
rosco rathbone

1. f3e5 2. g4??
Aug 30, 2002
I always hated the term "Dom". It gives me funny, non-sexual pictures. I think of the cartoon torturer or executioner with the black pointy hood with eye-holes, big hairy belly and pointy elf shoes. There's always some skinny, long-bearded unfortunate hanging up by his thumbs. If you wanted to insult a fat Dominate Master, you could call him "Dom DeLuise".

I like sexual violence and control, I'm interested in torture tools and techniques. I have fantasies of control outside the explicitly sexual realm, and many ideas, plans and inspirations regarding this-but I can't call myself a "Dom", because it sounds both pretentious and just plain goofy as shit. Thus, I have created Topopolis as an alternative to the Dominate's Lounge and a forum for anyone else who feels like me.
If there are no such people here, I will just carry on talking to myself, safe in the confines of the Topopolis city limits.

To kick things off, a brief essay by me:

I believe that women will soon be unnecessary to men. First, consider the sum total of heterosexual copulations. Subtract those intended to cause pregnancy, which, we can assume for the purposes of this argument, is important to the survival of the race. Subtract also the tiny number of copulations enjoyable to gnomes for reasons currently unduplicable by science most despicable: sexual acts in which the presence of a live female body contributes something that cannot be imitated satisfactorily. I won’t exaggerate to make my point-there IS a small subset of copulations both beneficial and enjoyable to gnomes which, at least at the present state of the art, requires the participation of a flesh and blood woman.

Having made these calculations, with the most liberal allowances, one is left with the stark fact most heterosexual copulations do not require a live, biological female as a participant in order to be enjoyable to gnomes. Furthermore, in many cases, such as married life, the presence of a female puppetmind before, during and after ejaculation is a strongly negative factor.

So far, I have only spoken of copulations that actually occur. The most important copulations to consider in the light of my ideas are THOSE WHICH HAVE NOT OCCURRED, that is to say, those that take place within the inner psychosexual lives of gnomes, who, as everyone knows, are victims of a dilemma: trapped on one hand by a river of force which demands the brute satisfaction of needs, certain on the other hand of a disastrous outcome to any involvement with female “beings” currently credited with free will and full powers of rational thought, and now rendered roughly 90% supernumerary by my latest theories.

I forsee the establishment, by visionary entrepreneurs perhaps unborn, of bordellos staffed by anatomically correct sexual dolls, and someday, cyborgs or androids. The invention of the Real Doll, of which more anon, was but the first salvo in the coming war between the sexes in which technology will play its usual defining role.

(for Valerie)

"In one early New York Times reaction stories....a female cell biologist from Washington University 'quipped' that with human cloning, 'there'd be no need for men.' There were many similar 'jokes'..." (Ms Magazine, may/june)
Spanking the monkey is not as much fun as spanking a beautiful female submissives ass
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evesdream said:
"In one early New York Times reaction stories....a female cell biologist from Washington University 'quipped' that with human cloning, 'there'd be no need for men.' There were many similar 'jokes'..." (Ms Magazine, may/june)

I've heard the other team quipping along these lines, thought it was time to speak up for MALE SUPREMACY. My modest little proposal was inspired by the SCUM Manifesto.

"Spsnking" a beautiful "female submissive" is all well and good. Falls into the "reasons for the existence of cunt" slice of the Venn Diagram. But gnomes need release.
All right, so I'm interloping my way into this thread in order to ask:

What makes Dom/me-hood pretentious, if it's really something you despise?
"Despise" is too strong and I mainly meant "pretentious as far as I am concerned". What I am getting at is that, as far as Internet "BDSM culture" is concerned-and that's the only "BDSM culture" I know about, outside of a few Eulenspeigel Society meetings and my experiments with people as far outside the "scene" and its definitions as I am-"Dom" seems to mean "someone far more controlling that I am". All this master slave TPE business. I'm interested in it, it's fascinating, but I can't claim any kind of "Mastership" or "Domhood" or even anything parked in the parking lot of those concepts. ALso, I find most of the people who do claim such (online, which is the only place I am exposed to it) to be pompous, dull and irritating. More than likely, that just comes from the fact that most frequent internet posters fit that bill regardless of psychosexual affiliation.

In other news from Topopolis City Desk: Lizzie " Hamptons Hit and Run" Grubman is too skinny for me, but seeing her weep about her 60 days of country-club jail-time makes me want to throw a dose of rough penis into her, Topopolis-style.
rosco rathbone said:
"Despise" is too strong and I mainly meant "pretentious as far as I am concerned". What I am getting at is that, as far as Internet "BDSM culture" is concerned-and that's the only "BDSM culture" I know about, outside of a few Eulenspeigel Society meetings and my experiments with people as far outside the "scene" and its definitions as I am-"Dom" seems to mean "someone far more controlling that I am". All this master slave TPE business. I'm interested in it, it's fascinating, but I can't claim any kind of "Mastership" or "Domhood" or even anything parked in the parking lot of those concepts. ALso, I find most of the people who do claim such (online, which is the only place I am exposed to it) to be pompous, dull and irritating. More than likely, that just comes from the fact that most frequent internet posters fit that bill regardless of psychosexual affiliation.

