Daddy Fetish

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So very true :heart:

"Yes it is - thanks!"

I'm glad you both liked the pic. :rose::rose:

Hi sweety pies!

How is your evening going?

Good morning GH. Hope your evening was good.

*pouncetackles Mutato*
Hope everything continues to go smoothly for you, Dear.

*waves at everyone else*

Posting from my phone, and it's a PITA to try and get too personal/specific. Suffice to say I hope you all had a great day! :rose:

I hope you are doing better today. Thinking of you and wishing you the best. :D

Insomnia is a bad, bad thing

Sorry to hear that you are dealing with it. It really does suck. I hope you can get some rest soon. It can mess with your diabetes too. :(

Yes it really is.

Congrats Mutato I really hope it works out for that date for you and AB

Hi sweetie! Happy Wednesday! I hope things are going great for you! :rose:
If your kids are sick please don't send them to school. Or else the people that look after them spend hours praying to the porcelain gods to kill them as they dry heave and throw up bile cause nothing else is left. In hell
Woke up, going to reheat coffee and there peering up at me from my coffee cup is a freakin spider! Rinsed and down the disposal! Die bastard spider die! Usually I leave nature alone.

Good morning/evening INL, Hayley, mutato and RJ hope you got some sleep! Hello to all the wonderful little girls and Daddies!

My sweet cookie...good morning to you! Daddy is at your side for the next set of challenges this week brings. Here is a nice warm cup of your special herbal tea with a smidge of honey and a kiss for flavor!
Woke up, going to reheat coffee and there peering up at me from my coffee cup is a freakin spider! Rinsed and down the disposal! Die bastard spider die! Usually I leave nature alone.

Good morning/evening INL, Hayley, mutato and RJ hope you got some sleep! Hello to all the wonderful little girls and Daddies!

My sweet cookie...good morning to you! Daddy is at your side for the next set of challenges this week brings. Here is a nice warm cup of your special herbal tea with a smidge of honey and a kiss for flavor!

"Woo Hoo! And another one bites the dust! Nature is one thing Daddy Stan - but when it comes inside MY house and onto MY turf - that's something else entirely!"
Good morning to my dearest sisters and the Daddies who love us.

Mutato: watch the back babe..between the camping and new walking routine this Weeble is taking a beating. Things are still very stressful, but looking up, so I'm thankful for that. :kiss:

INL: you are always so sweet. Thank you for thinking about me. I would like some pointers on writing a skills-based resume, if you have any suggestions. :) :rose:

TT..good evening to you! I hope you feel better :( sounds rough..

RJ....:rolleyes: Hope you got some sleep.

Cookie, Stan, Peaches, GH, Photo, and anyone else I missed..have a great hump day. (((hugs)))
If your kids are sick please don't send them to school. Or else the people that look after them spend hours praying to the porcelain gods to kill them as they dry heave and throw up bile cause nothing else is left. In hell

"I'm so sorry Hayley - sounds miserable but yes, you're right!"
good morning

I am at school just waiting for my teacher. But I want to say I am not going nowhere I am staying all my life I have been running from things or letting people run me away but not anymore. Because a mature person will always apologize and own up to being wrong plus stay where they are I am staying cause I want to

I love you guys and I hate hurting people that I care about and love so once again I am sorry for how I did things the other day I mean every word that I said because if I didn't mean it I would have never said and it is up to ya if ya want to except it or not and this is not bullshit its the truth

Thank you
"Yes indeed! Happy Hump Day one and all! INL - counting down - seven days and six and a half hours!"

I am at school just waiting for my teacher. But I want to say I am not going nowhere I am staying all my life I have been running from things or letting people run me away but not anymore. Because a mature person will always apologize and own up to being wrong plus stay where they are I am staying cause I want to

I love you guys and I hate hurting people that I care about and love so once again I am sorry for how I did things the other day I mean every word that I said because if I didn't mean it I would have never said and it is up to ya if ya want to except it or not and this is not bullshit its the truth

Thank you

I am at school just waiting for my teacher. But I want to say I am not going nowhere I am staying all my life I have been running from things or letting people run me away but not anymore. Because a mature person will always apologize and own up to being wrong plus stay where they are I am staying cause I want to

I love you guys and I hate hurting people that I care about and love so once again I am sorry for how I did things the other day I mean every word that I said because if I didn't mean it I would have never said and it is up to ya if ya want to except it or not and this is not bullshit its the truth

Thank you
You are welcome to stay. :rose: Please, don't take too much offense, and I say this so you can understand the reactions. Our relationships with our Daddies ( and our sisters!!!) are built on trust, if nothing else, complete and absolute trust. We have all had our hearts broken at one time or another by someone who decided that the gift we gave them was not worthy in one way or another. So, it is difficult for us to step back sometimes and forgive.

