Danae smiled. All those things didn’t matter right now. The fact was, he came to help her, and she had been thinking about him ever since. It was Danae who leaned in this time, kissing him gently before running her tongue over his bottom lip and nibbling it before kissing him deeply.

She could hear the birds twittering and calling to each other in the trees as her hand came up to stroke his cheek before moving around to the back of his head. With a sigh, she ended the kiss and sat back, watching him, wondering just how far it was to his place.
Troy saw the look in her eye and knew it was mirrored in his own. "You know, I have pretty much eaten my fill and my house is only about a ten minute drive away from here," he said grinning cheekily. "If you wanted to we could save the cheeses and things and nibble on them back at my place while we watched a movie....or did something else," he said looking at her with a lust filled expression.

He wasn't even really waiting on her response as he began to pack things up and clear up their mess.
“I like that idea. Why don’t we do that?”

Danae bit her lip to keep from smiling, then knelt on the blanket to help him pack the basket. When it was finished, he picked it up and stepped aside as she grabbed the blanket to shake out and quickly fold it in her arms.

“Ready?” She asked. They both walked back out to their cars and she placed the blanket in the boot of his car before stepping back. Wiping her hands on her bottom. When he turned to look at her, she stepped close to him placing her hands on his chest as she searched his eyes. She knew that she wanted to be with him. She wanted to make sure he felt the same way.

Smiling, Danae whispered, “I’ll follow you.”
Troy watched her walk before him and loved the way her bottom and hips moved. it might just be the mood he was in but it was very hypnotic and he would have followed her anywhere right then.

As she placed the blanket in his boot leaning over he suppressed a groan and then placed the basket in after her and closed it up turning to her. She came up close to him, putting her hands on his chest and looking into his eyes.

He looked down at her and smiled, his gaze filled with thoughts of what they may get up to and as she smiled and whispered she would follow him he leaned down and kissed her softly. "Then I will make doubly sure not to loose you."

He got in his car and was soon leading her to his place. Luckily from where they were there were not many lights and soon they were moving through the streets of Mawson lakes. He pulled into his driveway and opened the garage doors. He had space for both cars and soon was showing her into his Home. He had brought the basket in and put it on the kitchen bench but led her straight to the lounge and sat down beside her.

"So do you want to finish our picnic here or can I interest you in something else," he smiled as he pulled her in closer and kissed her softly again.
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During the drive over, she kept asking herself if this was what she wanted. He had already said that they could simply have a drink, and she could make her way home; she wasn’t sure what she wanted. She knew that if things continued this way, she wouldn’t be turning him away. Not tonight. But, did she really want that to happen? Would she regret this in the morning? Was it too soon?

They had already spent all night together, albeit clothed. And the time they’d talked and had an opportunity to get to know one another was short, but she felt like she had known him for so much longer. One kiss at a time, that was the only conclusion she had. If it went somewhere, she wouldn’t regret it; if it never happened, that was fine, too.

Danae loved his place, especially the fact that they were here sitting side by side, his arms around her, his lips on hers. She was just as hungry as he was, and neither was interested in food. Leaning into his kiss, she placed her hand on his chest, feeling it beating as fast as her heart was.
As she leaned into him he felt her kiss deepen and her hand on his chest. He increased the pressure of his own lips as he kissed her back, his mouth opening and his tongue thrusting it's way into hers.

At the same time, his hands slid lower and caressed her bottom before picking her up and casually putting her on his lap. He smiled even as they were kissing as he felt her adjusting herself to her new position without even missing a beat.

As for him, his hands returned to caressing her back and slipping into her hair. Finally he broke the kiss and leaned back looking into her eyes. His breathing was hot and heavy and his gaze was filled with want for her. "Last chance to back out gorgeous," he smiled at her. "If we continue I am afraid I am never going to give up on you and you will be stuck with me for a very long time."
She settled herself on his lap, not at all surprised that he had put her there. If felt too right, so natural. The kiss itself, the timing of everything. Even the way his hands had moved from her bottom up to her hair had been sensual, making her lean further in as her head came back.

