GLBT Daily Vibe

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are you sure its you and not me that has ADD?

well at least i got that new facebook page up and running, now to label my other 350 photos and find homes for them!

are you sure its you and not me that has ADD?

well at least i got that new facebook page up and running, now to label my other 350 photos and find homes for them!


Lol I admire your industrious manner. You are never idle:kiss::heart: The drink was wonderful:D
Lol I admire your industrious manner. You are never idle:kiss::heart: The drink was wonderful:D

Yah, C gets a little choked with me because I am always busy with something. And when we watch TV I spit out all sorts of trivia or figure out the plotline or such. The other day she said, "don't you ever relax?" Me-"I am relaxing". C-"No, you are analyzing her motives and predicting her moves. You are always thinking." Me- "My brain doesn't turn off. I like thinking and learning. I find that relaxing."

OK have to do a few things, speaking of TV I want to watch the opening of the Paralympic Games. They opened last night but the ceremony isn't being broadcast till today. These olympians work harder than the regular ones and get less funding and less recognition.

:kiss: later tater
Hi all, I know normally Start my posts differently. But anyway it is Pi day today, so here goes anyway. Back in third grade we learned about Pi, and what the use was for it and stuff like that. Then I learned back then, an extremely easy formula to calculate the circumference of a circle. And that was Pi times D (as in Diameter) and it was smashing, then later on in my life: I heard the formula 2 X R (as in Radius) times Pi, and I was like "WTF ?" why complicate the formula more than it is ? And I asked my (at the time) math teacher , "excuse me but is it wrong to write Pi X D ? instead of the "long formula ?" " and he said "no it is not wrong, some math books writes it that way", and I was like okay, phew. Now I have looked at google image again and what do we have there ? the long bloody version of how to calculate the circumference of a circle, and then I had had it, and I looked it up upon Wikipedia (shocks ! :p) and there was my first lovely and easy formula :)

So thank goodness for my wonderful first way of learning how to calculate the circumference of a circle. Cause the diameter of a circle is the double of a Radius, so to any body who thinks . That it is too much of a hassle (like me) writing the big "long" formula, then take the easiest "shortcut" and write Pi X D :)
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Hi all, I know normally Start my posts differently. But anyway it is Pi day today, so here goes anyway. Back in third grade we learned about Pi, and what the use was for it and stuff like that. Then I learned back then, an extremely easy formula to calculate the circumference of a circle. And that was Pi times D (as in Diameter) and it was smashing, then later on in my life: I heard the formula 2 X R (as in Radius) times Pi, and I was like "WTF ?" why complicate the formula more than it is ? And I asked my (at the time) math teacher , "excuse me but is it wrong to write Pi X D ? instead of the "long formula ?" " and he said "no it is not wrong, some math books writes it that way", and I was like okay, phew. Now I have looked at google image again and what do we have there ? the long bloody version of how to calculate the circumference of a circle, and then I had had it, and I looked it up upon Wikipedia (shocks ! :p) and there was my first lovely and easy formula :)

So thank goodness for my wonderful first way of learning how to calculate the circumference of a circle. Cause the diameter of a circle is the double of a Radius, so to any body who thinks . That it is too much of a hassle (like me) writing the big "long" formula, then take the easiest "shortcut" and write Pi X D :)
*Looks at Wolfman with goo-goo eyes* cause smart guys are sexy. ;)
Hi all, I know normally Start my posts differently. But anyway it is Pi day today, so here goes anyway. Back in third grade we learned about Pi, and what the use was for it and stuff like that. Then I learned back then, an extremely easy formula to calculate the circumference of a circle. And that was Pi times D (as in Diameter) and it was smashing, then later on in my life: I heard the formula 2 X R (as in Radius) times Pi, and I was like "WTF ?" why complicate the formula more than it is ? And I asked my (at the time) math teacher , "excuse me but is it wrong to write Pi X D ? instead of the "long formula ?" " and he said "no it is not wrong, some math books writes it that way", and I was like okay, phew. Now I have looked at google image again and what do we have there ? the long bloody version of how to calculate the circumference of a circle, and then I had had it, and I looked it up upon Wikipedia (shocks ! :p) and there was my first lovely and easy formula :)

So thank goodness for my wonderful first way of learning how to calculate the circumference of a circle. Cause the diameter of a circle is the double of a Radius, so to any body who thinks . That it is too much of a hassle (like me) writing the big "long" formula, then take the easiest "shortcut" and write Pi X D :)

why thank you wolfie. lol :kiss:;)
Nerds United!

Happy Pi day everyone. Don't worry, if you missed your opportunity to have a pi party today, you can have one on July 25. (that would be 7 over 25) But March 14 is way more popular. Hey, July 25 is a Sunday too!

