A Chance Encounter (closed for Aussie_Wolf)

Troy was a little surprised and more than a little shocked. He had never expected the date to go like this.He had just been hoping that they clicked and enjoyed each others company, not that they would be tongue wrestling and discussing going somewhere private to continue.

Still he was of a like mind. He wanted her as much if not more than any woman he had ever actually clicked with. She was funny, smart and gave back as good as she got in the teasing stakes. He was actually finding himself falling in love with this woman and it was only their first date.

"I would love that but where would you suggest? You have the car and quite frankly I am willing to follow you anywhere at the moment, be it into the sand dunes or a hotel room," he smiled.
As soon as the words were out of Danae’s mouth, she regretted them. Not because it wasn’t what she wanted – she wanted to be with him more than she would have ever thought. But, she didn’t want him to think that she did this on a regular basis. She’d never had a one-night stand, never slept with a guy on a first date…everything your mama told you not to do. But, there was no denying that she was attracted to him. He must think she was horrible. He would think she was worse if she backed out, but…

“I’m sorry, Troy. Really. I got kind of carried away in the moment, and I wasn’t thinking.” She was stuttering and tripping all over herself. “I don’t normally go out with guys and then suggest that we go somewhere alone and…and…” she couldn’t continue. She had been watching his face, his eyes, trying to read him. Even though she had seen a fleeting disappointment, all she saw now was this man who showed her nothing but kindness and honesty.

At that moment she knew that her body hadn’t misjudged anything, or jumped ahead into something that she would regret. Danae felt a warmth flow over her and knew that he was something special, someone special. Someone she wanted in her life for more than just a night of dinner and tryst in the sand.

“Troy, why don’t we go back to my place. We can start that Three Stooges Marathon we were talking about.” She said softly and then waited for his answer.
Troy's face lit up. Not just because she had invited him back to her place but because they would be watching some of his favorite actors.

"Danae I never believed for one instant that you were the sort of woman that would invite a man alone somewhere to do things with him after only one date. I know how well we have been getting on and I feel privileged that you feel comfortable enough to invite me back to your place. I would love to come and watch the three stooges with you."

Smiling he took her arm again and pulled her in close, then getting adventurous he put his arm around her shoulder and actually cuddled her to him as they began to walk back towards where they had parked her car.
Her head was spinning on the way back to the car. Not just because they were going to go back to her place, but the way he was holding her next to him as they walked. She could feel the muscles around her shoulder, and the way he held her tenderly in spite of his strength. She didn’t say much along the way, but every now and then, she’d look up and smile. They weren’t far along when she put her arm around his waist, her hand hanging on to his shirt. It was intoxicating.

“I’m glad that we came here instead of going dancing, Troy. It’s given us some time to get to know one another better, I think. I love dancing, don’t get me wrong, but there’s no way we could have talked like this at a club.” And no way we would have kissed like this, either, she thought.

Danae pulled her keys out of her pocket. “Did you want to stop and get your car? I can swing by there, it’s not out of the way at all” she said. “You can either follow me, or I can give you the address in case we get separated.” Beep, beep, she unlocked the doors for them as she stood waiting for an answer from Troy.
Troy looked at her.It was tempting to have his own car but he trusted this woman and felt no need to have it. Besides he had lived practically all over Adelaide and knew his way around so could probably get home from wherever they were going by public transport if needed.

"No it's fine. I don't think it will be a problem. the car will be safe where it is until tomorrow and I don't want to miss out on any time with you to be honest," he smiled.

He jumped in the passenger seat and after she had got in and before she started the car he leaned over and kissed her quickly.

"Thanks for offering to go get my car but I think I am in safe hands with you. I am glad we didn't go dancing either but one day I am definitely going to have to take you," he smiled warmly at her.
His kiss was unexpected, but left her wanting more. She liked how he kissed her without trying to take it further. But, then, he had always been a gentleman and she didn’t expect things to change, that’s why she didn’t worry about leaving his car in town while he was at her house.

The drive to her house didn’t take too long, traffic was light and they were headed away from downtown. They talked a bit about things they’d done before, vacations they’d taken, what made it special was the way he had taken he hand and sat holding it in his lap while he traced the back of her hand with the fingers of his other hand. He did that all the way to her house, only stopping when she pulled into the drive.