I find this interesting. I've done the "online BDSM" thing, and while some might find it a rewarding experience, it left me cold. And, yes, you are correct - most "Doms" and "Masters" do fall into the type of personality you describe.

However, in real life, the Dominants I have met would seem like ordinary people to most. In reality, most are quieter, actually. They are not prone to chatter, but use few words to say what they mean and mean what they say. When they do say something, it is usually with an underlying, almost imperceptible, assertiveness that usually makes others want to do what they have been asked. I've seen this just with the regular public, and from Dominants who were not being jerks, just simply asking for something as simple as a cup of coffee.

Also, there are many Dominants out there who refuse to answer to the "Master" title and do not prescribe to the whole Master/slave, TPE, 24/7 thing. Some do, yes, and it's what works for them. But there are many who don't, and have no desire for it.

Don't know what, if anything, I've contributed here, but I found your remarks interesting.

And sorry if I wondered into a place that was strictly for Tops/Doms/ Masters!...
Here's some random babbling on the "Dominant" thing....

Once I went an Eulenspeigel Society meeting, during that time in my life when I had figured out that I was a pervert, but wasn't sure what to do about it or how to proceed. I think the theme of the night's demonstration was "Use of Canes" or something. I was early and sat behind the only other person in the theater where they hold the meetings. It was a person of nondescript sex-either a skinny, fey butch lesbian or a confused androgyne. Others filtered in. One of the guys who was going to do a demonstration sat on the stage with his two women. One was fat, dowdy, middle-aged, with a velour jogging suit and a black leather collar. The other was young, skanky and sluttily hot. Later, someone sitting next to me would whisper that they were sisters. (This informant was the first person I ever heard to utter the phrase "sub space", which she described in terms of a "crystal cave"-but the New Age/pervert connection is something for another time.)

The guy was a dead ringer for my Scoutmaster, except shorter and more chubby. Something in his red-faced, prematurely-white-haired, mechanical-engineer/Knights Of Columbus bespectacled, obvious Irish Catholicity flashed me back to unhappy Scouting days; being lectured at for playing Dungeons and Dragons on backpacking trips, uniform inspections, "dress-right-DRESS!", long reminiscences of the Korean War complete with editorial comments on the comparative moral, physical and intellectual weaknesses of my generation......I loathed him on sight.

As the skinny androgyne and I fidgeted in our seats, he approached and began to question him/her about its age, even going so far as to demand ID. The kid was young but obviously above 18 and therefore legal to attend pervert symposiums. It was instantly obvious to me that it was all a big psychosexual power trip. Maybe he/she was getting off on it too, all though it seemed nervous, ashamed and unhappy. I just remember feeling a hot-flash of sheer irritation at that pompous, Scoutmaster-doppelganger jerkoff.

Later, he beat on the skanky bitch with a cane, she in red old-school lingerie, garters & all. I remember the way she was bent over, you couldn't see her body, only the legs and ass. HIgh heels. For some reason it reminded me very strongly of the hindquarters of a horse. I had two thoughts: I can see why he is giving all the attention to her, she's the attractive one and....I once read a short story about some Porto Rican boys attempting to fuck a mare, I didn't understand it at the time but now I do.

I miss the heyday of Yahoo's adult clubbing section. I met a lot of pervy peeple; some of whom remain Internet friends to this day.

There was one youngster named "Breeding Beauty", or "bb" who had a website dedicated to her fetish for forced impregnation by gnomes. I was inspired to communicate with her, emailistically. I bunged off a burst of words and forgot all about about it until a year later, when I recieved this communique:

wanted to tell you I was cleaning out my emails and I
came across this letter. just wanted to tell you I
liked it very much.


--- rosco wrote:

hello. sorry my previous message was cut off. As I was
saying, although many traditional BDSM/ "master" types
seem to be attracted to my club, for the rough sex
aspect and the misogyny I imagine{* see editors note #1} , I find myself to be very different from them. WIth me, as I say "its all fucking". That is, I am not interested in scenes tortures scenarios....I like to fuck, brutally, viciously, angrily. Any rough stuff-face-slapping, tit-slapping, arm-twisting, hair-pulling-happens in service of fucking to me.

