Why calling everybody who disagrees with you a "racist" cheapens that charge!

YDB95....You're a liar.

Demcrats/Liberals/Progressives/Socialists/Democratic Socialists (whatever name you choose) use Government and Government Spending as their primary tool of governance. This is not in dispute.

1. Free College
2. College Loan Forgiveness
3. Medicare for All

These are just three examples of new proposals from Democrats that would drastically increase spending. These programs have been chosen for their appeal to specific voter demographics that have ZERO to do with race. Characterizing these proposals as using government spending to buy votes...simply has no basis in racism. None. None. None. No matter how sick and twisted your brain is..there is no relationship to race in any of these proposals.

I didn't say it did. That wasn't what I was referring to above.

You have consistently insisted that the phrase buying votes is racist...without a shred of credible evidence, and despite credible evidence that proves otherwise....

What evidence would that be?

You have repeatedly slandered/libeled people on this board by calling them racist. Your basis for this claim is a Southern Strategy. That strategy was used in 1968/1972...and has literally no connection to modern day politics...no matter how much you want it to.

I partially agree, in that Trump pretty much threw out the dogwhistle in favor of open racism. But the racial wedge issues were and are still very much present. (And I could point out to at least one other member of this forum who routinely insists that the Southern strategy doesn't even exist.)

In fact, the GOP formally apologized for it over a decade ago. Using politics of 50 years ago, doesn't prove your point. In fact, it illustrates how poor your logical reasoning is...and that fact that you're a liar.

Then you admit that Dumpington and Boxlicker are full of it when they argue that the Democrats are the only real racists just because some of them were racists half a century ago? Good!

Here's a tip...anyone can twist an event to fit their own narrative. Anyone. That doesn't make it correct. It doesn't give you an advantage. It doesn't mean you're correct. It just means you've deliberately deceived yourself, and decided to libel and slander other people.

Are you referring to me or to yourself here?

Your opinions are not facts. Your bias is not proof. Your desire to paint people as racist by twisting history beyond repair is quite simply sick and twisted. If any party has close ties to Racism...it's Democrats. It was Democrats who supported Robert Byrd...who actually belonged to the KKK...for decades. Bill Clinton spoke at his funeral.

Ah, then I spoke too soon. You don't get it after all. Imagine my surprise.
Of course not. But that's not the issue. The issue is that he implied that most Mexican immigrants were violent criminals, which was already a common stereotype.

No he didn't, why do you perpetuate that lie??:confused:

Mexican immigrants =/= illegal migrants.

Immigrants in general =/= illegal migrants.
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YDB95 writes: "The issue is that he implied that most Mexican immigrants were violent criminals, which was already a common stereotype."

WRONG! - when you post dishonest garbage like that ("Trump calls Mexican immigrants violent criminals") you perpetuate a LIE! There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE between LEGAL immigrants from Mexico and those people who have openly violated our immigration laws and entered the United States ILLEGALLY!

Are there "violent criminals" here in our nation illegally, YDB95? Yes or no? And should they be protected in Democratic Party-run Sanctuary Cities? Yes or no? Trump-hating liberals don't WANT TO KNOW the difference between legal & illegal immigration, as knowing that destroys their false narrative!

"Yes, I have repeatedly called you a racist, but not without evidence."

You have NEVER once pointed out a single thing that I've done or said that can be in any ways contrued as my being racist! I'm a Republican? You scream: "racist!" I voted for McCain instead of Obama? You shout: "racist!" I support our president enforcing U.S. Immigration laws? You exclaim: "racist!" I stand respectfully for our national anthem? You whine: "racist!" You are like a broken record with that word!

magicalmoments: "I realised very early on that its a waste of time trying to debate an issue with Dump."

I don't insist on anybody debating the issues with me. A LOT of the progressives on this forum prefer throwing insults instead. I respect YDB95 because (with the exception of the many empty/hollow accusations of "racist") we don't go that route in our discussions with one another.
magicalmoments writes: "I realised very early on that its a waste of time trying to debate an issue with Dump. He is one of those special people, a stable genius if you like, who believes what he utters is true simply by virtue of the fact he uttered it."

I actually LIKE being called a "stable genius," magicalmoments.

JKendallDane recently asked me: "By chance, were you wearing a white sheet when you typed that?"

I had just written the following, which resulted in JKendallDane's above response:

"Barack Obama really WAS America's "food stamps president," whether I wished it or not! He had to be, in order to keep inner city people in poverty, and dependent upon federal government hand-outs and voting for Democrats! Look at Elijah Cummings & his rat-&-rodent-infested west Baltimore congressional district! It's a Democratic Party stronghold!"

How is what I wrote in any ways associated with the Ku Kux Klan? Barack Obama & his Democratic Party WANT black voter support, and former President Lyndon Johnson discovered back in the 1960's with his "Great Society" social programs that doling out federal government hand-outs to the urban black community was one way to win their votes! LBJ said this would guarantee black voter support for his Democratic Party for the next two-hundred years!

Only it hasn't exactly worked out that way. It was more like FIFTY years. Today, black voters are LEAVING that party in ever-increasing numbers! And Democrats are panicking as a result! Jay-Kendall's calling me a racist for pointing out the obvious is proof of this!
magicalmoments writes: "I realised very early on that its a waste of time trying to debate an issue with Dump. He is one of those special people, a stable genius if you like, who believes what he utters is true simply by virtue of the fact he uttered it."

former President Lyndon Johnson discovered back in the 1960's with his "Great Society" social programs that doling out federal government hand-outs to the urban black community was one way to win their votes! LBJ said this would guarantee black voter support for his Democratic Party for the next two-hundred years!

You DO realise you're doing exactly what magical moments accused you of doing there, don't you? I mean, you know damn well that LBJ quote is apocryphal, because I've told you numerous times and provided citations on it.
YDB95 writes: "You DO realise you're doing exactly what magical moments accused you of doing there, don't you? I mean, you know damn well that LBJ quote is apocryphal, because I've told you numerous times and provided citations on it."

And WHAT exactly have I just written that isn't true, YDB95?

https://us-east-1.tchyn.io/snopes-production/uploads/2016/07/lbj-racist-quotes-2.jpg - (Former President Lyndon Johnson's views on race in America)

https://cdn.quotesgram.com/img/78/41/865041369-politifact_2Fphotos_2FLBJ_FB_post.jpg - (LBJ's "Great Society" programs and their effects on black children)

https://cdn.quotesgram.com/img/53/9...rat-democrats-racists-politics-1339538037.jpg - (Democrats celebrating Black History Month)

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5b/64/f2/5b64f20a26a4236d5a4d733604c45630.jpg - (Margaret Sanger & Lyndon Johnson)
YDB95 writes: "You DO realise you're doing exactly what magical moments accused you of doing there, don't you? I mean, you know damn well that LBJ quote is apocryphal, because I've told you numerous times and provided citations on it."

And WHAT exactly have I just written that isn't true, YDB95?

https://us-east-1.tchyn.io/snopes-production/uploads/2016/07/lbj-racist-quotes-2.jpg - (Former President Lyndon Johnson's views on race in America)

You answered your own question there. And you know it, because I've debunked that one before.
I mean, you know damn well that LBJ quote is apocryphal, because I've told you numerous times and provided citations on it.

I hate to tell ya buddy but I would check our sources on that. Politifake.org isn't really a reliable source for presidential quote mining.
dan_c00000 writes: "I hate to tell ya buddy but I would check our sources on that. Politifake.org isn't really a reliable source for presidential quote mining."

For over one-hundred years, Dan, America's prominent segregationist lawmakers ALL openly resided in the Democratic Party - including Al Gore's dad (Senator Al Gore, Sr.), Bill Clinton's mentor (Senator William J. Fulbright), and even Hillary Clinton's mentor (Senator Robert Byrd)!

As for Politifake.org not being a reliable source for anything, couldn't we say pretty-much the exact same thing about fake-news CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, & the Washington Post? - NONE of them are reliable news sources anymore!

http://www.pcbuyerbeware.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/mainstream-media-fake-news-outfits.jpg - (Fake News media outlets in America today)

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/eFSiQRKD02w/maxresdefault.jpg - (Mainstream Media IS Fake News!)

http://themillenniumreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/fake-news-800x416.png - (NONE of these people are actual journalists!)
Is anyone else finding Dump's new fetish just a bunch of miles into LaLaLand?

I mean posting unattributed memes...most likely from some of the same highly questionable websites he plagiarizes a lot of his posts from, (and of course there is never any backup source or verifiable links with those memes because they look like something he snagged off Facebook)...just comes across as someone who has so lost it, that he thinks those laughable things somehow PROVE the beliefs he espouses.

That poor little Palmetto bug is on his back just flailing his little legs away again and the cats are all staring in disbelief at him.

Is anyone else finding Dump's new fetish just a bunch of miles into LaLaLand?

I mean posting unattributed memes...most likely from some of the same highly questionable websites he plagiarizes a lot of his posts from, (and of course there is never any backup source or verifiable links with those memes because they look like something he snagged off Facebook)...just comes across as someone who has so lost it, that he thinks those laughable things somehow PROVE the beliefs he espouses.

That poor little Palmetto bug is on his back just flailing his little legs away again and the cats are all staring in disbelief at him.


I was just thinking the same. I mean, yes, Dump, those memes say what you claim LBJ et al said, but that doesn't prove anything except that there are others like you out there!
JKendallDane writes: "Is anyone else finding Dump's new fetish just a bunch of miles into LaLaLand?"

Yeah, Jay-Kendall - you keep on telling yourself that!

YDB95 writes: "I was just thinking the same. I mean, yes, Dump, those memes say what you claim LBJ et al said, but that doesn't prove anything except that there are others like you out there!"

Before LBJ ran for president in 1960, he was a close associate of ALL of the segregationist Democratic Party senators in the American south, and they trusted & supported his rise to Senate Majority Leader, and were especially pleased to see him as JFK's running-mate!

In fact, immediately after the assassination (in November of 1963) most of them were certain that their man Lyndon would scrap Kennedy's civil rights legislation! THAT'S how certain they were that he was still one of them! LBJ did NOT have a sterling civil rights record at that time!
Before LBJ ran for president in 1960, he was a close associate of ALL of the segregationist Democratic Party senators in the American south, and they trusted & supported his rise to Senate Majority Leader, and were especially pleased to see him as JFK's running-mate!

In fact, immediately after the assassination (in November of 1963) most of them were certain that their man Lyndon would scrap Kennedy's civil rights legislation! THAT'S how certain they were that he was still one of them! LBJ did NOT have a sterling civil rights record at that time!

Although true, none of that makes your quote any less apocryphal. And what's wrong with a former racist seeing the light and fighting for the good guys?
YDB95 writes: "Although true, none of that makes your quote any less apocryphal. And what's wrong with a former racist seeing the light and fighting for the good guys?"

I think it's great when racists stop behaving like racists!

But calling your political opponents "racists" because they don't share your left-wing political beliefs benefits nobody, and in the long run only cheapens future accusations of racism, as people stop taking you seriously.

I mean, look at what Hollywood actor Jussie Smollett did in a criminal effort to make President Trump & his supporters appear to be racists? His "crying wolf" in Chicago merely embarrassed his liberal Hollywood supporters, who all looked like gullible fools when they rushed to embrace him with their tweets of love & support! Jussie knew full well that what he was doing was racist in itself, but he did it anyway!

And while Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger may not have ever joined the Ku Kux Klan, her agreeing to speak to their women's auxiliary was NOT a good move when it came to battling violent racism in the American south. I think that we can both agree that Sanger looked every bit as foolish as those 2020 Democratic Party presidential candidates tweeting out their belief in Jussie Smollett's unfounded & dishonest accusations!
But calling your political opponents "racists" because they don't share your left-wing political beliefs benefits nobody, and in the long run only cheapens future accusations of racism, as people stop taking you seriously.

Couldn't agree more. It makes it easier for real racists to rationalize and get away with their bullshit.

And while Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger may not have ever joined the Ku Kux Klan, her agreeing to speak to their women's auxiliary was NOT a good move when it came to battling violent racism in the American south.

No one ever said otherwise.
YDB95 writes: "Couldn't agree more. It makes it easier for real racists to rationalize and get away with their bullshit."

I always like it when we can find common ground on which to agree to something, YDB95 - it doesn't happen often enough!

"No one ever said otherwise."

Again, it's nice to see us not arguing all of the time!

And since I've got a little extra time here, I'd just like to post links to a few of my favorite stories here on this Literotica web-site:

https://www.literotica.com/s/beware-the-quiet-one - ("Beware the Quiet One" - Two ugly ducklings are better than one!)

https://www.literotica.com/s/grand-island - ("Grand Island" - A train ride to a new world and a new life.)

https://www.literotica.com/s/the-blizzard-3 - ("The Blizzard" - There is no sweeter gift...)

https://www.literotica.com/s/chemistry-of-love - ("Chemistry of Love" - Jealousy sets off a bad reaction.)
Thank you, but you could have looked further into my catalog than the ones on my sig line. :)
YDB95 writes: "Thank you, but you could have looked further into my catalog than the ones on my sig line."

EXCUSE ME, but I wasn't finished just yet! As I was saying (before the above interruption), here are some more links to a few of my favorites:

https://www.literotica.com/s/a-backwoods-awakening - ("A Backwoods Awakening" - Hate killed her life-partner, love will save her woods.)

https://www.literotica.com/s/when-we-get-to-san-francisco - ("When We Get to San Francisco…") - The promised sequel to Grand Island.)

https://www.literotica.com/s/dirty-old-town - ("Dirty Old Town" - Healing a wounded soul on someone else's holiday...)

https://www.literotica.com/s/protective-custody - ("Protective Custody" - A pretty young stripper finds sanctuary with a lady cop.)
Since you have a thing for women in prison, don't forget to read Brittany's Travels. ;)
YDB95 writes: "Since you have a thing for women in prison, don't forget to read Brittany's Travels."

I won't deny it, YDB95 - I DO love women-in-prison stories & videos (the GOOD ones, at least!) The problem is, not many of them are all that good!

And while I know that this thread is SUPPOSED to be about calling people who disagree with you a racist cheapening that accusation, I'm going to quickly post a handful of tasteful (not porny) pics showing pretty women in the county lock-up!

https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/sexy-girl-behind-chair-bars-20803944.jpg - (Beautiful blonde woman behind bars!)

https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/girl-cage-4974959.jpg - (Another beautiful woman serving time behind bars!)

https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/bea...sexy-black-lingerie-locked-steel-30654389.jpg - (An attractive, scantily-clad woman in the county jail!)

https://i0.wp.com/spankingstarlets..../2011/11/Sinn-Sage-Handcuffed-and-Spanked.jpg - (A female guard disciplines a woman in prison!)

http://img.deepme.com/c02/galleries/2/038/6_720.jpg - (Another guard disciplining a pretty girl who broke the rules!)

http://i1.wp.com/68.media.tumblr.co...04ab29b48/tumblr_ntz2ds8yV61tz8fr1o1_1280.jpg - (A nude young female inmate serving a week's punishment in "the hole!")
Rich Lowry, writing for the New York Post, says that the Democratic Party is STILL stuck on Russia! After three years, the locus has shifted 500 miles from Moscow to Kiev, where it's now the Ukraine controversy instead of the Russia probe, although it’s essentially the same thing — a battle over President Trump’s legitimacy fought out with allegations of foreign interference.