“Well, this is it.” She stated as she shut the engine off. “Why don’t you come on in and make yourself comfortable.” He followed her up the walk to the front door and into the house. That’s when she got nervous. She had never brought anyone home before after a date…not just at this place, but ever! It was a little awkward, but then she watched as he walked through to the living room and realized it was the right decision.

“Over in that cabinet is the DVDs that I have, you’re more than welcome to look through there. Would you like a drink or something? I can fix it for you, but then I want to go upstairs and change out of this dress, if you don’t mind.” She walked into the kitchen as she talked, then leaned on the counter waiting for his answer. She liked that he was here with her, and she liked that she felt so comfortable with him.
Troy had held her hand all the way to her house and it was only as they were pulling into her driveway that he realized that he had been doing it. It had just been so natural that his body had done it automatically while he had talked to her.

As he saw her house he smiled. It looked a lot like what he was expecting and as she opened the door and he walked inside that feeling only grew. The small touches a person put on a house just seemed to scream her. He walked slowly into her living room and was looking around at some of her photo's when she called out.

"Actually a coffee would be really nice. Just a bit of milk and one sugar please," he called back as he walked over to her collection and started to browse. "I can wait till after you have changed though if you want."

He looked through her collection and smiled at her eclectic tastes. She had as wide a taste as he did, but he finally came to her box set of Three Stooges movies. He pulled it out and set it up next to her DVD player and then waited for her.
Coffee. She was good with that even though she didn’t drink any. Thankfully, her mother had given her a Kuerig as a house warming gift, in hopes that she would have a visitor one day that would enjoy a cup. Not ever had made coffee, it was the perfect gift along with some K-cups! Set everything out on the counter, including a hot chocolate for herself, quietly stealing glances at Troy while he went through her DVDs. She smiled, thinking how cute it was that he was being so thorough.

“I’m going to go change real quick. If there’s anything you need, Troy, please help yourself. There’s things to nibble in the fridge, bottled water…you know. I’ll be right back.” With that she hurried up the stairs to her room. She wasn’t in the habit of closing her door, and she didn’t do so this time. Walking to the closet, she took off her dress to hang and, standing there in her brand new bra and panty set, tried to decide what to wear. She didn’t want to get too casual, after all, because he was still dress in a shirt and trousers. Danae didn’t want him to feel awkward by being overdressed.

She finally decided on a pair of capris and a top. Pulling them on quickly, she went to the bathroom and ran a brush through her hair and quickly brushed her teeth…just in case. With the way they had been kissing at the beach, it wasn’t odd to assume that she might find herself kissing Troy again sometime tonight. Checking herself in the mirror, and pleased with what she saw, thinking he would like it too, she went back downstairs to fix some coffee for him, and put a few goodies on a plate to share while they watched the shows.

Troy had sat down on the couch and gotten comfortable. He had taken his jacket off and draped it over the back of the seat and was admiring Danae's taste in decor when he heard her in the kitchen again and then she appeared carrying two mugs. He smiled at her as he reached up to take the one she handed to him and he expected her to sit down, but she just put hers down and rushed back in to the kitchen to reemerge with some goodies.

He took the time to admire her new look. She looked fabulous. However he would not call it all that casual. Maybe they had different ideas or maybe she was still trying to impress him a little, but whatever it was he didn't care. The dress may have hinted at what lay beneath it, but these clothes showed it off a little more, and gave him a little more of a glimpse at what she had to offer. He blushed a little at the thoughts running through his mind and quickly took a sip of his coffee to hide it.

As she sat down beside him he noticed she did not sit as far away as she could from him, but neither did she cuddle right up to him. Still it was a comfortable distance even though he wished it was right next to him and he could just pull her into an embrace.

"Well it looks like you can make anything look beautiful. First that dress, now these clothes. I wonder what you will show me next," he told her, then blushed as he realized how that sounded. Quickly trying to recover he took another sip and smacked his lips. "This is great coffee," he smiled.

Oh yes that was smooth, compliment the coffee. "Actually I really love what you have done with your place. It is not quite how I pictured it but it is pretty close. Obviously I don't mean exactly but I figured you would have this type of styling and all the homey little touches. I love it. How long have you lived here for?"
Danae had placed the plate of cookies and brownies on the coffee table as she sat down on the sofa next to Troy. She was glad that he had gotten a bit more comfortable while she was gone and that he seemed to be enjoying himself, even if she hadn’t been there to entertain him.

