I love older men

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:rose:good morning (it is morning on the shaky coast) to all you lovely young ladies:rose:

Hope you all have a great day and perhaps a memorable evening with an "older" guy;).
Icey yes the scenery is so beautiful. I have only gotten to visit a handful of times. I wish I did better know my family I have there. Pleasure to meet you !


Here's hoping everyone's having a good morning / day / evening depending on whether you're on the left coast, right coast or over the pond.

Bro. Brett, hope your heads not too sore from all that sleep deprivation and work. Especially with all this yucky weather. 2 of the girls are on rack ops due to a pounding head.

I think I'll be delivering some 'oral headache relief' if they don't get a move on soon. :D
Forgive me Icey, not sure what "rack ops" means. The weather isn't helping, I will say that. I am sleeping, but the instant I'm up, to work I go. I am hoping NOT to hear from my company again this week. If they want it all wrapped up by tomorrow, an all-nighter is in the cards.

Monday is easily do-able and then another full week of writing to get me on course.

I may be writing at home tonight. The cafe I frequent had a small fire in one of their machines. I don't know if that means they've closed down entirely or just can't use that particular machine. I suspect the former.

BrettJ in Canada
Forgive me Icey, not sure what "rack ops" means.

Sorry bro., military slang, it's had to break the habit. "Rack ops" means you're confined to your "rack" (naval term for a bed on a ship) or just staying in bed, usually due to sickness, although sometimes as a safety precaution during really rough weather.

I'm batting 500 though, one headache gone, one still lingering.

Gotta love oral sex as a medicinal remedy!!

* Waves hello to one and all *
It's almost Friday !

**Waving back**

I noted your new avatar.........

In no particular order;

- 2 of the girls volunteered to apply more suntan lotion,

- my wife suggested we load everyone in the Motorhome and head to Myrtle Beach,

- the other girl said "fuck that, I just want that babes bottoms off her, now, she's hot!".

It's official SSN, you have a fan club.......

Or at least a twisted 5-some peeving on you. LOL
Evening all.

I wouldn't know about the oral sex remedy Icey. As I've commented to a friend in another thread, oral sex does zero for me. Don't mind giving it, don't care if I get it.

BrettJ in Canada
Good evening SAMANTHA.

BrettJ from rainy & bleahhh Ontario Canada
**Waving back**

I noted your new avatar.........

In no particular order;

- 2 of the girls volunteered to apply more suntan lotion,

- my wife suggested we load everyone in the Motorhome and head to Myrtle Beach,

- the other girl said "fuck that, I just want that babes bottoms off her, now, she's hot!".

It's official SSN, you have a fan club.......

Or at least a twisted 5-some peeving on you. LOL

Ok I'm smilin see :)
That was too cute Thank you and the other 4 members of my new " fan club".
I now call this meeting to order :)
Oh and I am heading to Myrtle Beach in 2 weeks yee' haw !! Hope this finds everyone doing well. I am looking forward to Friday. I spent all but 9 bucks of my " fun money". And I never dip into savings. I dislike being broke :(
I can't seem to get my program to create AVs to work properly. I've always used Irfanview and do so now, but it tells me it's over the required size even though I'm following the rules. I should check and see if I still have Gimp on my computer and try that.

Hello to NRSE. I could use some sunshine, it's pouring here and is supposed to for the next week.

BrettJ in Canada
Oh I dare not tell them you're heading for MB, or they'll be kidnapping you and dragging you to the nudie beach on the OBX for a little 'beach blanket bingo' by moonlight.

We'll just leave them merely perving on you in their imagination......
When you work as I do (as a contractor for a publishing company) NO day is "Friday". Being behind on deadlines means not as much rest for moi as I truly need. Saying that, I will likely start an all-nighter or two tonight and have naps in between stories.

BrettJ in Canada
I work every weekend and one shift during the week. Here weekend Nursing is called " Baylor". We get paid 36 hours to work 24. Plus weekend pay and shift diff for evenings. I'm weary of working every single weekend but the schedule works. I was able to return to college to continue my education in healthcare. BrettJ rain here also and heavy bands tomorrow. The Wrath of the tropical storm off the FL coast heading our way !
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