Ask Me A Question v.6.2.17

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Big share: A big beach house filled with family. The moon was full, she was ovulating and it was go time to make that baby. With kids banging on the locked door, the deed (and the seed) was done. Sometimes you do what you gotta do.
And, yes. 9 months later :D

Do you swim or just splash in the ocean?

We live on the beach. I am a splasher, not very good swimming skills and I wont go in unless I am with Hubby.

Have you ever swum naked?
We live on the beach. I am a splasher, not very good swimming skills and I wont go in unless I am with Hubby.

Have you ever swum naked?

in an ocean
in a lake
in a river
in a pool

When you here "oh no" from your beloved, what do you assume is wrong?
in an ocean
in a lake
in a river
in a pool

When you here "oh no" from your beloved, what do you assume is wrong?

Something has happened to someone we care about. A scary thought.

What do you think is a big strength of yours?
oops, sorry. I have not researched my tree.

is 12 a lot?

Do you see your extended family other than weddings, funerals, that sort of thing?
oops, sorry. I have not researched my tree.

is 12 a lot?

Do you see your extended family other than weddings, funerals, that sort of thing?

Not much, which is really too bad.
I have a couple cousins that I really like, and at least one and Aunt/Uncle and another Uncle that I like a lot too.

Facebook helps with the cousins.

How do you keep in touch with distant relatives and family (wouldn't it be nice if they were all on Lit...LMAO...kidding!!!! )
Not much, which is really too bad.
I have a couple cousins that I really like, and at least one and Aunt/Uncle and another Uncle that I like a lot too.

Facebook helps with the cousins.

How do you keep in touch with distant relatives and family (wouldn't it be nice if they were all on Lit...LMAO...kidding!!!! )

Phone calls and FaceTime.

How many religious books are in your home?
Zero, unless you consider the Kama Sutra religious

When was the last time you gave/got a faceful of cum?

Gave. Several years ago. More than I can recall. It’s not on the menu here.

Last time you pleasured a partner to climax orally?
Gave. Several years ago. More than I can recall. It’s not on the menu here.

Last time you pleasured a partner to climax orally?

Two days ago. It was demanded, and I responded accordingly... :devil::D

Last time you had a multiple orgasm?

When is the last time you got a full body massage that did not end in sex?

Full body? Well, I guess about 2012? I went to a masseuse and paid for it. I really wasn't into him, but man it helped with the tension. (muscle tension...get your mind out of the't....I like it there!)

How often do you offer a massage to your SO with the goal of getting sex?
Full body? Well, I guess about 2012? I went to a masseuse and paid for it. I really wasn't into him, but man it helped with the tension. (muscle tension...get your mind out of the't....I like it there!)

How often do you offer a massage to your SO with the goal of getting sex?

It's my go to - at least three times/week.

How many different countries have you had sex in?
It's my go to - at least three times/week.

How many different countries have you had sex in?

Three, with other people. Are we including sex by one's lonesome? 🤔 Lol

What country have you been to that's at the top of your 'I have to go back' bucket list? & why?
Three, with other people. Are we including sex by one's lonesome? 🤔 Lol

What country have you been to that's at the top of your 'I have to go back' bucket list? & why?

Kassel, Deutschland.. to visit Schloss Herkules for one more picnic

Are you more Waynes World or Facts of Life?
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