Would you meet someone from Lit for coffee?

Yes. But only if the talk was erotic lol. Mm and love coffee.
If it was someone I had talked to for awhile and felt comfortable .

Makes perfectly good sense, and my basic idea.

Not that I'm talking to anyone with this in mind currently.

Anyone from London about? :)

The weather has finally changed for the better here in Chicago so all the coffee shops, bars, and cafés are scrambling to set up their outdoor seating.

The nice thing about that (beyond the obvious joy of inbibing in the sun) is that is offers a quick and easy out if a coffer date does not go the way either person planned.
In meeting for coffee, I already felt comfortable enough to do so.

I can imagine a scenario where that degree of ease was not mutually established (yet).

If I were going into that situation, I'd be ok with it, and sensitive to a woman's anxiety. A café is a good 1st/blind "date". I think that I would pre-identify myself —"the old man wearing a carnation" (or whatever). I'd be early and that way, she could scout out the place, and me, and leave or stay based on her assessment.
In meeting for coffee, I already felt comfortable enough to do so.

I can imagine a scenario where that degree of ease was not mutually established (yet).

If I were going into that situation, I'd be ok with it, and sensitive to a woman's anxiety. A café is a good 1st/blind "date". I think that I would pre-identify myself —"the old man wearing a carnation" (or whatever). I'd be early and that way, she could scout out the place, and me, and leave or stay based on her assessment.

Again makes sense, and I would be similar, arranging to be early for her to scout both me and the cafe beforehand.
Yes, but I'd choose a coffee shop where the cleaner doesn't keep perching themselves a couple of feet away from us, seemingly to eavesdrop on the conversation because they certainly weren't doing any cleaning. :rolleyes:

Yes, but I'd choose a coffee shop where the cleaner doesn't keep perching themselves a couple of feet away from us, seemingly to eavesdrop on the conversation because they certainly weren't doing any cleaning. :rolleyes:


There are many Litsters I would love to meet for coffee in order 6o have an unfettered conversation and get the chance to hear their laugh, see their smile, and know theirs thoughts in reality rather than cyber space.

Of course, there are a few who in all honesty I want to see in person with their lips wrapped around something other than a hot cup of coffee...
Would and have. Not so sure it was the best idea after how things went but it started with good intentions on my part. That count, right?
That's why I'm waiting to confirm my travel plans first. ;)

LOL you crack me up. Thank you. 💋

Those I have met, I talked to for a while before hand. Curvy was the only one I just jumped on a plane and said... hey.. here I come. Granted we talked for a while. But still. I also drove up to Iowa to visit family and met another Litster who kept me busy while curvy was at work.
The other 3 I met here I my state in public places.
I had a cup of coffee tonight. Of course I was by myself but still had a cup of coffee. :) just need to find someone for next time.