Would you meet someone from Lit for coffee?

Yes, but I'd choose a coffee shop where the cleaner doesn't keep perching themselves a couple of feet away from us, seemingly to eavesdrop on the conversation because they certainly weren't doing any cleaning. :rolleyes:

Ouch is the right word! Tinglebliss and I were on a date with a new person, and it definitely threw us off our game. The date was unsuccessful. :(
I'd like, though, to encourage Litsters who are considering meeting others for coffee that the experience need not always be a painful one, especially if you don't choose to meet in a café chain with a three word French language name (at least, in the UK). :)
I'd like, though, to encourage Litsters who are considering meeting others for coffee that the experience need not always be a painful one, especially if you don't choose to meet in a café chain with a three word French language name (at least, in the UK). :)

Is that the chain that started off concentrating on sandwiches 20 years ago or so?

Yeah, I would if knew them a little, *Ssh I don't think anybody wants to :):devil:*
LOL you crack me up. Thank you. 💋

Those I have met, I talked to for a while before hand. Curvy was the only one I just jumped on a plane and said... hey.. here I come. Granted we talked for a while. But still. I also drove up to Iowa to visit family and met another Litster who kept me busy while curvy was at work.
The other 3 I met here I my state in public places.

Thanks for seeing me when you came to Iowa. :(
Funny story, I was waiting for a train in Manhattan and a woman walked past me on her phone looking down and I saw familiar blue and white web pages so I was bold enough to ask her about it and we had a great conversation about the site and did in fact see each other for a very short time! So it does happen.
Is that the chain that started off concentrating on sandwiches 20 years ago or so?
Yes, and hiring intelligence operatives as bogus cleaners. There's a Christmas song about them: "Away in...". ;)

To be fair, the coffee was okay.
Yes, and hiring intelligence operatives as bogus cleaners. There's a Christmas song about them: "Away in...". ;)

To be fair, the coffee was okay.

WOW I'd never heard any of this ... we're talking of ... erm ... ready to ... huh :cool:


With a caveat, only a woman.

And, since LIt is a fantasy world...

I would be happy to leave fantasies online and make it platonic.
Thanks for seeing me when you came to Iowa. :(

I didn't know you were there silly. I was up there for 3 days. My family is in Des Moines. They have a big family reunion every June that I wish I could make it to. But my grandma is really getting up there in age. So I'd like to see her again.
I would, if they seemed interesting / if I was attracted. (DC area) There are some awesome people here and some fantastic writers.
This is something I want to definitely try but there are hardly or no women near or around my locality here on Lit.