“Thanks. It’s not what I usually wear when I’m home alone, but I didn’t think you’d want to see me in my t-shirt and underwear.” As soon as it came flowing from between her lips, she regretted it! On one hand, it felt so casual with him, like she could just say whatever she would normally say to someone she’d known for years; on the other hand, this was their first date and, not only did she not want to mess things up, but she didn’t want to appear as if she was hitting on him. She blushed and stuffed a cookie in her mouth. This is keep me quiet for a few minutes! Except now, there was awkward silence.

Hurriedly swallowing the cookie, she took a sip of hot chocolate trying not to burn her mouth. “I’ve lived here for about three months,” she said to Troy as she turned a bit on the couch to talk to him. “I’ve tried to add to it a little at a time, little things that speak to me. There’s this little shop I like to stop in from time to time and see if they’ve gotten anything new.” She sounded silly saying ‘little, little, little’ but couldn’t take it back now. Roll with it, she thought.

“I see you pulled out the DVDs, did you figure out which one you wanted to start with? Each one has about 20 of their shows, from different years.” Trying to make small talk on the couch with him only a few inches away was more difficult than she imagined. He was close enough to kiss, and if he reached for her she wouldn’t object. But, that’s not why she had invited him back. She really just wanted to spend the time with him, and she hadn’t been ready for the night to end so soon.
Troy smiled. Danae would have been surprised at his answer to seeing her in a T-shirt an panties. Still he usually walked around in Boxers and a T-Shirt so they would have matched. The good thing was she was just as nervous as he was. Relaxing a little bit more as he came to the realization he listened to her and leaned back as she talked.

Because she was so close he had an urge to reach out and take her in his arms and kiss her like he had done on the beach, but that was not why he was here. He had been invited back to watch movies and no matter how much he wanted to kiss her, it was only their first date and he didn't want to blow it.

"I guess we start at the beginning and work our way through them. I enjoy their early stuff as much as their later stuff.Even when they brought back their brother Shemp and then Curly Joe. However I never really liked Joe Besser, he just didn't seem to fit."

His smile just got wider as he talked to her. It was so easy to do and seemed so natural. It was almost as if they had been friends for years. "So do you have a favorite film of theirs or do you just like them all?"
“I know what you mean. I don’t think any of his are one of my favorites, though many of them come to mind: Woman Haters, Ants in the Pantry, Hoi Polloi, Uncivil Warriors. I can’t think of one that I actually disliked. Some I remember parts, but not the names. I’m trying to remember the name of that one with the horse that ate something hot at the horse track. Then, there’s that one where Curley is singing at a canon, I’m sure it was during the ’42 era.” She stopped, realizing that she was rambling.

The entire time she had talked, he was watching her with a smile. It was hard to guess what he was thinking, but apparently it wasn’t disgust because he was still smiling, right? She got up from the couch and put in the first DVD and picked up the remote, “You’re right, let’s start at the beginning!” When she came back to the couch, she sat down and put her feet up under her, leaning just a little bit closer to him as she drank her chocolate, which was cold by now.

“You know, you’re the first person that has been to my place since my house warming last month. I keep meaning to have a cook out with my friends, but I’ve been so busy with work it seems.” It had occurred to her that the reason she stayed so busy with work was then she wouldn’t have to be here alone, but she wasn’t going to tell him that. After years of living with another human being, it was a little liberating, but strange, to be in a place all by herself. Granted, any mess made was her own, and she liked that, but it when she had an idea, there was no one to bounce it off of, not one to ask how her day was when she came through the door.

Pushing those thoughts aside, she started the DVD.
As she pressed play Troy moved a little closer to her by settling back and pretending to get a little more comfortable. He was enjoying himself immensely which surprised him a lot. He was so used to being on his own that being with her was a welcome change. Ever since he had moved out of home he had lived alone except for the occasional times he had a girlfriend in his life. Really he had only had one that had ever moved in with him and that had not lasted more than six months.

Still he did have people over, but he was beginning to realize that it was not as often as he thought. Just talking to her was making him smile and laugh more than he had in a long time and he found himself not wanting to leave as he was enjoying her company.