Democrats claim Trump tried to get the Ukraine, Australia and other nations to cooperate with William Barr’s investigation over the origins of the Russia probe. There’s nothing wrong or unusual about a US president asking foreign leaders to provide information useful to his attorney general in an investigation. Why would there be? Except that the Democrats are convinced that there's something impeachable here!

Trump is basically being accused of the entirely new offense of obstruction after the fact. There were many novel theories of obstruction advanced during the special counsel probe, but this is the most creative.

If you accept the premise that any information developed in a foreign country and used in American politics is election interference, then Trump’s opponents themselves were masters at leveraging Ukrainian interference during the 2016 election. As Politico reported in 2017, Ukrainian government officials “helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers.”

Today's Democrats still haven't gotten beyond the idea that Trump is somehow a tool of Russia, while Republicans point to Democratic coordination with shadowy foreign forces to get the Russia investigation rolling. Books fly off the shelves about Trump being an alleged fascist, while Republicans are gripped by a Flight 93 mentality that fears if they lose a presidential election, they will never win another one again.

The Russian story contributed to and fed off this feverish atmosphere. For the longest time, it offered Democrats the hope of deliverance from a president whose election they never truly accepted. When Robert Mueller didn’t have the goods, House Democrats were at sea for a while, until Trump’s call and the whistleblower complaint brought impeachment deliciously back into play.

Ukraine is more an epilogue of the Russian investigation than the beginning of a new book.
Liberals once LOVED Thomas Jefferson - but not anymore!

Writing for The Federalist, Jarrett Stepman points out that President Trump is RIGHT about the progressive-left - first, they came for the Confederates, but then they very quickly turned their sights on everyone else, our Founding Fathers included!

During the debate over Confederate statues coming down in 2017, President Donald Trump said to reporters, “George Washington was a slave owner... are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him?... Are we going to take down the statue? Because he was a major slave owner.

Trump’s insinuation that activists would turn their sights on the Founders after they were done with Confederates was mocked by many in the media and even some historians on the premise that the difference between the Founders and the Confederates would be obvious to Americans.

Unfortunately, the president was right. This was always the left's real goal: to uproot and demolish traditional America - to attack the men, institutions, and ideas that set this nation’s course over the centuries. For the left, America was never great, and they now need to tear down everything that represents American greatness.

Our nation's Founders and the Declaration of Independence are at the top of their list. Thomas Jefferson is a special targets of their calumny. If they can persuade America to despise and reject him, they will be well on their way to their ultimate goal of “fundamentally transforming” the United States.

What made our Revolution successful is often attributed to economic factors, using quasi-Marxist historical interpretations to claim that the Founders were just wealthy men trying to protect their interests. But reducing our founding father's motives to mere economics is wildly off base. Ideas, not base interests, motivated the men who founded America. And no man better represents this yearning for liberty than Thomas Jefferson.

But the modern Progressive Movement doesn't care about any of that. They've NEVER liked this country, and the creation of the Soviet Union in the immediate aftermath of the First World War showed them the kind of nation that they REALLY wanted, without the safeguards built into our U.S. Constitution by men like Jefferson, Washington, & Ben Franklin! FDR's New Deal and its government expansions were much closer to what they wanted! New Deal economics would have very likely horrified Jefferson.

Today, the left wants to take down Jefferson & the other Founders. A school board in San Francisco recently voted unanimously to destroy a mural with George Washington on it because it also depicted slaves and a dead American Indian. The school board deemed the mural too offensive for modern sensitivities. Progressives today want ONLY to remember the vices inherent in our nation, and NEVER the virtues!

What the Left Really Hates Is America Itself