Vanessa 2

Hi beautiful, I'm taking advantage of this moment of calm in your Thread to tell you how I'd like to attach myself to your breast and take that wonderful "bud" of your nipple into my mouth and start sucking it until it becomes erect like a nice, hard piece of meat. and very hot also thanks to the desire you have begun to feel. Then I would move on to the other breast and do the same thing until I had two splendid, very hard nipples that as soon as you touch them induce a sort of contraction of desire. I'll write the rest of the story another time. In the meantime, please tell me from which breast do you want me to come out of this beautiful dream? the right or the left, please tell me!!!!!
Amiche xxx
As a youth, I well remember telephone boxes. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. However, without doubt, there would be countless young people who've never heard of one. In this country they were red; then they turned a rather ordinary camouflaged steel colour (no painting) just so that you when you needed to make a phone call quickly, you couldn't find one. Every home,(mostly) had a land line. One would make a call to wherever and, if there was no answer, you'd try again later. As technology moved forward, one would sometimes be greeted by an answering machine and you would leave a message...I never did, I'd just call back some other time that suited me. Life was less complicated, less interrupted a little more unhurried and relaxed.

Jumping ahead to more recent times: no need to look for a phone, they're everywhere. Mobile communication has many many advantages, no argument on that one, BUT as much as they are an instrument of help and convenience they have become an instrument of control also, big time. I have one, it rarely leaves the house or is switched on. I'd only lose it. When out and about, it's a little sad to see so many faces glued to a little glass screen as if losing a minute of 'social media' time/activity is a minute of life's actually the other way round.

Bit of a rant I know, but the other day I was making use of a public convenience in town, feeling quite relaxed and thinking how beautiful the day was. As I was standing there, a phone rang in a cubicle, a couple down the line, from where I was and the fellow answered the bloody thing! By the time I'd finished and was walking out, he was arguing. Must be common practice. Christ.

Doubtless, someone will direct me back to the stone age.

Now, the second and third paragraph above don't apply if you're checking your thread on Lit! ;)


Good morning Vanessa and Richard. Like so many recent inventions that we now take for granted, the march of mobile communication is a two-edged sword. We have constant access to information and entertainment, and we can make new friends all over the world and keep in touch with them with just a few keystrokes. Communities like Literotica have grown up because of these advances.
Like you I like to step back and observe the changes in society and nothing is more depressing than seeing a toddler in a pushchair looking up at its mother and being ignored because she is glued to her mobile phone.
Social media has led to a herd-like desire for acceptance and approval among vulnerable young people who are undergoing often gruesome disfigurement of their facial features to fit in with everyone else. Many do so while suffering from morbid obesity which is now affecting adults and children in so many parts of the world and is another by-product of the power of mass marketing to gullible audiences via multiple channels of communication.
Like you I am reducing the time I spend on my electronic devices but these wonderfully clever pictures of Vanessa keep drawing me back!
As a youth, I well remember telephone boxes. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. However, without doubt, there would be countless young people who've never heard of one. In this country they were red; then they turned a rather ordinary camouflaged steel colour (no painting) just so that you when you needed to make a phone call quickly, you couldn't find one. Every home,(mostly) had a land line. One would make a call to wherever and, if there was no answer, you'd try again later. As technology moved forward, one would sometimes be greeted by an answering machine and you would leave a message...I never did, I'd just call back some other time that suited me. Life was less complicated, less interrupted a little more unhurried and relaxed.

Jumping ahead to more recent times: no need to look for a phone, they're everywhere. Mobile communication has many many advantages, no argument on that one, BUT as much as they are an instrument of help and convenience they have become an instrument of control also, big time. I have one, it rarely leaves the house or is switched on. I'd only lose it. When out and about, it's a little sad to see so many faces glued to a little glass screen as if losing a minute of 'social media' time/activity is a minute of life's actually the other way round.

Bit of a rant I know, but the other day I was making use of a public convenience in town, feeling quite relaxed and thinking how beautiful the day was. As I was standing there, a phone rang in a cubicle, a couple down the line, from where I was and the fellow answered the bloody thing! By the time I'd finished and was walking out, he was arguing. Must be common practice. Christ.

Doubtless, someone will direct me back to the stone age.

