I have an uneducated admirer :)


I win !
Jan 6, 2021
Stupid communists like yourself are going to have Trump around for as long as they live! Your NOT going to get rid of him! He is exposing ALL evil, whether Republican or Demonrat, dosent make any difference, if you're evil YOU WILL DIE if not already dead! Tell me over 400 musicians and actors just die every year! One commie at a time is going down and your man Trump is exposing them daily! And if you really thing Joe Biden is president, much less alive, you truly are brain dead! Oh and another thing, Why hasnt Joe closed GITMO? After all hes the president! Lol and why on earth would Trump put a half of billion in GITMO and built 3 more state of the art court rooms? At least they are torturing and killing these worthless mother fuckers as fast as they are coming in. And since they got their citizenship stripped from them, they are ALL being dumped at sea! So just so ya know, our judicial system our political systen, or medical system and our communist media are all going down! Each and every person who administered the vax will be found guilty for crimes against humanity and hanged! Maybe you should take your dunce cap off, take off your blinders and wake the fuck up! And look at the hospital in the country that have shut its doors! Its so fun to watch Trump work his magic right in front of your eyes and you fools cant see it! The more posts I read of yours, the dumber you sound! Btw 435 members of congress and every president before Trump is already long dead! Including the real Joe im a commie Biden! Oh and Trump is out to make another 5-10 BILLION when Truth Social hits Wall Street! Pennies compared to the 34 QUINTRILLION HE TOOK FROM THE VATICAN AFTER HE EXECUTED THE POPOE AND ALL OF HIS CARDINALS! have you noticed the aroyals are disappearing real quick too!!! Life is good! By a gun or 10 and sit back and watch as Trump continues to have the most fun he ever had in his life! This was planned for the last 20 years! Enjoy the show DUMB FUCK! Like Trump says over and over, the educated in society are now the dumb fucks of society! Your a perfect example! Good luck to ya! 😊
I love hearing from the haters telling me how dumb I am when they have no clue what a simple contraction is.

You trumptards are comedy gold!
Jesus. I forgot about GITMO. Is that still a thing?
Ask her why trump didn't close what Bush opened. 😆
They have no sense of irony. The elimination of the educated classes was an early stage in the Communist revolution under Marx, Molotov, Trotsky etc.
"executed the Popoe."


woooo boy. I sure hope this yahoo isn't operating any machinery heavier than an electric can opener. :ROFLMAO:
Vanity threads are dumb.

Also, carriage return seems to be an issue there.
They also "locked the conversation" so I couldn't reply to them.

Dumb and cowardly, the calling cards of a trumptard.
Oh you poor little whining communist bastard! Anytime you want to debate me, Im ready any time you are! So now tell me why Trump was saluted by the military yesterday on the border, and actually met with REAL generals when old Joe landed 350 miles from the border and no one was there to greet him and he flew in on an unmarked, unused military plane with no tail numbers! Also, now that Bidens 1.7trillion dollar spending package was deemed unconstitutional it will go to the SC. Do you know that if the Supreme Court agrees, every single bill Joe has signed is deemed unconstitutional! Do you know what we do with people in thiis country who go against the constitution? Maybe you should email Judge advocate Darse Crandall and find out what were doing with every single one of them! Have a good weekend Commie!

That actually sounds more like the urguyscott guy, who still crops up in the forums from time to time (always with under a different screen name though.)
it's upset once again. lol

This simply means the whole Biden administration goes down for treason and ALL get hanged by their neck til dead! Watch what happens! Life is grand! CHeCK MATE. like Trump said Saturday, YOUR GONNA LOVE THE WAY THIS ENDS! 😊
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Fuck off, Hisarpy.
And even if that wasn't totally debunked bullshit (Which has been disproven time and time again!) guess what- even if those 435,000 votes hadn't been switched (they werent) Biden still would have won. By 6.5 million votes, at that. Math obviously isn't your strong suit, however. (neither is hiding behind multiple aliases :) ).