I will also say that being a public forum, none of us can actually tell anyone else to leave.. We most certainly can make the errant poster feel as unwelcome as we possibly can, but that's usually saved for the rude and nasty who occasionally pops in.

(((hugs))) Thank you for your apology. All we ever ask is that you be honest about your feelings. What you did just sort of rubbed a few of us the wrong way. We, in this particular thread, are the same outside this thread as we are inside it. So, just be aware that if you say one thing here, then post something different somewhere else, it's akin to lying... which breaks our trust, which I think I established is THE cornerstone of our foundation here.

I hope you have a wonderful day! :heart:
Hi everyone! I love Hump Days!!!!

Hayley, sorry that you caught another bug..not what you need at all! I always keep mine home if they are are ill. Sometimes they became ill at school and I had no clue they were sick, but I picked them up asap and keep them home a day after symptoms are gone, just in case.

Ra, check in with me when you get a chance! Hugs! :heart:

Peaches, I'm so happy that you'll be in SO's arms again soon! :kiss:

Mutato, that would be wonderful if she could come so soon! Hoping it all works out! :)

RJ, did you get any sleep?

INL, how are you, sweetie?! :rose:

~waves to everyone else that pops in~ So many of us these days! :)
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Hi everyone! I love Hump Days!!!!

Hayley, sorry that you caught another bug..not what you need at all! I always keep mine home if they are are ill. Sometimes they became ill at school and I had no clue they were sick, but I picked them up asap and keep them home a day after symptoms are gone, just in case.

Ra, check in with me when you get a chance! Hugs! :heart:

Peaches, I'm so happy that you'll be in SO's arms again soon! :kiss:

Mutato, that would be wonderful if she could come so soon! Hoping it all works out! :)

RJ, did you get any sleep?

INL, how are you, sweetie?! :rose:

~waves to everyone else that pops in~ So many of us these days! :)
i know how thay feel when i was in 4th grade they served us pizza strewberry milk and corn .i throw up right in class on my math book .its kinda funny because the teachers ad was sitting right next to me
Hi everyone! I love Hump Days!!!!

Hayley, sorry that you caught another bug..not what you need at all! I always keep mine home if they are are ill. Sometimes they became ill at school and I had no clue they were sick, but I picked them up asap and keep them home a day after symptoms are gone, just in case.

Ra, check in with me when you get a chance! Hugs! :heart:

Peaches, I'm so happy that you'll be in SO's arms again soon! :kiss:

Mutato, that would be wonderful if she could come so soon! Hoping it all works out! :)

RJ, did you get any sleep?

INL, how are you, sweetie?! :rose:

~waves to everyone else that pops in~ So many of us these days! :)

A few hours. It wasn't pretty seeing me this morning, trudging down the stairs to my home "office" to sign on at 7 to shoot off several reports to work, then after confirmation, wander back up to the shower LOL
You are welcome to stay. :rose: Please, don't take too much offense, and I say this so you can understand the reactions. Our relationships with our Daddies ( and our sisters!!!) are built on trust, if nothing else, complete and absolute trust. We have all had our hearts broken at one time or another by someone who decided that the gift we gave them was not worthy in one way or another. So, it is difficult for us to step back sometimes and forgive.

I will also say that being a public forum, none of us can actually tell anyone else to leave.. We most certainly can make the errant poster feel as unwelcome as we possibly can, but that's usually saved for the rude and nasty who occasionally pops in.

(((hugs))) Thank you for your apology. All we ever ask is that you be honest about your feelings. What you did just sort of rubbed a few of us the wrong way. We, in this particular thread, are the same outside this thread as we are inside it. So, just be aware that if you say one thing here, then post something different somewhere else, it's akin to lying... which breaks our trust, which I think I established is THE cornerstone of our foundation here.

I hope you have a wonderful day! :heart:

Well said, and sums up my feelings quite nicely.
Happy hump day everyone!!! :rose:

My countdown is on, just 7 days until I fly out to see family, and less than 2 weeks until Daddy and I meet. I am a gigantic ball of nerves!
Thank you, I'm really excited too. But also very nervous. And a bunch of other emotions. I've been trying to sort through them, identify and deal with them, but it hasn't helped.
(((hugs))) You'll be fine. Just focus on the good, the rest will work itself out. :rose:
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