(^▿^)۶🍸 The Spacebar 🍺٩(˘◡˘ )

MMW, I know of a few good places for someone to "go missing" & I have always wanted a moving target. ;)

To the rest of you pervs, good morning. I'm going to make coffee. Thick as mud...

good morning shadow :)

and yes, NC is a great place to hide people, just ask the Atlanta Olympic bomber, that m/f hide for like 4 yrs!
I think we all have those nights. The key is getting yourself out of that mode before it really overwhelms you. Easier said than done. I've had a couple of those nights, pretty recently & was lucky to have a friend (or I least I consider them one, not sure about them lol) talk to me & that helped so, so much. Even though they caught the brunt of my emotions, and that wasn't fair to them... I may not know y'all, but understand that I can listen pretty good...:kiss:
Thank you all, seriously thank you. I had a friend come rescue me from myself and I had talks with CJ, that man is just beyond amazing. He deserves like 75 trophies, some cookies, and a lifetime of blowjobs for putting up with my stupid ass the past few days.
Thank you all, seriously thank you. I had a friend come rescue me from myself and I had talks with CJ, that man is just beyond amazing. He deserves like 75 trophies, some cookies, and a lifetime of blowjobs for putting up with my stupid ass the past few days.

You are so lucky to have a CJ. I'm glad he's there for you in your time of need.

Anyone got fun plans this weekend?

I keep forgetting it's a holiday weekend myself. I have Thunderstorms on the forecast through next Tuesday. Had thunderstorms the past 3 days.

Little Luxie hasn't had much chance to be outside, the one time the rain let up a little (still was raining) she ran around the yard like a crazy figure 8 skater, so I stayed out in the rain and played catch with her. Also took her to the dog park but the dogs are scary, they are so dominant and aggressive toward her. Every dog seems to want a fuzzy puppy to "own". Maybe I'll wait one more month when she's less puppy-looking.
Thank you all, seriously thank you. I had a friend come rescue me from myself and I had talks with CJ, that man is just beyond amazing. He deserves like 75 trophies, some cookies, and a lifetime of blowjobs for putting up with my stupid ass the past few days.

Ummmm yea, if by any chance he's passing up on that blowjob portion? I know a guy....

Anyone got fun plans this weekend?

I keep forgetting it's a holiday weekend myself. I have Thunderstorms on the forecast through next Tuesday. Had thunderstorms the past 3 days.

Little Luxie hasn't had much chance to be outside, the one time the rain let up a little (still was raining) she ran around the yard like a crazy figure 8 skater, so I stayed out in the rain and played catch with her. Also took her to the dog park but the dogs are scary, they are so dominant and aggressive toward her. Every dog seems to want a fuzzy puppy to "own". Maybe I'll wait one more month when she's less puppy-looking.

Other than getting together with friends tomorrow for a day of D&D, not much planned. Probably just do some grilling otherwise.

That happened to my dog a lot at one dog park. The other owners didn't give a crap what their dogs did. Ever since, mine has thought that's how dogs are supposed to act, and I've never been able to train it out of him.

Anyone got fun plans this weekend?

I keep forgetting it's a holiday weekend myself. I have Thunderstorms on the forecast through next Tuesday. Had thunderstorms the past 3 days.

Little Luxie hasn't had much chance to be outside, the one time the rain let up a little (still was raining) she ran around the yard like a crazy figure 8 skater, so I stayed out in the rain and played catch with her. Also took her to the dog park but the dogs are scary, they are so dominant and aggressive toward her. Every dog seems to want a fuzzy puppy to "own". Maybe I'll wait one more month when she's less puppy-looking.

I'm going to one of the parks for a walk today if the weather holds out. Then a couple of get togethers over the next couple of days with my sisters.

Anyone got fun plans this weekend?

I keep forgetting it's a holiday weekend myself. I have Thunderstorms on the forecast through next Tuesday. Had thunderstorms the past 3 days.

Little Luxie hasn't had much chance to be outside, the one time the rain let up a little (still was raining) she ran around the yard like a crazy figure 8 skater, so I stayed out in the rain and played catch with her. Also took her to the dog park but the dogs are scary, they are so dominant and aggressive toward her. Every dog seems to want a fuzzy puppy to "own". Maybe I'll wait one more month when she's less puppy-looking.

Well, I'll be getting offline in a little bit - due to some really unforeseen circumstances, I have my daughter here for a couple of days. I'll be spending a lot of time with her.
I don't see him passing in that. I don't remember what it is he says... I could suck the chrome off of... Frick I can't remember lol

Well thats awright! Just doing my nice guy best to be helpful. See a need? Fill a need! ( from the Robots movie )
Good morning Space Cadets! Just stopping in for a moment before I start my weekend. What are all you busy sexy people up to today?? :rose::cathappy::rose:
Going out for lunch today at a special place to celebrate something special for someone. :rose: