Daddy Fetish

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I will not share my experience in detail.
A. I have never really discussed it. What happened, happened. My father offered to call the police, but there were so many involved, and nothing actually "happened" that I told him to let it go. We were all young, and they were stupid. I chalk it up to that. :eek: I am thankful I am a quick talker and despite only being 5'2" can raise my hackles if needed and a least seem a bit scarier than I really am.
B. Despite this being an "anonymous" forum, I tend to think I am all over the place here. (not exactly trying to hide, if you catch my drift) If I thought my story would help someone in any way, I'd have said something a long time ago.

I'd never confuse unwanted with wanted, either. I'll be the first to admit, I can't wait til I have a Daddy who loves me enough and is proud enough, AND CONFIDENT enough in me and my love for HIM that he might enjoy a little playdate with someone else. But the key to this scenario (for me anyway) is you have Daddy there to protect. You always belong to one Daddy, and if both of you don't agree to it, then it's a NO-GO. Daddy will not make you do anything he does not think you are prepared to handle.. PERIOD.

People who think they can take whatever they want by force or fear are a different breed.They should be punished. Even though I did nothing wrong, I can still see how I might have been made out to be deserving of what happened. I recall after the fact that one of the boys MOTHERS made comments all over town about how I was one of the only girls out there that night, and she could only imagine what I was doing with all those "boys"..
I was like, are you kidding me? I played football with these "boys" for years...I shot slingshots and climbed trees with these boys for years.. NOTHING gave them the right to do what they did, and I had NO way of knowing I was "putting myself" at risk with guys I'd grown up with.. Yet, this woman found some way to exonerate her child's behavior at my expense.

Whatever..#irritated at the gaul of some people...:rolleyes:

In any event, I'm very protective both of myself and others.(big D'OH there ;)) I hope all the littles know that they can confide in me about anything. I'm hear to listen, and will offer advice if I can and it's asked for. I'm leery of men in general because intentions are never really clear. I'm bolder when I have Daddy around, and if I need to be reigned in, he'll take care of that. Otherwise, I have the run of the yard, so to speak :D

"In any herd of mustangs, there's a stud Stallion.....but there's a herd Mare who really runs things.......we just happen to tolerate more than one Stallion in our little herd;)":rose::heart::rose:
Good morning/evening!

I'm so proud of the women all are, despite wrongs others have committed against you. You are all brave and beautiful ladies and I'm happy you are in my life. I'm here if any of you need an ear or a shoulder. :)

Seems we may have decent weather today! Woohoo!

Daddy, there are hundreds of reasons why I love you so! :heart:
LOL.. :D Posted this in my thread... thought it was appropriate over here, as well. :kiss:
I will not share my experience in detail.
A. I have never really discussed it. What happened, happened. My father offered to call the police, but there were so many involved, and nothing actually "happened" that I told him to let it go. We were all young, and they were stupid. I chalk it up to that. :eek: I am thankful I am a quick talker and despite only being 5'2" can raise my hackles if needed and a least seem a bit scarier than I really am.
B. Despite this being an "anonymous" forum, I tend to think I am all over the place here. (not exactly trying to hide, if you catch my drift) If I thought my story would help someone in any way, I'd have said something a long time ago.

I'd never confuse unwanted with wanted, either. I'll be the first to admit, I can't wait til I have a Daddy who loves me enough and is proud enough, AND CONFIDENT enough in me and my love for HIM that he might enjoy a little playdate with someone else. But the key to this scenario (for me anyway) is you have Daddy there to protect. You always belong to one Daddy, and if both of you don't agree to it, then it's a NO-GO. Daddy will not make you do anything he does not think you are prepared to handle.. PERIOD.

People who think they can take whatever they want by force or fear are a different breed.They should be punished. Even though I did nothing wrong, I can still see how I might have been made out to be deserving of what happened. I recall after the fact that one of the boys MOTHERS made comments all over town about how I was one of the only girls out there that night, and she could only imagine what I was doing with all those "boys"..
I was like, are you kidding me? I played football with these "boys" for years...I shot slingshots and climbed trees with these boys for years.. NOTHING gave them the right to do what they did, and I had NO way of knowing I was "putting myself" at risk with guys I'd grown up with.. Yet, this woman found some way to exonerate her child's behavior at my expense.

Whatever..#irritated at the gaul of some people...:rolleyes:

In any event, I'm very protective both of myself and others.(big D'OH there ;)) I hope all the littles know that they can confide in me about anything. I'm hear to listen, and will offer advice if I can and it's asked for. I'm leery of men in general because intentions are never really clear. I'm bolder when I have Daddy around, and if I need to be reigned in, he'll take care of that. Otherwise, I have the run of the yard, so to speak :D

This, once again, reaffirms why I love you in that strictly platonic sisterly sort of way. :heart:

*big hugs*

I consider myself lucky in some ways, because I was only a child when these things happened to me, and both acts were committed by adult men. There was no "blaming the victim" in the sense that I was treated like I deserved it. I will not pretend to know what that feels like, just know that you ladies are all in my thoughts.

