12-25-02 Immunities Survivor Literotica


Seraphically Disinclined
Jul 29, 2000

Last weeks! (Which I completely missed)

I'm not sure if they'll draw Christmas day or not. They might or might not. If not, we'll do the next Saturday.

The last immunity for our year will be drawn on 1-1-02.

Note: All stories must be submitted by midnight December 31, 2002. Posting will be done as Laurel gets to it. Stories posted as part of this year's contest will be ineligible for next year's contest.

We will begin discussion about next years sometime in January. Someone else will get to moderate it.


1) Immunity points are awarded on a weekly basis. There will be a new thread posted in the Awards Forum for each weekly Immunity Guess.
2) There is no requirement to participate in Immunities. A contestant may forego all Immunity activity.
3) Immunities are won based on a weekly Lottery available here: http://www.lottery.co.uk/res/ or http://lottery.merseyworld.com/
4) Contestants will select a single number between 1 and 49. Selected number will be posted by the contestant prior to Midnight GMT on Tuesday. That is Midnight in London between Tuesday and Wednesday. For the Timezone illiterate: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedform.html
5) Immunity will be awarded if contestant's guess matches any one of the winning numbers or the bonus ball listed at the top of the page at http://www.lottery.co.uk/res/ or http://lottery.merseyworld.com/
6) Immunity points must be used by the close of immunity guesses listed in Immunities Rule #4. Contestants will report which category they will use their points in on that week's Immunity Thread.
7) Immunity points are only available for use in a category that has not been filled by a story or poem. For example, if you do not want to write and Incest story, use your immunity in that category.
8) Immunities are treated like First stories. If you use an Immunity in a category and post a story to that category, the story will only be awarded 1 point.

Just a rehash of the rules from the thread. Remember, any questions will be answered in the discussion thread!

You do not have to participate!

Pick a number between 1 and 49, then post your guess here!

The list of weekly rollovers:

Risia Skye - 13
jon.hayworth - 6
Alex de Kok - 10
Todd-o - 13
p_p_man - 42
JRob - 16
Judo - 23
Couture - 32
Chicklet - 36
WillowPuss - 29
pretty_little_stranger - 17
KillerMuffin - 7
ehlanna - 21
Svenskaflicka - 28

If you're on this list and you'd like to change your number for the week, just post your new choice and that's the one in effect. If you'd like to change it for the rollover then post something to that effect. If you want to be added to this list, post that you want to be added.

You are responsible for your own immunities. You will not be notified that you have won and you must use your winning immunity in that week or lose it.
KM ... should the date read 18th December ... or do I rush out and buy a ticket for next week now?? (Ohhhhh that would be so great!)

There is to be a draw on Christmas Eve ... think that's it though.
Oooouuuhh..! My last chance to get out of "Transvestites & Crossdressers".

I just don't know what to write about a man in panties...

Besides, what IS the difference between a transvestite and a crossdresser?