Forgive me if I skip around a bit or repeat myself...I never have time for perfectly crafted emails these days. One thing I'd like to mention is what I call the "glow"{*see editors note #2}. This is a vibe that women get around their peak of ovulation. I am EXTREMELY sensitive to this in women- to the change in their skin tone and eyes, to the weight gain especially. The way they get a little heavier and slower..almost sleepy eyed...seems to scream to me "slam me down on my back ,twist my tits so hard I scream and fuck the living shit out of me". There is a powerful smell to a woman at this time-phermonal I imagine-that might very well "make me a felon" someday. Another thing is that Hispanic women seem to walk around in this state most of the time. I'm not sure what it is. Maybe the Catholic upbringing leaves them in a state of constant fertility.
Whatever it is, the sight of their fat little asses begging to be bent over...pussies shot full of sperm...kills me. I am interested in the whole "expressing milk" thing. It sounds very hot to me. When I am confronted with a large, heavy, swinging pair of tits my first urge is to slap one of then hard so that it bounces into the other , causing them to bobble back and forth. Iwonder what would happen if I did this to a pair of tits leaking milk?

One of the hottest things in your website was the part about desiring to be fucked by frustrated horny people who would take out their lust upon you with a furious savagery. My club is totally focussed on this kind of thing, especially all posts by me, subbiemom and unda.There is nothing hotter to me than the idea of a frustrated, homely, horny teen boy with a vicious angry side taking out his furious, frantic, desperate lust upon you, using your body to fulfill his centerfold-stoked dreams, completely ignoring your pleasure or your desires.With one thought only in mind-to shoot a gush of pent-up sperm deep into your body, and the relief that will bring him. This scene is pretty much at the center of my entire sexuality and I reacted to it very strongly when I saw it in your site. There, I thought, is someone who thinks exactly like me.

Cervix fucking: the idea of fucking someone with a very shallow cunt turns me on like a maniac. I have a long, skinny, very hard cock that tends to "bottom out" in many smaller girls. I imagine crashing headlong in to the cervix, which would probably give the woman a sensation much like men feel when kicked in the balls. I would slowly force my cock tip into the cervical opening and it would fit as tightly as a component into a socket. I imagine it feeling like a firm toothless mouth sucking on the most sensitive part of my dick . Then ,with a series of brutal,out-of-control, spasmodic humps, like a horny dog wired to an electrical circuit, I would prematurely ejaculate a huge load of pent-up seed with incredible force , directly into the core of the womb. I imagine the orgasm as being explosive, like a fire hose going off in my gonads, made all the better by the anguished, contorted face of the bitch writhing underneath me.

Related to this is the fact that in real life I practice a chinese martial art which demands that I rarely ejaculate. This , combined with frequent masturbation and meditation, increases the sexual and creative energies many times. When I do ejaculate,
the ammounts are incredibly copious and the orgasm furiously intense and highly emotional-usually very angry. I'm sure this self-imposed frustration has a lot to do with my obsession with ejaculation and insemination. This art increases the potency and fertility greatly. My master-an elderly Chinese gentleman-impregnated his young wife with a single orgasm, after years of abstinence.Their child is bursting with energy and good health-a result, the master says, of "chi" energy stored by him during period of abstinence.

I find it very hot that you see large ammounts of cum-as illustrated inthe cartoon of the japanese girl-as a confirmation of your sexuality. It shows me that you realize that your purpose in life is to serve as a receptacle and "petri dish" for huge doses of
fertile seed. I think you would find the movie version of Margaret
Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale"-with Robert Duvall-incredibly sexy.

Well that's enough for now.

rosco rathbone

note 1: little did I know, at this point, that no self respecting Dominate Master would be willing to actually admit to the misogynistic, woman-hating aspect of his psychosexuality.

note 2: Yes, I know this is a cliched observation.
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I have been thinking about wizards and such. Last night I viewed "Lord of the RIngs" on video. I have always loved Gandalf and his pointy hat.

Could anything be more perverse than a man with a full face-beard? Imagine a long-bearded man dressed only in boots: erect. Maybe boots and a hillbilly hat. Or a pointy wizard or warlock hat, or the hood of a gnome. I mean a long-ass face beard.

WHat is more perverted than old hippies or old bikers? Yuck. I always wanted to make someone blow an old hippie.

The men of ZZ TOp must hump.......groupies and such on the road. The mind boggles at the spectacle.

that is all

hector valetudo

I guess it's not the same, but first time i saw a picture of Black Sabbath (all 'staches intact) i almost creamed my jeans.
This particular brand of thick-thighed chunkiness pretty much knocks my toupee askew. It's a black girl but the race doesn't matter; it's the heifer-esque solidity that lights my fuse. I want to take off my belt and beat her until my arm goes numb.

chauncey ffowlkes, MD

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I just finished reading your communiques Rosco.

