(^▿^)۶🍸 The Spacebar 🍺٩(˘◡˘ )

I haven't had a cat in over 10 yrs.....as soon as I have the house to myself, I'm getting at least one :D

I have three: Pete, Arlo, and Ginger. Pete and Arlo are littermates, they've never been apart. When one goes to the vet, the other wanders around the house meowing until they're both home again. It's comical...
the first go around, when I was in NC, we had two Black Lab mixed pups-Lilo and Stitch. They were sisters, and inseparable. If one got a bath, the other howled until she was free. And try taking only one for a ride or to the vet :rolleyes::rolleyes:.....
And you know, a lot of people talk about how aloof and self-centered cats are. And I guess to a point that's true - but cats do form strong bonds with their humans. Case in point:

As I said, I have three. But my lap is seldom "shared." If one of them has parked there, the others are just shit out of luck. But - in Nov. 2014, after that bad car accident... When I came home from the hospital, I was in rough shape. For the next couple of months, daily, when I was in the recliner just resting, all three would climb up there with and just settle in and purr. It was the most amazing thing. It's like all three of them knew I was hurting and wanted to comfort me. I absolutely know that's what was going on, because as I recovered, it happened less and less, until it went back to the normal, "I'm on the lap now, get lost" attitude.

Can you tell I love my cats? :D
I like that because it shows independence. Of course that can be challenging sometimes.

He reminds me of a stereotypical surfer dude - just doesn't give a fuck. Is that your face and nose? Oh you don't need it, I'm going to plop my fury body down and suffocate you because your face is comfortable lol
And you know, a lot of people talk about how aloof and self-centered cats are. And I guess to a point that's true - but cats do form strong bonds with their humans. Case in point:

As I said, I have three. But my lap is seldom "shared." If one of them has parked there, the others are just shit out of luck. But - in Nov. 2014, after that bad car accident... When I came home from the hospital, I was in rough shape. For the next couple of months, daily, when I was in the recliner just resting, all three would climb up there with and just settle in and purr. It was the most amazing thing. It's like all three of them knew I was hurting and wanted to comfort me. I absolutely know that's what was going on, because as I recovered, it happened less and less, until it went back to the normal, "I'm on the lap now, get lost" attitude.

Can you tell I love my cats? :D

I have seen cats do that....."You're sick? Well, let me cuddle with you and make you feel better." Then, when you are well....it's back to ignoring you, or treating you like a servant :D
I have seen cats do that....."You're sick? Well, let me cuddle with you and make you feel better." Then, when you are well....it's back to ignoring you, or treating you like a servant :D

Two of mine are like that, but Pete... Pete is just a people cat. He craves attention, and loves meeting new people. He's kind of a dufus - he thinks he's a dog. He likes to have his sides slapped the way you do a dog, he sleeps flat on his back, he love to have his belly rubbed vigorously... He actually sat at the front door this past halloween and greeted the kids coming to the door - they all pet him, so he was right in his glory. lol
Oreo's not sure about other people yet and I've been keeping her away from other animals. Once she's had all of her vaccinations I'll start socializing her with other dogs and cats and let her be around more people. But I can already tell she's got the vets clinic staff completely wrapped around her paws.
Oreo's not sure about other people yet and I've been keeping her away from other animals. Once she's had all of her vaccinations I'll start socializing her with other dogs and cats and let her be around more people. But I can already tell she's got the vets clinic staff completely wrapped around her paws.

Cats are good at that - especially when they're kittens...
Love all this talk about kittens this morning!

I'm only awake for my dog right now. When I'm more awake I'll show pictures of our hike last night. I was surrounded by lightning and rainstorms in the distance in most directions, but I took my chances that it would not rain on my little hike last night, and it didn't!

Everytime I let Luxie off leash, she would get mixed up between my legs (and I was trying to run the trail) or come back with a mouth full of cactus :eek:, or sniff out all the horse poo piles.
Love all this talk about kittens this morning!

I'm only awake for my dog right now. When I'm more awake I'll show pictures of our hike last night. I was surrounded by lightning and rainstorms in the distance in most directions, but I took my chances that it would not rain on my little hike last night, and it didn't!

Everytime I let Luxie off leash, she would get mixed up between my legs (and I was trying to run the trail) or come back with a mouth full of cactus :eek:, or sniff out all the horse poo piles.

I'm in the process of training my cats to go on a leash. It's a slow process, but they're making progress. They don't go outdoors usually, because I'm in the city and they're from a rural area. They don't know anything about traffic. I'm looking forward to the day when I can be walking down the street with my eighteen pound cat Pete strolling along beside me on a leash.
Morning people...as I'm trying to use one eye cause the other one won't open yet, I'm just saying a blanket mornin, lol.

Hope everyone's day goes well!!:kiss:
Mmm, something else THEN coffee...

Nothing's wrong. I just don't like getting out of bed! I figure if I only open one, I can crawl back in bed & truly say I wasn't awake enough. ;)
Good morning, sweet Tiamo :kiss::rose:
Morning DS!

I'm in the process of training my cats to go on a leash. It's a slow process, but they're making progress. They don't go outdoors usually, because I'm in the city and they're from a rural area. They don't know anything about traffic. I'm looking forward to the day when I can be walking down the street with my eighteen pound cat Pete strolling along beside me on a leash.
I got a harness and leash for my cats, but they prefer to go ride in the cat stroller. Speaking of which, I've been giving all my outside time to my dog, it is time for them to enjoy the beautiful outdoors too!

I wish I could walk my cat. I have one normal, slim cat and one cat that must be over 20 pounds. I am laughing imagining them going for a walk!

Morning people...as I'm trying to use one eye cause the other one won't open yet, I'm just saying a blanket mornin, lol.

Hope everyone's day goes well!!:kiss:
Morning! Hope you wake up successfully soon!
Love all this talk about kittens this morning!

I'm only awake for my dog right now. When I'm more awake I'll show pictures of our hike last night. I was surrounded by lightning and rainstorms in the distance in most directions, but I took my chances that it would not rain on my little hike last night, and it didn't!

Everytime I let Luxie off leash, she would get mixed up between my legs (and I was trying to run the trail) or come back with a mouth full of cactus :eek:, or sniff out all the horse poo piles.

I like being out in a wide open space where you can see storms far enough off in the distance to enjoy the view but still be safe. One of the interesting things about lightning in a storm is that if you can hear thunder in the distance your close enough to be struck by lightning. Some reports say lighting strikes can occur ten miles away other say twenty.
I haven't tried running with a dog in years but when they are well trained that's a beautiful thing to see. My last dog would want to drag me everywhere and if I let him off the lease would disappear on me if he noticed something interesting. You have a beautiful puppy Tiamo.