Now, the second and third paragraph above don't apply if you're checking your thread on Lit! ;)

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I can’t really comment about phone & socials. I’m on it a lot. Probably too much. Glad though I grew up in 80s,90s & got through Uni without Facebook. No evidence (phew!) Love the b/w just using the phone light. V, you’re so beautiful x
As a youth, I well remember telephone boxes. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. However, without doubt, there would be countless young people who've never heard of one. In this country they were red; then they turned a rather ordinary camouflaged steel colour (no painting) just so that you when you needed to make a phone call quickly, you couldn't find one. Every home,(mostly) had a land line. One would make a call to wherever and, if there was no answer, you'd try again later. As technology moved forward, one would sometimes be greeted by an answering machine and you would leave a message...I never did, I'd just call back some other time that suited me. Life was less complicated, less interrupted a little more unhurried and relaxed.

Jumping ahead to more recent times: no need to look for a phone, they're everywhere. Mobile communication has many many advantages, no argument on that one, BUT as much as they are an instrument of help and convenience they have become an instrument of control also, big time. I have one, it rarely leaves the house or is switched on. I'd only lose it. When out and about, it's a little sad to see so many faces glued to a little glass screen as if losing a minute of 'social media' time/activity is a minute of life's actually the other way round.

Bit of a rant I know, but the other day I was making use of a public convenience in town, feeling quite relaxed and thinking how beautiful the day was. As I was standing there, a phone rang in a cubicle, a couple down the line, from where I was and the fellow answered the bloody thing! By the time I'd finished and was walking out, he was arguing. Must be common practice. Christ.

Doubtless, someone will direct me back to the stone age.

Now, the second and third paragraph above don't apply if you're checking your thread on Lit! ;)

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Hi you two. Fantastic shots using the light of the phone. I believe we are a similar age R so have similar views on phones, difficult to live with and without nowadays especially as phone-boxes are gone in the UK.
Phones are good for photos, but I still love my Fuji X series camera which looks retro but is really up to date. All I need now is a candlestick phone that’s a mobile😂. Love to both from Steve (the dinosaur🙄). Keep ranting and V keep being so gorgeously “real” x
View attachment 2343263
Hi beautiful, I'm taking advantage of this moment of calm in your Thread to tell you how I'd like to attach myself to your breast and take that wonderful "bud" of your nipple into my mouth and start sucking it until it becomes erect like a nice, hard piece of meat. and very hot also thanks to the desire you have begun to feel. Then I would move on to the other breast and do the same thing until I had two splendid, very hard nipples that as soon as you touch them induce a sort of contraction of desire. I'll write the rest of the story another time. In the meantime, please tell me from which breast do you want me to come out of this beautiful dream? the right or the left, please tell me!!!!!
Amiche xxx
This photo show just how beautiful V's breasts are.
As a youth, I well remember telephone boxes. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. However, without doubt, there would be countless young people who've never heard of one. In this country they were red; then they turned a rather ordinary camouflaged steel colour (no painting) just so that you when you needed to make a phone call quickly, you couldn't find one. Every home,(mostly) had a land line. One would make a call to wherever and, if there was no answer, you'd try again later. As technology moved forward, one would sometimes be greeted by an answering machine and you would leave a message...I never did, I'd just call back some other time that suited me. Life was less complicated, less interrupted a little more unhurried and relaxed.

Jumping ahead to more recent times: no need to look for a phone, they're everywhere. Mobile communication has many many advantages, no argument on that one, BUT as much as they are an instrument of help and convenience they have become an instrument of control also, big time. I have one, it rarely leaves the house or is switched on. I'd only lose it. When out and about, it's a little sad to see so many faces glued to a little glass screen as if losing a minute of 'social media' time/activity is a minute of life's actually the other way round.

Bit of a rant I know, but the other day I was making use of a public convenience in town, feeling quite relaxed and thinking how beautiful the day was. As I was standing there, a phone rang in a cubicle, a couple down the line, from where I was and the fellow answered the bloody thing! By the time I'd finished and was walking out, he was arguing. Must be common practice. Christ.

Doubtless, someone will direct me back to the stone age.