I was talking to my soon to be engineer son (he is almost finished his engineering physics degree), he is having a pi party today too. We traded engineer jokes, his was "How can you tell when an engineer is flirting? He is looking at YOUR shoes."
OK I am supposed to be finding an easy hike around here, gotta go my pervy, nerdy friends.

Princess, ya, I would say your cup runneth over.

tty'all later!:)
Happy Pi day everyone. Don't worry, if you missed your opportunity to have a pi party today, you can have one on July 25. (that would be 7 over 25) But March 14 is way more popular. Hey, July 25 is a Sunday too!

I was talking to my soon to be engineer son (he is almost finished his engineering physics degree), he is having a pi party today too. We traded engineer jokes, his was "How can you tell when an engineer is flirting? He is looking at YOUR shoes."
OK I am supposed to be finding an easy hike around here, gotta go my pervy, nerdy friends.

Princess, ya, I would say your cup runneth over.

tty'all later!:)

ta ta Lezli:kiss::heart::rose: Have fun, stay off of those rough trails.
*Waves* Hello Vibeland! :)

Lezli, thankyou that neck and shoulder massage was perfect.
Gia, I hope you got some sleep.
Jaz, right now, in this moment, I hope its better. In whatever manner that matters most to you.
Hugs for each of you!
Including, Mark, Espie, Rana, SL and anyone else I may have forgotten at the mo'

Flyby hellos & byes for now, may be back later.

*Waves* Hello Vibeland! :)

Lezli, thankyou that neck and shoulder massage was perfect.
Gia, I hope you got some sleep.
Jaz, right now, in this moment, I hope its better. In whatever manner that matters most to you.
Hugs for each of you!
Including, Mark, Espie, Rana, SL and anyone else I may have forgotten at the mo'

Flyby hellos & byes for now, may be back later.


Hello dear:kiss::heart::rose: and Hell no! This girl as run out of estrogen and antiandrogens at the same time. Talk about a recipe for turmoil. I am ducking and heading for cover cant let people see me as a freaking maniac. lol Thank gawd I have been on them so long, the testosterone will not kick in much.

Oh heh heh, hi vibeland.:kiss::eek:
Hello dear:kiss::heart::rose: and Hell no! This girl as run out of estrogen and antiandrogens at the same time. Talk about a recipe for turmoil. I am ducking and heading for cover cant let people see me as a freaking maniac. lol Thank gawd I have been on them so long, the testosterone will not kick in much.

Oh heh heh, hi vibeland.:kiss::eek:

*hugs* Gia,
How is it possibly, remotely legal for a woman to run out of her hormones?
That's just not right. It can't be!
Hi all, I know normally Start my posts differently. But anyway it is Pi day today, so here goes anyway. Back in third grade we learned about Pi, and what the use was for it and stuff like that. Then I learned back then, an extremely easy formula to calculate the circumference of a circle. And that was Pi times D (as in Diameter) and it was smashing, then later on in my life: I heard the formula 2 X R (as in Radius) times Pi, and I was like "WTF ?" why complicate the formula more than it is ? And I asked my (at the time) math teacher , "excuse me but is it wrong to write Pi X D ? instead of the "long formula ?" " and he said "no it is not wrong, some math books writes it that way", and I was like okay, phew. Now I have looked at google image again and what do we have there ? the long bloody version of how to calculate the circumference of a circle, and then I had had it, and I looked it up upon Wikipedia (shocks ! :p) and there was my first lovely and easy formula :)

So thank goodness for my wonderful first way of learning how to calculate the circumference of a circle. Cause the diameter of a circle is the double of a Radius, so to any body who thinks . That it is too much of a hassle (like me) writing the big "long" formula, then take the easiest "shortcut" and write Pi X D :)

Wolfie, this had me a crackin up. Why did they go an make it damn harder? Was it purposely to weed out us non mathematical types? BTW, I though Pi day meant we were gonna get some pecan pie.:D Or maybe p**** pie.
Hi all :) and happy Sct. Patricks day

Mood: good :)

Music: The Dubliners The Rising Of The Moon

Just wanted to say happy Sct. Patricks day to all and I hope your day will be good :)
why won't people IRL respect my wish to not be touched at all

it's my fuckin body if i want you to touch it i will damn well say so but otherwise no touchies!!
I agree Rana, you must give permission to be touched.

Damn i didnt know i needed permission... Do i get permission. Please. Pretty pretty please. Pretty please with sugar and chocolate and whipped cream and whatever else you want me to eat off of you, on top. :devil:

Okay fine. I'll stop now and behave.
Damn i didnt know i needed permission... Do i get permission. Please. Pretty pretty please. Pretty please with sugar and chocolate and whipped cream and whatever else you want me to eat off of you, on top. :devil:

Okay fine. I'll stop now and behave.

I think we are passed the permission stage--you have an open invitation lover.:devil:
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