(^▿^)۶🍸 The Spacebar 🍺٩(˘◡˘ )

Other than getting together with friends tomorrow for a day of D&D, not much planned. Probably just do some grilling otherwise.

That happened to my dog a lot at one dog park. The other owners didn't give a crap what their dogs did. Ever since, mine has thought that's how dogs are supposed to act, and I've never been able to train it out of him.

D&D? I may have to call into work then
I've only watched friends play D&D, but tonight I'm going to play something extremely similar.

It's a lot of fun. The newest edition has been so streamlined, it really puts the emphasis on the story and not the mechanics of the game. Which game are you going to play?
It's a card game where I'll be fighting things like Orcs in various places with heroes that almost everyone will recognize.

And I'd love to play board games with you all! Have some drinks, let the clothes fall off...
It's a card game where I'll be fighting things like Orcs in various places with heroes that almost everyone will recognize.

And I'd love to play board games with you all! Have some drinks, let the clothes fall off...

Now that sounds like a fun night
It's a lot of fun. The newest edition has been so streamlined, it really puts the emphasis on the story and not the mechanics of the game. Which game are you going to play?

I'm old school; original D&D or AD&D....even second ed. wasn't so bad. But the later versions it was all about looking shit up in the books, consulting charts. Let's just loot, pillage and fight for god's sake! lol
I'm old school; original D&D or AD&D....even second ed. wasn't so bad. But the later versions it was all about looking shit up in the books, consulting charts. Let's just loot, pillage and fight for god's sake! lol

There's still loot tables, but a good DM streamlines the process as best as possible. Our DM is pretty good about it. He's got pages damn near memorized, lol. The majority of our sessions are fighting, killing, searching for answers to the problem presented to us. And trying not to get ganked in the process.
I'm old school; original D&D or AD&D....even second ed. wasn't so bad. But the later versions it was all about looking shit up in the books, consulting charts. Let's just loot, pillage and fight for god's sake! lol

I'm new school. The only D&D I ever played was D&D Online. And compared to other mmos I've played, I didn't like that one.

But now that I'm older, I wouldn't mind sitting down at a table and playing with friends. I do hear that both my good high school friend and college friend that played it are still into it!
I'm new school. The only D&D I ever played was D&D Online. And compared to other mmos I've played, I didn't like that one.

But now that I'm older, I wouldn't mind sitting down at a table and playing with friends. I do hear that both my good high school friend and college friend that played it are still into it!

Tiamo, Baldur's Gate is based on D&D 2nd Ed. Now, is it the same as a real game and of D&D. No. But it will give you an idea of what the rolls are like.

Also based on D&D rules:
Planescape: Torment
Tiamo, Baldur's Gate is based on D&D 2nd Ed. Now, is it the same as a real game and of D&D. No. But it will give you an idea of what the rolls are like.

Also based on D&D rules:
Planescape: Torment

You find me a D&D based game we can play together!
You find me a D&D based game we can play together!

If I had the money, I'd pick up the modules for Fantasy Grounds. Virtual tabletop program, and they've licensed 5E from Wizards. Get people together via Skype. Fun times.
Haven't had time to go through the whole thread yet.
Maybe tonight.

:kiss: Tiamo
:kiss: Shelby
:kiss: Isadora
:kiss: Shadow

:kiss: to any ladies I didn't get this round.

Hopefully in T-7 hours, i will be home, in my slippers relaxing and enjoying two days off both jobs.....