🎵 Monthly Song Challenge 🎵

Not quite a song I requested, but definitely one I would if I ever get the chance in the future.

Some years ago, I was at the wedding of two very dear friends. They're goth, the wedding was goth, the music was dark, brooding, and everyone was clad in black with red details, including the bride. It was eerie, and beautiful. One of the bride's siblings had gotten ordained since they couldn't find a priest to officiate.

Well, the ceremony came and went, and the after-party was kicking up a gear. Music? Death metal, black metal, symphonic metal, metal metal metal.

Time for first dance. I didn't know what I'd expected, but, it sure as hell wasn't a wedding-mosh-pit. Wanting something a bit more dance-able, they'd opted for finnish-swedish band Finntroll.

If you've never heard black/folk metal with polka influences, with accordions and a half-step rhythm... Do yourself a favor and experience something new.

Finntroll - Kitteldags! (Time for the Cauldron!)

Full med hat
Präst blir mat
Han läggs på fat

Full of hate
Priest becomes food
As he's put on the platter

@MissLabelled I bet you'll enjoy this one 💕
What a vibe! I love it! Reading the translated portion of lyrics, it's lucky they didn't find a priest to officiate lol.
Day 13: A song you’d request at a wedding

I was emcee at my sister's wedding* and at one point in the evening I requested this song, asked the bride and groom to the dance floor, and then told everyone to take out their phones, get their camera app ready, and come dance. And take a selfie with the bride and groom (and then use a specified hashtag when posting on socials.)

It was fun!

* it was a bit awkward being at the wedding with all family members there but that's a whole other story, but first, let me take a selfie.

The Chainsmokers - #SELFIE

What a vibe! I love it! Reading the translated portion of lyrics, it's lucky they didn't find a priest to officiate lol.
Glad you liked it! It's... weirdly catchy! The full lyrics would be

Människofolk ej festa                    Humankind won't feast anymore
Gammelfar lemlästa                       Oldfather's maiming
Uråldrig ilska och trolldom              Ancient fury and sorcery
Häxeri blev festens slut                 Witchery ended the feast

Så ska de nu genast stekas               In this way we now shall fry them
Som de en gång stekte oss                In the same way they once fried us
De ska saltas de ska kokas               They'll be salted and then boiled
Köttet skall flagna från benen loss      The meat will fall from their bones

Måltiden nu nått sitt slut               The feast has reached its end
Mätt och nöjd mången trollrut            Full and pleased, the mouths of trolls
Småtroll kött nu river                   Little trolls now rending meat
Rivfader fram kliver                     Rivfader (Rending Father, name of the king of trolls) steps forth

Very wedding-appropriate, huh 😂

edit: oh shoot, I read your message as "I love reading the translated portion of the lyrics".
Might have put too much effort into this 🤣
Not quite a song I requested, but definitely one I would if I ever get the chance in the future.

Some years ago, I was at the wedding of two very dear friends. They're goth, the wedding was goth, the music was dark, brooding, and everyone was clad in black with red details, including the bride. It was eerie, and beautiful. One of the bride's siblings had gotten ordained since they couldn't find a priest to officiate.

Well, the ceremony came and went, and the after-party was kicking up a gear. Music? Death metal, black metal, symphonic metal, metal metal metal.

Time for first dance. I didn't know what I'd expected, but, it sure as hell wasn't a wedding-mosh-pit. Wanting something a bit more dance-able, they'd opted for finnish-swedish band Finntroll.

If you've never heard black/folk metal with polka influences, with accordions and a half-step rhythm... Do yourself a favor and experience something new.

Finntroll - Kitteldags! (Time for the Cauldron!)

Full med hat
Präst blir mat
Han läggs på fat

Full of hate
Priest becomes food
As he's put on the platter

@MissLabelled I bet you'll enjoy this one 💕
Absolute perfection for that type of wedding! The lyrics recall a certain song from the musical Sweeney Todd, lol

🎶 It's priest. Have a little priest 🎶
Glad you liked it! It's... weirdly catchy! The full lyrics would be

Människofolk ej festa                     Humankind won't feast anymore
Gammelfar lemlästa                          Oldfather's maiming
Uråldrig ilska och trolldom                Ancient fury and sorcery
Häxeri blev festens slut                   Witchery ended the feast

Så ska de nu genast stekas               In this way we now shall fry them
Som de en gång stekte oss               In the same way they once fried us
De ska saltas de ska kokas               They'll be salted and then boiled
Köttet skall flagna från benen loss     The meat will fall from their bones

Måltiden nu nått sitt slut               The feast has reached its end
Mätt och nöjd mången trollrut            Full and pleased, the mouths of trolls
Småtroll kött nu river                    Little trolls now rending (<-- as in rending meat)
Rivfader fram kliver                     Rivfader (Rending Father, name of the king of trolls) steps forth

Very wedding-appropriate, huh 😂

edit: oh shoot, I read your message as "I love reading the translated portion of the lyrics".
Might have put too much effort into this 🤣
Well, that too actually, how perfectly macabre! Thanks for sharing them 😊
Just to make the bride a little nervous, that's all. If she has a friend named Mary Leigh, all the better.
Day 14: A song for someone you miss

Wilco - Via Chicago

No one specific, just that awful, aching yearning feeling in this song, trying to forget someone, but failing, reminders all around. From a time when a love had no interest in me, but our shared love of this band eased some of the pain, but only temporarily.
Day 14 a song for someone you miss

I know this song is subject to many interpretations. But I think it’s beautiful very literally as a song about a lost friend.

This is one of my favorite Cohen songs. I love the form, written as a letter. I love the imagery. I love his voice and the simple guitar. I love that it is one of the few songs I know that references L. Ron Hubbard's Dianetics. And it is such a dense, subtle story. "Thanks, for the trouble you took from her eyes/I thought it was there for good, so I never tried" is one of the most relatable, painful lyrics I know.
Day 14: A song for someone you miss

I think the first time I shared something personal here was talking about my best friend who died of an overdose 6 years ago. She’s on my mind a lot. Music was one of the first ways we connected. It’s one of the ways we still do.
I had a bad day yesterday. I fought with my husband. I was tired. I was grumpy. I was in my head, feeling bad for myself. It wasn’t until the evening that I realized what day it was. May 13th. Her birthday. How could I forget? How could I be so wrapped up in myself that it didn’t even occur to me?
Life is for the living, they say. But it’s hard. It’s hard to miss someone. God, I miss her. I really, really miss her.

“Should we still set his plate?
Should we still save his chair?
Should we still buy him gifts?
And if we don't, did we not care?”

Bayside - Winter
