7 Wonders of the New World


Really Experienced
Aug 31, 2002
OK, I'm gonna brave a thread thanks to some friendly encouragement to post about something I am passionate about...

I love to travel and I have been making a list of places I want to see sometime or another... I travel every chance I get to anywhere I have never been before, even if it isn't the #1 tourist destination of the year... Actually, I prefer if it isn't! So, share your thoughts... (I still have some room on my list!)

1) Where would your dream vacation be?

2) What place have you been to that should be a MUST for everyone?

3) Bad travel experiences? Where or how and so on...

I'll share first...

1) My list is huge, but #1 would probably be Scandanavia. Why? Its cold, you don't hear about many people going there, beautiful people and... I could go on and on.

2) Boston for its historical charm and friendly people. Mt. St. Helens to experience the incredible magnitude of Nature's power and Ape Caves the the amazing power of absolute darkness. Rothenburg for its Renaissance mood and castle ruins for provoking the imagination. Mesa Verde to experience the America of yesteryear... OK, I better save some for you all! ;)

3) Its not so much a place, but a how... Europe on the express tour. When I was lucky enough to go, we stayed the parents of my bf at the time. We went on a couple of short "touristy" things, and they don't show you the charm of the country, but the crap shops and Americanized food. Its just not a good way to experience something new.

Looking forward to hearing from you!
I like to visit Northern Japan to see the lovely Ainus

I want to go beyond the tourist areas of Yellowstone Park and meet the Red Indians who sell you gem stones cheap.

I'd love to sing and dance with the Massai tribe.

I'd love to visit that magical island on a lake in the middle of the volcanic crater in Indonesia.

New Zealand for the kiwis and Australia for the koalas. I love weird animals.

I dream of living in an igloo and make love to an Eskimo gal.

But I don't ever want to visit India, Mexico and Israel in that order. Don't ask me why. On a second thought, ask me anyway.
1) Right now my dream vacation is China or Japan. I want to get as far from the western way of doing things as possible.

2) I've been to several places but none that are exotic enough for me to say someone MUST visit. I did have a lot of fun in Toronto, London and Dublin. (Plus, while I was in Europe I didn't take part in the "tourist" stuff. I slung my bag over my shoulder and wandered around without a map; the best way to travel foriegn countries.)

3) My worst travel experience was to Detroit. I won't elaborate because there are probably some Detroit folks on the Board.
OK Darkness, so I'm asking... why? :)

I like the way you've worded your choices. You too seem to find a deeper sense of travel beyond the simple vacation mentality... And tourism...
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thanks for being the first post to my thread! it really made my day :) silly as that may sound
Medjay-- My ex-bf lives in China now and absolutely loves it. He too wanted a new way of thinking. The only part he doesn't like is being disliked simply for being a foreigner (not by all, but by many)...
lady_deanna said:
OK Darkness, so I'm asking... why? :)

I like the way you've worded your choices. You too seem to find a deeper sense of travel beyond the simple vacation mentality... And tourism...

Becos in India there's too many beggars around. I went there once and accidentally dropped my MacDonalds burger. You know what happened next? Many street urchins rushed for that fallen food. Poor beggars. At night if you walk around, you can see many homeless sleeping in the alleys and pavements exposed to the elements. The peeps are poor yet, the country build nuclear bombs.

Mexico. The few whites rule. The browns are poor.

Israel? Too much hatred there.
1) Where would your dream vacation be?

A secluded island with just a few friends, A cabin, and lots of territory to explore.

2) What place have you been to that should be a MUST for everyone?

The Holocaust Museum.

3) Bad travel experiences? Where or how and so on...

Haven't really had any, but then again I haven't really traveled much.
lady_deanna said:
OK, I'm gonna brave a thread thanks to some friendly encouragement to post about something I am passionate about...

I love to travel and I have been making a list of places I want to see sometime or another... I travel every chance I get to anywhere I have never been before, even if it isn't the #1 tourist destination of the year... Actually, I prefer if it isn't! So, share your thoughts... (I still have some room on my list!)

1) Where would your dream vacation be?

2) What place have you been to that should be a MUST for everyone?

3) Bad travel experiences? Where or how and so on...

I'll share first...

1) My list is huge, but #1 would probably be Scandanavia. Why? Its cold, you don't hear about many people going there, beautiful people and... I could go on and on.

2) Boston for its historical charm and friendly people. Mt. St. Helens to experience the incredible magnitude of Nature's power and Ape Caves the the amazing power of absolute darkness. Rothenburg for its Renaissance mood and castle ruins for provoking the imagination. Mesa Verde to experience the America of yesteryear... OK, I better save some for you all! ;)

3) Its not so much a place, but a how... Europe on the express tour. When I was lucky enough to go, we stayed the parents of my bf at the time. We went on a couple of short "touristy" things, and they don't show you the charm of the country, but the crap shops and Americanized food. Its just not a good way to experience something new.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


And I found you, you didn't blend in with the woodwork like you thought you did. It's a fantastic thread too. Good job!

1) dream vacation: Israel. Last time I was there it was only for one week. I'd like to spend one month. I'd also really like to go on a cruise to anywhere warm. Oh, and Alaska! I must go to Alaska, I have a very good friend there.

2)Israel! There are so many religions that originated in Israel that I feel that it's everyone's destiny to go there. (btw Deanna, I live in the Boston area, so you're always welcome in my home)

3)The only bad travel experiences I've had are those with my family and the flight home from Israel. 14 hours with a migraine. do u have any idea how absolutely disgusting it is to get sick in a plane's bathroom? The flight attendants were great though, they took very good care of me. In fact I wrote a letter to El~Al (yes, the only way to travel to Israel) praising the flight attendants. Oh, but after the 14 hour flight I had a 5 hour bus trip home. :( Would I do it again? Absofrigginlutely!!
lady_deanna said:
1) Where would your dream vacation be?
Sunny sandy beach anywhere in the world.

2) What place have you been to that should be a MUST for everyone?

3) Bad travel experiences? Where or how and so on...
Aeroflot, unless you love roller coaster.
Korean Air - Too stinky to breathes through nostrils.

NnN-When did you go to Israel? Several of my HS friends have been, and everyone says it was an incredible visit. I agree that a week somewhere is way too short, especially when you're talking about such a long flight and the whole time change thing.

Alaska is definitely on my list too! It is more expensive, though, I think, than travelling overseas! At least the airfare can be! And I might take you up on the offer if I ever make it back to the east coast!

Unlike Vodka and most other people I've ever met, I do not care so much for sunny beaches (though the OR coast is incredible)... part of it is the heat, part of it the crowds, and part is the swimsuit ordeal, lol! I can see the draw to the crashing waves though... I would love to to sailboard, though they do that a lot on the Columbia R. out here too

OK, so... anyone else?
The Holocaust Museum

BB, I have never been to the one in DC, but I went to Dachau when I was in Germany. I would highly recommend it to for the eye opening factor. Even with growing up in a community where most of my friends were Jewish, and many of their grandparents were in the camps, I don't think that one can truly appreciate the true horror until they go somewhere like that...