Now, the second and third paragraph above don't apply if you're checking your thread on Lit! ;)

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well said and oh so true. too many times i have seen people walk into sign posts, obstacles and others with their faces planted on their phone. when you do say something, they give some ridiculous reply, 'sure boomer' or something to signify a different generation. times were different and somewhat simpler back then.

I do enjoy how you make use of modern technology, very illuminating as you keep abreast of life.
I couldn’t agree more. It just amazes me the number of people who constantly are on them while driving among other things. The number of accidents by distracted drivers on their phones is very disturbing. This world is changing and not for the better…..🥲
how beautiful you are, you are sweet and warm that it drives me crazy. You are naked and you look like a protecting angel with your welcoming and inviting breasts. I want to throw myself on them and drown myself inside them, I want to feel their silky smooth skin caressing my face and my tongue always lingering on your nipple that grows in size after each of my sucks. you are wonderful and your breasts are so hard but at the same time so soft they drive me crazy. These photos are wonderful, please can you take more, taking care of the details of the nipples which are really fantastic. Thank you, I send you lots of kisses xxxxxx Amiche
View attachment 2343621
how beautiful you are, you are sweet and warm that it drives me crazy. You are naked and you look like a protecting angel with your welcoming and inviting breasts. I want to throw myself on them and drown myself inside them, I want to feel their silky smooth skin caressing my face and my tongue always lingering on your nipple that grows in size after each of my sucks. you are wonderful and your breasts are so hard but at the same time so soft they drive me crazy. These photos are wonderful, please can you take more, taking care of the details of the nipples which are really fantastic. Thank you, I send you lots of kisses xxxxxx Amiche
Vanessa does give off a glow...❤️❤️
As a youth, I well remember telephone boxes. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. However, without doubt, there would be countless young people who've never heard of one. In this country they were red; then they turned a rather ordinary camouflaged steel colour (no painting) just so that you when you needed to make a phone call quickly, you couldn't find one. Every home,(mostly) had a land line. One would make a call to wherever and, if there was no answer, you'd try again later. As technology moved forward, one would sometimes be greeted by an answering machine and you would leave a message...I never did, I'd just call back some other time that suited me. Life was less complicated, less interrupted a little more unhurried and relaxed.

Jumping ahead to more recent times: no need to look for a phone, they're everywhere. Mobile communication has many many advantages, no argument on that one, BUT as much as they are an instrument of help and convenience they have become an instrument of control also, big time. I have one, it rarely leaves the house or is switched on. I'd only lose it. When out and about, it's a little sad to see so many faces glued to a little glass screen as if losing a minute of 'social media' time/activity is a minute of life's actually the other way round.

Bit of a rant I know, but the other day I was making use of a public convenience in town, feeling quite relaxed and thinking how beautiful the day was. As I was standing there, a phone rang in a cubicle, a couple down the line, from where I was and the fellow answered the bloody thing! By the time I'd finished and was walking out, he was arguing. Must be common practice. Christ.

Doubtless, someone will direct me back to the stone age.

Now, the second and third paragraph above don't apply if you're checking your thread on Lit! ;)

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I have to agree with you life was so much better some time back before instant tec. I would like to be young again, ps V looks stunning 😍 in the semi light 😍 great pics Richard
Due for an update then R&V. Some strips will enhance the update. :cool:

(y) :)

oh wow! I’d be a VERY good girl for a taste of that whip!

Mmmm .. wondering what I could ask of you then ... :devil: :)

Absolutely gotta Vanessa and so many views of your lovely rear


Lovely to see you in action again , you guys are so good to us , hope you are enjoying yourselves as much as we are watching you

Yes we are certainly enjoying ourselves on here, AG .. thank you!

Sunday coffee and a relaxing walk through R&V's fantastic thread.

(y) :)

Hi beautiful, I'm taking advantage of this moment of calm in your Thread to tell you how I'd like to attach myself to your breast and take that wonderful "bud" of your nipple into my mouth and start sucking it until it becomes erect like a nice, hard piece of meat. and very hot also thanks to the desire you have begun to feel. Then I would move on to the other breast and do the same thing until I had two splendid, very hard nipples that as soon as you touch them induce a sort of contraction of desire. I'll write the rest of the story another time. In the meantime, please tell me from which breast do you want me to come out of this beautiful dream? the right or the left, please tell me!!!!!
Amiche xxx

:) ... thank you Amiche ... I'll choose the right one then.

