‘Are you more disabled now than you were four years ago?’


Literotica Guru
Jun 27, 2010
As usual, Mark Steyn is way too funny:

This election represents the last exit ramp before the death spiral. (Yes, yes, I know: too long for a campaign button.) Obama has spent the last four years making things worse. More debt, more dependency, more delusion. For Act Two, he’s now touting the auto bailout as a model for . . . everything! “I want to do the same thing with manufacturing jobs, not just in the auto industry, but in every industry.” In the last three years, he has “created” 2.6 million new jobs — a number that does not even keep up with the number of (legal) immigrants who arrive each month. Obama does not “create” jobs, he creates disabled people: In the same period as 2.6 million Americans signed on with new employers, 3.1 million signed on at the Social Security Disability Office. Obama is the first president in history to create more disabled people than workers. He is the biggest creator of disabled people on the planet. He has disabled more people than the Japanese tsunami. More Americans have been disabled by Obama than have been given cancer by Mitt Romney. “Ask yourself, ‘Are you more disabled now than you were four years ago?’ Obama 2012.” Followed by the wheelchair logo with the Obama “O” where the wheel should be. In the Democrats’ Dependistan, the wheelchair ramp is downhill all the way.

Full piece here:

Milquetoast Mitt

When you can claim disability for flat feet and you just lost your job, why not?
Are you two gonna cwy when Obama wins again?

Just curious...
Are you two gonna cwy when Obama wins again?

Just curious...

No, I will prepare for the inevitable. I have already moved my billions in gold and sliver offshore, then it just a matter of boarding a plane and waving good-bye to all the Obamamites as they drink the kool aid that ObamalonyCare says they must.
Nope...still haz bits of metal in my spine...gimmie my check obamanator!!! :cool: