1001 reasons why the internet is bad for you.

In Chapter 12 of Fred's book, he explains to me how the vast amount of time spent on the internet...makes me a poor parent.

4. You spend time talking about people you've never met; your friends begin wondering if you are losing it.
5) Gives an excuse to stay home and avoid the gym at all times.

(This isn't bad though.)
7) Encourages people to share naked photos, which isn't a bad thing unless your spouse finds the pictures you've saved. :eek:
My bad.
I missed the crappy part.

With having the internet, you feel that there's always time to find good porn. I do.

But there's never enough time.:D
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8) It encourages people to think and take action, but all they end up doing is starting half-hearted e-mail campaigns.
9.) You get mad at people you don't even give a shit about!

10.) You think in emoticons! :rolleyes:

11.) Email becomes more important than taking a piss!
12. The bills pile up. The dust bunnies start mating and the children learn to microwave their own tv dinners!

16. You forget what real, live men look like, smell like, feel like because you are so busy being romance by your cyber "friend."

17. You get careless and bored and wind up telling complete strangers your life story :eek:

18. Increases the expenses of your household when you have played online all day and didn't get supper started in time; you have to get take out for supper.
19. Increases tension with your spouse when you've spent all day online and don't get supper fixed in time and he has to go get take out for the kids for supper.

(are you getting the idea that this is what happened to me tonight???? LOL! You're right!)