Good morning Vanessa and Richard. Like so many recent inventions that we now take for granted, the march of mobile communication is a two-edged sword. We have constant access to information and entertainment, and we can make new friends all over the world and keep in touch with them with just a few keystrokes. Communities like Literotica have grown up because of these advances.
Like you I like to step back and observe the changes in society and nothing is more depressing than seeing a toddler in a pushchair looking up at its mother and being ignored because she is glued to her mobile phone.
Social media has led to a herd-like desire for acceptance and approval among vulnerable young people who are undergoing often gruesome disfigurement of their facial features to fit in with everyone else. Many do so while suffering from morbid obesity which is now affecting adults and children in so many parts of the world and is another by-product of the power of mass marketing to gullible audiences via multiple channels of communication.
Like you I am reducing the time I spend on my electronic devices but these wonderfully clever pictures of Vanessa keep drawing me back!

So well said, Kent and couldn't agree with you more about all the ill-effects. Who would have predicted all that? But it's nice to know that you're finding a worthwhile reason in our thread to check your devices. 😊

I can’t really comment about phone & socials. I’m on it a lot. Probably too much. Glad though I grew up in 80s,90s & got through Uni without Facebook. No evidence (phew!) Love the b/w just using the phone light. V, you’re so beautiful x

Thank you, Alex.
Haha ... yes, I think a lot of people are plagued by images from their youth these days. I'm also glad that none of that was around until I was old enough to not be too interested.

Hi you two. Fantastic shots using the light of the phone. I believe we are a similar age R so have similar views on phones, difficult to live with and without nowadays especially as phone-boxes are gone in the UK.
Phones are good for photos, but I still love my Fuji X series camera which looks retro but is really up to date. All I need now is a candlestick phone that’s a mobile😂. Love to both from Steve (the dinosaur🙄). Keep ranting and V keep being so gorgeously “real” x

I do that like that sign off line, Steve. x And yes, Richard is the same always choosing real cameras to take photos. I use my mobile camera like a diary to remind us of when we did this or that ... it's so hard to remember these things as you get older. :rolleyes:

This photo show just how beautiful V's breasts are.

Thanks so much, Bonnie. :)

well said and oh so true. too many times i have seen people walk into sign posts, obstacles and others with their faces planted on their phone. when you do say something, they give some ridiculous reply, 'sure boomer' or something to signify a different generation. times were different and somewhat simpler back then.

I do enjoy how you make use of modern technology, very illuminating as you keep abreast of life.

:) ... I like your take on the photo, Heath ... and yes, there's no point at all in saying anything about phones, it's too late for rescue.

I couldn’t agree more. It just amazes me the number of people who constantly are on them while driving among other things. The number of accidents by distracted drivers on their phones is very disturbing. This world is changing and not for the better…..🥲

Yes, it's scary to think people are so distracted driving, Crewdog. I agree that so many things are getting worse, but then again I guess I'm showing my age in saying that.

how beautiful you are, you are sweet and warm that it drives me crazy. You are naked and you look like a protecting angel with your welcoming and inviting breasts. I want to throw myself on them and drown myself inside them, I want to feel their silky smooth skin caressing my face and my tongue always lingering on your nipple that grows in size after each of my sucks. you are wonderful and your breasts are so hard but at the same time so soft they drive me crazy. These photos are wonderful, please can you take more, taking care of the details of the nipples which are really fantastic. Thank you, I send you lots of kisses xxxxxx Amiche

That's lovely Amiche .. many thanks as always. Kisses to you too.

Vanessa does give off a glow...❤️❤️

Haha .. I like that CV!

I have to agree with you life was so much better some time back before instant tec. I would like to be young again, ps V looks stunning 😍 in the semi light 😍 great pics Richard

Many thanks Aon ... we were lucky to live in those times I think.
Hi you two. Fantastic shots using the light of the phone. I believe we are a similar age R so have similar views on phones, difficult to live with and without nowadays especially as phone-boxes are gone in the UK.
Phones are good for photos, but I still love my Fuji X series camera which looks retro but is really up to date. All I need now is a candlestick phone that’s a mobile😂. Love to both from Steve (the dinosaur🙄). Keep ranting and V keep being so gorgeously “real” x

well said and oh so true. too many times i have seen people walk into sign posts, obstacles and others with their faces planted on their phone. when you do say something, they give some ridiculous reply, 'sure boomer' or something to signify a different generation. times were different and somewhat simpler back then.

