Your Top 5 List is...

Sorry. I'm just pissed that I don't get to post about fried legs, fried thighs, and fried breasts. 😡

(Wow, spellchecker wanted to change breasts to breaststroke. I'll have to try fried breaststroke sometime 🤷‍♂️)
Sounds like a lot of work for fried food.
Top 5 Fried Foods (that aren't chicken)

1. Fish. I'm an absolute fiend for fried fish. Especially a nice thick piece of cod.
2. Empanadas. Pastry filled with meat and fried? Sign me the fuck up.
3. French fries. Because, of course.
4. Doughnuts. Bonus points if they're topped with maple icing and fried bacon bits.
5. Onion rings. Cut nice and thick with a good batter, and deep fried to golden... ohh that makes me horny.
Top 5 Fried Foods (that aren't chicken)

1. Corn Jacks
2. Fish and Chips
3. Chippies with chicken salt
4. Onion Bhaji
5. Deep fried mars bar
Your Top 5 Fried Foods (That Aren't Chicken)

1. Tater Tots/taters
2. Pork Chops
3. Chicken Fried Steak
4. Fried Pickles (I needed a veggie)
5. Fried Ice Cream (dessert, of course!)
Since I just got back from a massive acomic convention, for this week I'm going with:

Your Top 5 Favorite Comic Characters
(Doesn't have to be superhero, could be webcomics or newspaper funnies)
Since I just got back from a massive acomic convention, for this week I'm going with:

Your Top 5 Favorite Comic Characters
(Doesn't have to be superhero, could be webcomics or newspaper funnies)
1. Daredevil
2. Ben Reilly aka the Scarlet Spider, aka Spider-Man
3. Robin (specifically the Tim Drake version)
4. Nightcrawler (of the X-Men)
5. Calvin, from Calvin and Hobbes
1. Daredevil
2. Ben Reilly aka the Scarlet Spider, aka Spider-Man
3. Robin (specifically the Tim Drake version)
4. Nightcrawler (of the X-Men)
5. Calvin, from Calvin and Hobbes
Original Scarlet Spider costume is hands down my favorite Spider-man costume
Top 5 Fave Comic Book Characters
1. Harley Quinn (even if she originated on tv)
2. Red Hood
3. Deadpool
4. Nightwing
5. Scarlet Witch
In no order...

Mark Trail
Fritz the Cat
Dick Tracy
Top Non-Chicken Fried Foods

Top Comic Characters
—Coach Cleatz
—The mother in For Better or for Worse
—Dick Dastardly and his sidekick Muttley
Sorry, catching up.

Your Top 5 Favorite Paintings
Sticking to one per artist, or one per style, or I would probably have all PRBs.

1) Dante Gabriel Rossetti's La Ghirlandata. First place in my heart is not in question. Second could be many from the Pre-Raphaelite artists.
2) Edward Hopper's Early Sunday Morning
3) Rembrandt's Aristotle with a Bust of Homer
4) Brian Froud's Elfin Knight though most of his work and sketches work as well. Love him.
5) Louis Daguerre's The Ruins of Holyrood Chapel