She moaned in protest as he pulled back from her. "Last chance to back out gorgeous. If we continue I am afraid I am never going to give up on you and you will be stuck with me for a very long time."

Danae looked him in the eye, trying to see into his thoughts… did he want this as much as she did? Suddenly standing up from his lap, she sauntered to the center of the room and turned to look at him. Without a word to break the silence, she pulled her shirt off over her head and dropped it on the floor at her feet.

“I don’t think I can go anywhere dressed like this,” she whispered as she walked back to him and settled herself back on his lap.
Troy's heart had almost stopped beating when she had gotten off him and started to walk away.

She was going...No...This couldn't be happening.

Then she stopped, turned around and pulled her top off and let it slide to the floor.

His heart was jump started and began to beat again at a hundred miles an hour.

“I don’t think I can go anywhere dressed like this,” she whispered as she moved back and sat on his lap again.

Troy was so stunned he didn't react for a second, then a million watt smile lit his face and he kissed her with twice as much passion as he had done before.

His hands now caressed her naked skin, as he lightly ran them up and down her sides and in slow circles over her back. He made no move to unsnap her bra, he was going to take his time to explore every inch of this woman and the couch was no place to do that.

He continued to kiss and caress her until he could no longer contain himself. He easily stood up off the couch with her in his arms, his hands immediately going underneath her delicate behind to support her as without breaking his kiss he began to walk towards his bedroom.
She felt the passion in his kiss as he took her in his arms again, his hands roaming over her body. It made her want to kiss him deeper, if that were at all possible. His hands holding her bottom and her arms holding tight around his neck, he walked to the bedroom with her in his arms, their kiss continuing even as he placed her on the edge of the bed.

Danae moved her fingers through his hair until her hands rested on his cheeks as she started nibbling his bottom lip with her teeth. Then, she broke the kiss long enough to smile up at him and scoot to the centre of the bed, waiting to see if he would follow.

She could see that his eyes were filled with desire and knew that they reflected her own. She reached back and unhooked her bra, letting it fall away to reveal her firm breasts. He was much closer to her now than he was when he had walked in on her in the shower, and she wondered if he liked what he was seeing.
Troy smiled and had to stop himself from rushing. It had been a long time between women and even longer since he had desired someone this much.

He stood at the foot of the bed and quickly shed his shirt revealing his muscular frame. It had a slight dusting of hair on his chest and a few old small scars. It was a working mans body, not a gym junkies. His skin was browned from years of exposure to the sun and he smiled as he scooted up next to her and once again kissed her.

This time he gently eased her down until they were lying face to face on his pillows as his hand roamed up her side and over her belly, slowly getting closer to her breast.

His tongue thrust into her mouth again as his fingers finally danced their way across the flesh of her breast and gently massaged it. He loved how tight and firm it was, while still being just soft enough.

He traced circles around it,gradually making them smaller as he moved towards her nipple. Flicking it lightly, he then rubbed it and circled it with his finger before capturing it between his thumb and forefinger he gave it a little squeeze and started to rub it.
She watched him take his shirt off exposing his upper body. He was tanned and toned and had just a bit of hair that teased her eyes. She had seen all of this earlier, but now they were closer, and intentions had changed making it all the more exciting.

As he scooted up next to Danae and pulled her down beside him on the bed, her hand moved to his arm. She could feel his muscle moving as he caressed her breast gently, slowly.

A little nervous because she hadn’t been with anyone since she had ended the relationship with Michael, Danae was glad that he was taking his time. The longer they kissed, the more her desire burned, and it didn’t help that he continued to tease her nipples until they were tight little buds, hard and protruding as he lightly pinched them.

Pulling away from his kiss, she searched his eyes to see if maybe he was feeling all the emotions she was. Was he nervous? Was he excited to be with her? Did he want her as much as she wanted him? She found the answers in his eyes and, without a word, she leaned back in and licked his bottom lip before kissing him once again.
Troy loved the way Danae made him feel. She did not seem to mind that he was taking things slow or that he was just a little nervous. Still the more they kissed the less nervous he got.