I do enjoy how you make use of modern technology, very illuminating as you keep abreast of life.

I couldn’t agree more. It just amazes me the number of people who constantly are on them while driving among other things. The number of accidents by distracted drivers on their phones is very disturbing. This world is changing and not for the better…..🥲

I have to agree with you life was so much better some time back before instant tec. I would like to be young again, ps V looks stunning 😍 in the semi light 😍 great pics Richard
Good morning Vanessa and Richard. Like so many recent inventions that we now take for granted, the march of mobile communication is a two-edged sword. We have constant access to information and entertainment, and we can make new friends all over the world and keep in touch with them with just a few keystrokes. Communities like Literotica have grown up because of these advances.
Like you I like to step back and observe the changes in society and nothing is more depressing than seeing a toddler in a pushchair looking up at its mother and being ignored because she is glued to her mobile phone.
Social media has led to a herd-like desire for acceptance and approval among vulnerable young people who are undergoing often gruesome disfigurement of their facial features to fit in with everyone else. Many do so while suffering from morbid obesity which is now affecting adults and children in so many parts of the world and is another by-product of the power of mass marketing to gullible audiences via multiple channels of communication.
Like you I am reducing the time I spend on my electronic devices but these wonderfully clever pictures of Vanessa keep drawing me back!

I can’t really comment about phone & socials. I’m on it a lot. Probably too much. Glad though I grew up in 80s,90s & got through Uni without Facebook. No evidence (phew!) Love the b/w just using the phone light. V, you’re so beautiful x

Hi you two. Fantastic shots using the light of the phone. I believe we are a similar age R so have similar views on phones, difficult to live with and without nowadays especially as phone-boxes are gone in the UK.
Phones are good for photos, but I still love my Fuji X series camera which looks retro but is really up to date. All I need now is a candlestick phone that’s a mobile😂. Love to both from Steve (the dinosaur🙄). Keep ranting and V keep being so gorgeously “real” x

Thanks all, for picking up on the mobile phone thing.

Undoubtedly back when cars, electricity and phones were coming into being, someone was saying that there was nothing wrong with riding the good ol' horse home and having dinner by candlelight. Times change and I'm all for it. So many good things have come about in the past hundred years, particularly in regard to health and medicine. Technology has raced along at a monumental pace.....very much for the good of all of us: we wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for internet and social media. It is a wonderful achievement.

However, human beings are a complicated bunch. Many people would not have much idea about the obvious downsides to 'being connected' and possibly would not care. In regard to communication technology and social media (phones included here) just about everyone gets a buzz from being connected, being involved in what's going on in the (and their) world. The downside to all this are the nefarious vicious bastards who want to take advantage of everyone, take control and manipulate. It's happening all the time from big multi national corporations and governments to the scumbag hiding in his dark basement scamming some poor retired couple out of their life savings. When one sees people glued firmly to their phones while crossing the street, pushing their kids in a pram, sitting around a restaurant table in a group, or taking a phone call in mid conversation with another person (a personal loathing) George Orwell and Isaac Asimov spring to mind.

Now, I think we might get away with this:



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The photos below were taken around 2010, just prior to a couple of friends coming over for a nude barbecue; grabbed the camera while we were waiting for them. These were folks we became friends with over the years making the most of a nude beach on the mid north coast of NSW. We had a place inland from the coast in the middle of nowhere. They would visit quite often......made a nice change from sand and sea.

The apron was protection from being splattered with anything.

P1000677 copy.jpg
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The photos below were taken around 2010, just prior to a couple of friends coming over for a nude barbecue; grabbed the camera while we were waiting for them. These were folks we became friends with over the years making the most of a nude beach on the mid north coast of NSW. We had a place inland from the coast in the middle of nowhere. They would visit quite often......made a nice change from sand and sea.

The apron was protection from being splattered with anything.

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I'm not sure the apron is really going to protect this beautiful woman from all that spatters.....🍆💦💦💦...