Heavy duty gozo. A good read. You mentioned unda, who I haven't seen recently. If she's the same unda as was here, it makes sense, as the two of you communicate in a similar fashion I think. Certainly her fire and bend were strong.

Strong agreement on the presumptious D attitude statements.

I'll visit again.

rosco rathbone said:
"... I find most of the people who do claim such (online, which is the only place I am exposed to it) to be pompous, dull and irritating. ...

Here here!
There are a lot of terms that I might used describe the woman pictured below. Built like a brick shithouse leaps immediately to mind. But, I certainly wouldn't call her chunky.

The perception of what is or isn't chunky, and by extention, what is or isn't emaciated and boney seems to be at least partially dependent on ethnicity.


  • ava00410.jpg
    93.6 KB · Views: 675
That looks like the exact same woman I uploaded the pic of.

I don't know if I'd call you a "top", CBM, but you know what Miskatonic U. is and that makes you welcome in TOpopolis any day.
She is the same woman. Ava something or other. Hence my contention that she isn't chunky. From my POV, her body is spot-on.

I'm certainly not a Top in the BDSM sense of the word. Oddly, women often try to cast me in that mold. I've dallied about with coquettish young things who yielded to my every whim. I find this occasionally entertaining, but eventually I grow bored with that relationship dynamic. For whatever reasons, I simply prefer mean, evil, shrewish bitch-queens. I'm enamoured of the kind of women that inspired old Blues men to make music, and drove them to spend all of their money, guzzle whiskey and make deals with the devil. (While I don't drink and am somewhat frugal, I do play a dobro.)

I think there might have been some miscommunication of the intent of my post. When I wrote "here here." I didn't mean here's a Top/Dom right here. I was merely agreeing (As in here, here old chap) that a lot of the self-professed "Doms" that have had occasion to bore me, both online and off, have exhibited a most comically desperate pomposity.

By the way, I first read "The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath" when I was 10. Shortly thereafter, at prep school, I became wholly obsessed by a little game invented by E. Gary Gygax. Fortunately, I was possessed of sufficient strength, dexterity, and constitution that I wasn't subject to the frequent pantsings, swirlies and flying-wedgies that were visited upon other members of my gaming group.
I was a gamer too, as a yoot. Except I stopped actually playing with other people early on and just worked on creating a huge world which I kept in a manilla folder labelled "World 3-A". Reams of graph paper, architectual layouts for evil sub-surfaces cities. No player-characters ever saw the interior of this world.

I'd like to hear what you have to say about the D&D/Rennaissance Fayre/SCA/Trekkie/record, comic book-collector/BDSM nexus, as aforementioned by me in another of our exchanges.

My city could use a guy sitting on a crate on the corner, pants legs of natty suit hiked up to display silk socks, fedora worn on side of head. Drinkin from a brown paper bag, National Steel across his knees. Singing the ol devil woman blues. As mayor, town alderman and justice of the peace I appoint you town bluesman, which office you shall hold for such time as I see fit. Now all we need is some hard drinkin hard lovin hell hound on my trail, white-cockin-suckin', too good for the black man, brick shithouse back bacon ass shakin, black-man's-heart-breakin black girls.

The dozens lol "WHy you punkin head havin, size thirteen shoe wearin, 10 -sammwich-eatin..."

Isn't it "DE-pantsing"??

Nyarlahotep guide & protect you and may you sleep free of psychopompic influence.

"CHunky" is just a word I use to describe a fleshy quality that makes me want to perform an evil laying-on of hands. It has no real meaning outside of my private head-world; by which I mean to say, it doesn't neccesarily mean "fat". Some fattish girls are chunky, others aren't.

In NYC, the evil shrewish African-American bitch-queens are all West Indian. Some of these badass matriarchs scare even me-no easy feat let me tell you.
Anyone watch the FOod Network?

I have a massive boner for Rachael Ray, the 30 Minute/30 DOllar Gourmet. "Is dinner ready yet, bitch?"
rosco rathbone said:
Anyone watch the FOod Network?

I have a massive boner for Rachael Ray, the 30 Minute/30 DOllar Gourmet. "Is dinner ready yet, bitch?"

Watches the food network, but i enjoy the iron chef show, lol and i am sure that Rachael Ray would be so happy to hear that ;)

rosco rathbone said:
Anyone watch the FOod Network?

I have a massive boner for Rachael Ray, the 30 Minute/30 DOllar Gourmet. "Is dinner ready yet, bitch?"

The beauteous, curvaceous, epicurean Goddess of my slavish idolatry is Nigella Lawson. If ever a woman personified beauty, grace and womanhood, it is she. She should be on the Food Network, but is unjustly relegated to "The Style Network," and infrequent stints on PBS.
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