He sat back and watched the show. It was great. It started from the 1930's when they appeared with Ted Healey and weren't even big stars. Their first Movie Soup to nuts. Shemp was in this one and even though he was a big Curly fan he didn't mind it. As it played he got closer and closer to her as he reached for a cookie or brownie during the show. Eventually he was right next to her but he stopped there, he didn't want to appear too pushy or forward, but just the feeling of relaxing that close to her on her couch was enough. It felt nice and he was content.

Next time if she was willing he would have to have her over his place. The thought shocked him and then he smiled again. Yes he would love to have her visit his place. He went back to watching the DVD and was soon laughing again at the guys antics.
By the time the third show came on, Danae was totally relaxed and laughing right along with Troy. It was great to talk and share the show with someone who loved it as much as she did. Sitting close to him, though, she was getting a little warm and ended up taking off her shirt, leaving just the tank top on. When she changed earlier, she had decided to leave her bra on, which is something she never did when she was home alone. But, not only was he here, but she had just bought them with this date in mind, and since it was on-going, well…she wanted them on, just in case.

“Would you like something else to drink, to wash down those cookies? Is there anything else that I can get for you?” she asked as she paused the TV before the next show started, standing up to stretch. When she turned to look at him, her heart started racing. She looked so comfortable sitting there on her couch, and she could see herself leaning over to kiss him if she didn’t move away for a few minutes.

Walking over to the sliding glass doors that overlooked her back deck, she saw that the moon had risen fully in the sky and it was the only thing lighting the back yard. Opening the door a few inches to allow some fresh air in, Danae turned back around and grinned. “I know that you must be warm, you can take your shirt off and get comfortable if you want.” Once again, she heard what she said and realized how it sounded. But, maybe it only sounded bad because you have a dirty mind, she scolded herself.
Troy had been getting a little warm but he had not wanted to remove his shirt in fear of offending her. Actually he really couldn't remove it fully as he had nothing on underneath it but he could at least unbutton it a bit.

"Ahh that may be a little awkward," he blushed, "But I may undo it a little. If you have something cold to drink that would be great as well."

Troy unbuttoned the first three buttons on his shirt down to the beginnings of his chest. It did a little to alleviate some of the heat, and allowed the night breeze to wash over his neck and cool him down. He would have loved to have sat there bare chested but maybe that was too much on a first date, but who knew what the night would bring.

The way they had been sitting he would have kissed her if they had been at the movies instead of her place and he wondered why that was. What was it about being in a public place that made it alright to make a move like that but not in a persons personal space? Still if the night continued this way he might still gather up the courage to try.
She stood there watching his fingers unbutton his shirt, it looked as if he was doing it in slow motion, his shirt falling open at the top and showing the top of his chest. Danae felt a stirring of desire and knew she’d better do something, or she would make a fool of herself by pulling him down on the couch and kissing him. Shaking her head, she rushed past the back of the couch toward the kitchen.

“Something cold? I have Ginger Ale, Pineapple juice, water and wine. There’s also coke, I think, let me check.” She tried to talk slow that he wouldn’t think something was wrong. “Yes, there’s coke, too. Do you like ice in your drinks?” She pulled out the bottle of wine that she had opened earlier that afternoon and grabbed a glass from the dish drain. Whatever he chose would be find, but she needed a splash of this to calm herself a bit. Then, she might have another one just to enjoy during the show.

Leaning back on the counter in the kitchen, she downed her wine and poured the next before getting a glass out for him. She wasn’t the type to invite a guy home for sex, she never invited them home at all. What was she thinking doing this? Not only was she having a great time, but she didn’t want it to end. Part of her wanted him to kiss her, part wanted him not to touch her because she was afraid of what she would do if he did. She wouldn’t hesitate to unbutton the rest of that shirt.
He was tempted to ask for the wine, but he was also afraid because he knew what it did to him. He was not a big drinker despite what people thought about laborers and such and when he had a few in him it tended to loosen up his inhibitions. He had already had two over dinner and too much more and he would probably make a move on her and he didn't want to blow what he thought was developing between them.

Still the atmosphere was becoming a little tense between them so maybe that was what he needed to mellow him out and relax him a little. Let him get back to just being his usual calm and funny self. Besides one couldn't hurt right? He was in control of himself enough for that.