In fact he decided to get a little bold. Leaving her breast he trailed his hand down her stomach slowly. He traced small patterns on her skin as he slowly moved lower, moving from one side to the other, along her sides and down her tummy. He even traced small circles around her naval.

Finally he ended up just above the waistband of her pants and he slipped one finger along them underneath before gently sliding them down her hips and over her bottom.

Moving back to her front he traced the outline of her through her panties and then rubbed her a little before gently easing his hand inside of them and inserting one finger into her and twirling it around.
By the time he had teased her flesh and reached her waistband, she was more than ready to help him get her pants off. He hadn’t been in any hurry to get to them, and the more his fingers stroked her stomach, the more she licked and nibbled at his lips. Tracing his bottom lip with her tongue from one side to the other before taking it in her teeth and pulling gently on it.

Danae lifted her hips when he pulled her pants off but still held his face in her hands as they kissed. Without thinking, her legs spread as he traced his finger along her wet panties and then found its way into her folds. Moaning, she dug her heals into the bed and pushed up against his hand.

She was so creamy as he slowly stirred her that she could just imagine how wet his finger was, how coated it was in her juice. That thought only excited her more. Breaking the kiss, she raised her head and gently bit the side of his neck and then his shoulder, where she started to suck the skin before licking it and, once again, finding his lips.

There was no doubt that she wanted him as much as he wanted her, no question of whether it was right or wrong, too soon – she simply gave in to the pleasure and desire he was coaxing from her.
Troy was amazed at how wet she was. He was also glad. It meant that she wanted this as much as he did and he no longer had any misgivings about what they were doing.

Pushing another finger into her, he slid them in deep and started to move them in and out of her, while curling them upwards. He was searching for that sweet spot inside of her that every woman had, and as he did he continued to kiss her and respond to her loving embrace.

As she moved her mouth down to his shoulders, he did the same to hers, licking and nibbling at her as his passion arose. He even suckled upon her, raising a small red welt that he was glad was in a place that could be hidden. Maybe he had gotten a little carried away on that one he thought as he moved back to her lips.

Still his fingers plunged in and out of her, searching and pressing on the top of her pussy as he sought to give her her first orgasm of their time together.
Each time he pushed his fingers inside, she moaned softly, her hips moving of their own accord, seeking more of him. She thought she simply needed his fingers inside her to stop the ache that had started when they kissed, but it only made her ache more. Instinctively, her hips thrust up hard against his hand as she bit his shoulder. There was no turning back now, she needed him too much.

When her lips found his again, she kissed him deeply, her tongue moving quickly in his mouth in a passionate battle with his tongue. Her hands pulled him close to her, steadying her as she forgot everything except the need that as burning inside her. His fingers delving into her and pressing her sweet spot inside, and the creamy juices covering his fingers.

With an abrupt thrust onto his fingers, she cried out; the sound was caught by his mouth as their kiss continued, her orgasm building until it was pushed over the side. Over and over again her muscles clenched and released his fingers as her orgasm wracked through her. When she was finished, he continued to kiss her sweetly, not once letting go of her mouth.
Troy continued to kiss her deeply as she came down from her orgasm. He no longer thrust his tongue deep into her, but he still dueled with hers, although now it was slow and sweetly. He licked along her lips and nibbled them as he continued to gently insert his fingers inside of her, allowing her to come down at her own pace.

He wanted this woman more than any other woman he had ever been with, but he was prepared to wait until she was ready for him, but as she calmed down more he pulled his head back a little and smiled at her.

"So I hope you don't want to stop here, because there are a lot more things I want to do. However if I am not inside of you very soon I think my life will not be complete."

Troy smiled as he moved down and lowered her panties, taking them off her so she lay completely naked before him and he couldn't help but pause for a second and take in her beauty. Then he quickly shed his pants and boxers, revealing his erect member to her gaze before crawling between her legs again.

He spread them gently and positioned himself at the entrance of her tunnel. Then leaning down he kissed her softly as with a slow but steady push he entered her and thrust deep within her body.