Daddy Fetish

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*sighs softly, taking a mild break from her cleaning frenzy*

Daddy ESM said he'll probably just lurk a bit here ... He doesn't want things to be uncomfortable for me. I had his permission to post and let you all know, and I also told him there probably wouldn't be any hard feelings from anyone. These things just (sadly) happen. The details are ... private, needless to say, but I felt this sudden need to let everyone know that his feelings for me were -no, ARE- genuine, and it hurt him just as much to let me go as it hurt me to be freed.

Daddies, I know you men (in general, not merely Daddies) aren't a very emotional bunch ... But I don't want him to hurt more than he has to. If one or two (or however many want) could maybe send him a message? I dunno, maybe if you've set your babygirls free ... you could have some helpful words to offer to him (privately) as I'm finding my sisters' words so very helpful.

This is truly a family here, and I'm very lucky to be part of it.

*cranks up the classic rock again and wanders off with the mop*
ESM let's just hang out in the Daddy's man cave and have a scotch. Nobody's fault from the sounds of it.

ESM let's just hang out in the Daddy's man cave and have a scotch. Nobody's fault from the sounds of it.

Nope, no one is to blame. Some times schedules and life make it too difficult on baby girls. They need what they need and we daddies need to be willing to get out of the way. She is a great baby girl.
Aw crap ... *soft, teary laugh*

And he's a wonderful Daddy.

Cookie ... wanna bring over some of those yummy-looking bon bons and some wine? I don't drink often at all, but right now ... doesn't sound like a half bad idea! Peaches can brign the wine.

... And somewhere in all this I reached my 400th post.
Nope, no one is to blame. Some times schedules and life make it too difficult on baby girls. They need what they need and we daddies need to be willing to get out of the way. She is a great baby girl.

Bella was correct, no hard feelings...just warm wishes!!
Bella was correct, no hard feelings...just warm wishes!!

Mmhmm. I even went so far as to tell him, who knows, this could be the ground floor of something meant to happen later ... Our short relationship now was the mere warm-up for something greater, when we'd both have the time to put our maximum effort towards one another.

Who knows what tomorrow may bring! .... Well, aside from that damnable "screaming white hell" as Daddy Stan describes it ... *grumbles about the snow*
tsktsk RA ... "man cave" ... the very appearance of the word means "vagina not allowed" ... LOL

You wanna join me and Peaches and Cookie so I'm not the only non-foodie there? *giggles softly*
Pfttth.."man caves" *pouts* There probably wouldn't have been a cave had it not been for a woman... (*spanks self*)

I'm off and on back hurts, a lot as a matter of fact and I need to get to the store. Just can't get motivated.

I like your new av, btw. Cute!
Pfttth.."man caves" *pouts* There probably wouldn't have been a cave had it not been for a woman... (*spanks self*)

I'm off and on back hurts, a lot as a matter of fact and I need to get to the store. Just can't get motivated.

I like your new av, btw. Cute!

Danke! Green is my fave color, and I wanted a change ... so I pulled this off my flash drive, and tweaked it with my photo editor ... et voila!

*dancing around apartment to Slow Ride by Foghat*
Pfttth.."man caves" *pouts* There probably wouldn't have been a cave had it not been for a woman... (*spanks self*)

I'm off and on back hurts, a lot as a matter of fact and I need to get to the store. Just can't get motivated.

I like your new av, btw. Cute!

Comes walking out of Daddy's man cave smiling and in a much better mood. Happy Friday night everyone!
Daddy ESM is no longer my Daddy.

We parted amicably, it was just poor timing on both of our parts. We were the stereotypical "two ships passing", so neither party is to blame.

I dunno if I'll be on much today ... I need some time ...

Love to one and all.

Oh no *big hugs to you both* I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully it will in time bring you both what you need.

I think I need to bee scarce a while. Love to all.

Please don't go far and remember we are all always here for you too
*giggles* Hayley ... every time I look over to see locations, I giggle, immediately thinking of the song "Down Under" by Men at Work .... I had to finally tell you that. I find the Aussie accent so enchanting, too!

Daddy Stan, I'm glad to see the retreat into the man cave helped at least one Daddy ... and I can't help but wonder if it helped another? *hopeful smile*

Dear sisters ... ah, I wish you were closer. Even my Littlun is off with her Dada at his cardiologist's appointment. It's just me, my music, and a half-cleaned kitchen.
So ironic........

Pfttth.."man caves" *pouts* There probably wouldn't have been a cave had it not been for a woman... (*spanks self*)

I'm off and on back hurts, a lot as a matter of fact and I need to get to the store. Just can't get motivated.

I like your new av, btw. Cute!

Isn't a vagina the original "man cave" ? It's certainly my favorite ;) The rest are just rooms full of stuff and excuses........
*giggles* Hayley ... every time I look over to see locations, I giggle, immediately thinking of the song "Down Under" by Men at Work .... I had to finally tell you that. I find the Aussie accent so enchanting, too!

Daddy Stan, I'm glad to see the retreat into the man cave helped at least one Daddy ... and I can't help but wonder if it helped another? *hopeful smile*

Dear sisters ... ah, I wish you were closer. Even my Littlun is off with her Dada at his cardiologist's appointment. It's just me, my music, and a half-cleaned kitchen.

*giggles along with you* I'm glad you told me. It was funny when was in America some people would say I didn't have much of an Aussie accent and others would ask where I was. It was amusing. And still some would look at ne with a completely stumped face when I said something, as if I was speaking a foreign language
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