As for my family, only a few of them care to talk to me. The rest are cordial at family functions, and that's fine by me. Perhaps the best thing to happen lately though, was due to a rather sad event. My grandfather(father's father) had a heart attack on February 14th. When he fell, he hit his head, and due to the loss of oxygen and head bump, he was left in a coma. He passed away 8 days later. All 3 of his sons flew in from out of state to be with him in those final moments, including the uncle who molested me. My father, who initially did not believe me when the events all came out, told my uncle that he was to leave the hospital for at least 2 hours so that I may come and say my final goodbyes without needing to feel uncomfortable with his presence. It was a sad comfort for me, to see my uncle being treated as the black sheep of the family for a change, instead of me. It only took losing my grandfather for the family to realize where the loyalties should lie.

Enough of my nonsensical ramblings. I hope you all have a wonderful day! :rose: And thank you all, again, for such a warm, comforting place to vent. I feel safe with my Daddy, but I also feel very safe here. :heart:
From the bottom of my heart Iam sorry for how I said that you all are right I shouldn't go around and posting things like that and not telling the full truth it is something that I have to work on sisters I am so very sorry and you have my word I will never do that again

That is my real apologie from my heart and I hope that ya can forgive me
Maybe I should keep my mouth shut too but I have been assaulted and don't appreciate it when other people go around saying shit like this for sympathy and making it out to be something it wasn't and then turn around and brag about it like cookie said we aren't dumb.

This is why so many people don't report stuff like this. or much worse. Because so many other people lie about it and those who really have been hurt aren't believed or have to go through HELL to try and make the person pay.

Fine you liked it whatever, not saying there's anything wrong with that but don't come looking for sympathy when you enjoyed it.

I am sorry I am sorry
Justine, a word of advice. We CAN see what you post in other threads. Please do not come here for sympathy, while dancing around other threads bragging about today's events.

If you enjoyed it, then say it here! Don't make it sound like an assault, please. You have been here long enough to know we are protective and supportive...regardless of what happened and how you felt or reacted.

Bottom line..cut the crap. You don't have to lie to kick it with us.

~Sorry, Daddy.. I know I said I would keep it down, but my BS meter went off. Again.
Annndddd....Peaches and I caught up..only took a few hours. It has been almost a week! All in all...I still think I'm a very, very good girl! ~ whispers into your ear...the ones that know me, really know me..know I'm not the meanie some think I am. I simply don't like liars.~

I am so sorry I know I was wrong and I won't do it again that's a promise
This, once again, reaffirms why I love you in that strictly platonic sisterly sort of way. :heart:

*big hugs*

I consider myself lucky in some ways, because I was only a child when these things happened to me, and both acts were committed by adult men. There was no "blaming the victim" in the sense that I was treated like I deserved it. I will not pretend to know what that feels like, just know that you ladies are all in my thoughts.

As for my family, only a few of them care to talk to me. The rest are cordial at family functions, and that's fine by me. Perhaps the best thing to happen lately though, was due to a rather sad event. My grandfather(father's father) had a heart attack on February 14th. When he fell, he hit his head, and due to the loss of oxygen and head bump, he was left in a coma. He passed away 8 days later. All 3 of his sons flew in from out of state to be with him in those final moments, including the uncle who molested me. My father, who initially did not believe me when the events all came out, told my uncle that he was to leave the hospital for at least 2 hours so that I may come and say my final goodbyes without needing to feel uncomfortable with his presence. It was a sad comfort for me, to see my uncle being treated as the black sheep of the family for a change, instead of me. It only took losing my grandfather for the family to realize where the loyalties should lie.

Enough of my nonsensical ramblings. I hope you all have a wonderful day! :rose: And thank you all, again, for such a warm, comforting place to vent. I feel safe with my Daddy, but I also feel very safe here. :heart:

"I am glad that you were finally able to get some 'family loyalty and justice', I just wish it hadn't taken so long and such a tragedy for it to happen for you. No child should ever - EVER - have to deal with what you did. (((HUGS)))"
I've always hadbthe daddy fantasy. Not that I want to be with my actual dad but to have a masculine dominant man to be in a relationship with and him take on that role.
I've always hadbthe daddy fantasy. Not that I want to be with my actual dad but to have a masculine dominant man to be in a relationship with and him take on that role.

Welcome and make yourself at home its like a family
Good evening to everyone here. I've read back through the almost 10 pages that I've missed and there's no way I can catch up on it. :( I hope everyone is doing well. I've been busy and just dealing with stuff affecting my future as well as Angellica's. I'll leave out the details as this thread doesn't need the clutter.


Nice thought for the end of the day :rose:

So very true :heart:
Good evening to everyone here. I've read back through the almost 10 pages that I've missed and there's no way I can catch up on it. :( I hope everyone is doing well. I've been busy and just dealing with stuff affecting my future as well as Angellica's. I'll leave out the details as this thread doesn't need the clutter.

So very true :heart:

"Hope all of the details and stuff has been positive and that it ALL manifests quickly for you!"
Yeah I am great a bit stronger like the Brittany spears song stronger then yesterday
"Hope all of the details and stuff has been positive and that it ALL manifests quickly for you!"

So far it's been ok, about as good as I can hope for. I'm still waiting on a few things, but right now we're making plans for Angel to make her journey here the second week of July. :) Hoping and praying all goes well in the divorce to make it all happen on time.

Hi sweety pies!

How is your evening going?

Good evening, GH. Welcome to one of the best damn threads on Lit. I'm sure you've already met those who keep this place running smoothly. ;)
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