"A wine sounds great," he called to her. He would just have to be careful and if he found himself loosening up too much he would just refrain from drinking anymore. Still he did want to kiss her and if she gave any indication that she was agreeable to that he was going to take a chance.
Danae poured his wine and, after topping off her glass, made her way back out to the couch. “Here you go. I hope you like this, I got it from a winery in the Hills.” She handed his drink to him and then sat down facing him, with one foot underneath her. “Thank you for dinner earlier. The food was great, and made better because of the company. I just wanted to tell you that in case I forget to later on.”

Starting up the video again, she set the remote back on the table. Leaning back she found that her arm was right next to his, touching him. She almost pulled away, but she didn’t want him to think that she wasn’t interested. But if she left it, he might think she was being forward. She didn’t want him thinking any of those things. He hadn’t tried to kiss her at all since they had been here, and she didn’t know if that was good or bad. Good that he was acting like a gentleman and not thinking that, just because he was here, they would end up in bed. And bad, because she really wanted to kiss him again. What if he wasn’t interested in her? What if he has decided they are great company, but that is as far as it goes? Did she get friend-zoned already?

These thoughts were driving her crazy, so she determined to sip her wine and enjoy the show, and the company. He really was good company. Especially his laugh, she thought. It kinda lit up his whole face and came from deep inside him. Not fake, but real. She liked that, too. There wasn’t much that she didn’t like about him. She hadn’t found one thing yet.
Troy sipped his drink and watched the movie but was very aware of Danae's arm right next to him. At first he thought it had been deliberate and some sort of move on her part, but when she had done nothing else he began to wonder if he was supposed to do something.

He wanted to so badly but he didn't want to at the same time. He had finally found someone who liked the same types of things he did, laughed openly and honestly and was very genuine. She was also gorgeous and that was one of the problems but a good one to have he guessed. She was probably used to guys hitting on her all the time and trying to get lucky with her.He didn't want to be a guy like that, but on the other hand he definitely felt a connection between them and they had kissed a couple of times tonight.

Honestly kissing and cuddling was all that was on his mind and after another sip of wine he decided to try a bold move. The next time the Stooges really did a big scene and made them both howl with laughter, he waited until she placed her hand down then placed his on top of hers and acted like nothing had really happened and continued to watch the screen as he began to lightly caress the back of it.
She smiled as she felt his hand rest on hers, and then he started to stroke the back of it with his fingertip. It was both sweet and arousing. Yes, arousing. Because she started to wonder what the rest of his fingers would feel like stroking her body, softly and gently. I must have had too much wine, she thought. One minute she was afraid he would start something, on minute she was wanting him to, and disappointed that he didn’t.

Danae had to remind herself that it was a first date, even though it felt like they had known each other for months, even though there was a level of comfort and companionship there that she normally didn’t feel with others when first meeting them. She didn’t want to push things, as much as she wanted to lean over and kiss him. She wanted things to be on both of their terms.

Putting both feet up under her, she leaned her head on his shoulder. It was getting a little late and she stifled a small yawn hoping he didn’t hear her. She didn’t want the night to end. Anyway, it was too late to go anywhere, there was no way he could get back to his car at this time of night. She couldn’t drive because of the wine she had drank. That made her smile, and she snuggled in a bit closer to him.
Troy realized it was getting a little late but he really didn't want the night to end. Besides he was not sure if Danae was actually in a fit state to drive. He wasn't actually feeling exactly all that sober either, but he didn't want to push his luck by suggesting he spend the night, even though he would insist it be on the couch.

He was just trying to work up the courage to discuss it with her when she began to snuggle up into him. At first she just laid her head on his shoulder and he smiled, but then she snuggled in further making herself comfortable against him and he leaned back so she could make herself even more comfortable.

Soon her head was against his shoulder, her arm draped across his chest with the hand lightly resting on his other shoulder and one of her breasts firmly pressed up against the side of his body. He was shaking a little at the situation but he loved it at the same time. He could feel her falling asleep and wondered if he should pick her up and put her to bed or leave her where she was and risk getting told off in the morning.

Either way it seemed he was staying here all night he thought as a small smile spread across his face.
She was trying hard to fight off sleep, but the more she snuggled against him the more relaxed she became. She didn’t even realize that her hand had crept up across his chest, or that she had moved even closer to him.

Peeking with one eye at the TV to watch the Three Stooges, she laughed at their hospital antics, battering the speaker calling “Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard”. As she laughed, her hand moved from his shoulder to the middle of his chest, right where he had undone the buttons, her fingers now touching his flesh. It startled her at first, and she pulled up to a sitting position and looked at him. What was he thinking? Was his heart pounding like hers was? Without thinking her finger started to trace his jawline as she watched. She wanted to kiss him, but she didn’t want to make that first move.

What would happen if he did? Where would things go after that? She didn’t know and she really didn’t care. She knew without a doubt that if that kiss started, it probably wouldn’t end until tomorrow morning. Okay, maybe that was a bit dramatic, but it would something that would lead into other things that wouldn’t end until the morning. There was no doubt at all in her mind, and she was good with that. She wanted that.
Troy felt her start to caress his chest as he laughed and he froze. It felt so nice that he didn't want her to stop but at the same time he wasn't sure if he wanted it to continue. She must have had the same thought as she sat upright pulling her hand from his shirt liked it had been burned, but she then began to trace his jaw line and moved towards him but hesitated.

What was she waiting for, could she not tell he wanted her to kiss him, he wondered. Then a lightbulb went off in his head. Maybe that was the problem. He was waiting for her to make the first move and she was waiting for the exact same thing. Well one of them was going to have to and it my as well be him. She could only push him away and tell him no and what would be the harm in that?

Gently he moved forward and raising his arm he put his hand on the back of her head and moved forward and kissed her. He did it sweetly at first, keeping his mouth closed and only kissing her lips. It didn't matter that they had already kissed passionately on the beach. This felt like a new beginning and he was starting all over again.

He looked her in the eyes as he backed away slowly then he moved in again and kissed her a little more firmly and allowed his mouth to open a little as his hand caressed her hair and his other did the same on her back.
As much as she had wanted him to kiss, she was still surprised when he put his hand on the back of her head and pulled her toward him. Danae rested her fingertips on his cheek at he kissed her softly, their lips coming together so sweetly, almost like a whisper. But, as he pulled away and looked at her, she let her hand fall again, to his waist this time. She closed her eyes as he pulled her close and kissed her again, the tip of his tongue tentatively seeking hers through his slightly opened mouth. A small sigh escaped as she leaned in toward him, her hand moving up to the center of his chest. He tasted like wine and sandy beaches and laughter all rolled into one.

Her heart was beating so hard she thought that he would surely be able to hear it. It was as if she had been running up and down the stairs over and over again, but this felt so much better, this pounding because of the desire that was coursing through her body. Danae wanted to get lost in it, to let herself go – there was only one thing holding her back.

She hadn’t been with anyone in months.

Not that it was significant in anyway, except for the fact that she had been in a committed relationship before that. She didn’t take these things lightly, she never had. As much as she wanted to continue kissing him and enjoy the moment, see where it led to, she was nervous about going further.

Okay, maybe there were more things. Like the fact that this was their first date and she already wanted a second, the fact that she didn’t want things to go so fast that she didn’t get to enjoy them, or ruined a chance to really get to know him. She didn’t think he was the kind of guy that would go further and then walk away like it meant nothing to him, but she wasn’t willing to take that chance either.

Danae sat up and whispered, “I can’t.”
Troy smiled at her. He knew there was a reason he liked this woman and even though this was their first date he could see them being together for a long time. They had been thinking the same thing. he hadn't wanted to jump into bed with her tonight and was wondering how he could tell her that without hurting her feelings if it came to that.

"I'm glad," he told her as he gently kissed her again. "Although I am hoping that is not a all purpose 'I can't', but a just for now 'I can't'. I don't think you would be you if you jumped into bed with just anyone and truthfully i am not expecting you to and i don't think I am ready for that either. We have only just met and although I know I want to see you again, as much as possible actually, I don't want to rush this side of things. Been there and done that and it has never turned out well, and I definitely want this to turn out well", he smiled.

He leaned in and kissed her with a little more passion and opened his mouth again licking along her lips. "That's not to say I wouldn't mind doing this with you awhile longer if that's okay? You are one great kisser and I really enjoy having you in my arms. You just feel so right there."