White Slut for Black Cock and Cuckold Hubby (take 2)


Really Experienced
Jul 21, 2006
OCC: One man needed to play hubby and the black men, yes multiple
The story is simple : A white girl married happily to a white wimpy
yet loving guy has a fantasy of flirting and dancing with a black
Her hubby is too wimp to deny her, but it ends up being much
more than dancing that they do, not by her choice either but
more by the go of events, she gets addicted to black cock and
her wimpy hubby becomes a cuckold with her regularly being
gangbanged, humiliated, dominated, cumshowered and such in
front of him or without him and being taken to parties and such.
PM Me if you want the part.

Character Profiles:

My character:

Name: Cindy Wheatstone ( From her hubby...previously: Jones)
Age: 19

Character: Cindy is not a shy girl, but not a wild girl either, she's very
beautiful but despite that somehow always remained the grey mouse in
her life.

Hubby picture:

Hubby Name: Spencer Wheatstone
Age: 23
Character: sincere, loving, smart, insecure ( very) , wimpy, sweet, very

White Slut for Black Cock and Her Cuckold Hubby


She fell in love with a guy from High school who in a weird kind of
He was the smartest guy from the school and helped her with her
homework, which ended up as a relationship.
She was 14 and he was 18 when they met but he helped her with her
homework even afther he graduated highschool and went on to study
He was 4 years older than her and so by the time she finished
Highschool he had finished his university and had a job as a
professional accountant and business plan writer.
She got married on the age of 18 with him being 22.
Now she's 19 and he's 23.
He always liked his shyness and his loveliness and how nice he
was to her and she loved him to the fullest.
But something inside of her longed for a more rough relationship,
especially sexually. Even though she loved having sex with him.
She never wanted sex with anyone else, and even now did not
desire such a thing, she just had a weird fantasy that she told
him about one day.
She wanted to dance and flirt with a black guy.
Just that, nothing more.
Her husband agreed to the idea being the wimp that he is to tell her
But they thought they'd be playing it safe if they made an appointment
through the internet for this....little did they know, the guy in question
had a whole dozen of other plans for lovely Cindy and his other black
friends. And soon Cindy is about to discover what she's been missing.

They walked into the Club and the music was not too loud but loud enough to make them hear one another.
It was a nice place with good furniture, nicely decorated surroundings and
in Cindy's opinion good music. At least perfect music for her fantasy.
It was Barry white playing.
She noted that the majority's of the people in the club were black.
But they had their own destination, the man they made the appointment with for flirting was waiting for them in the VIP room.
A big black muscled bouncer stood at the door to the VIP room which had a nice low glass table and a long half circled silky bench with it's own bar and a dancefloor all privated out.
The bouncer let her in but stopped her hubby at the door.

" Where the hell do you think you're cracker ass is going?"

He asked

" Ohw it's ok he's with me."

Cindy said hoping that would help.


PM if you want the part

Richard sat sipping at his drink, his long lean body reclining on the soft couch of the bar's VIP room. Glancing at the clock he wondered idlly if she would actually show up. He'd arranged the same kind of date with several other women but none of them ever arrived and when he had tried e-mailing them there had been no reply. The main difference being that this one, wanted to bring her husband along. "Bet he's in for one hell of a show," Richard chuckled as he pressed the button for another drink.

“Yeah, Boss?” Malcolm asked, sticking his head in the door at the sound of the buzzer.

“Another drink, Mal, and drop that boss shit,” Richard told the younger man. “I’m here to relax tonight, I don’t want to know anything that happens in the club other then what is going to happen in this room.”

“Got another one lined up,huh?” Malcolm asked with a knowing smile, his fingers running over his bald head, his dark ebony skin shining in the low light of the club. “Maybe me and the boys?” He suggested hopefully.

“We’ll see, Mal, this one’s bringing her husband along. Says she just wants to dance with me.” Richard laughed. “Now get your skinny ass back to work and bring me my drink.”

“Yes boss,” Malcolm replied with a smile, slipping out of the room. While he was waiting of Malcolm to return with his drink, Richard stood up and paced slowly around the room. Pausing by the door, he checked his reflection carefully. He was tall and slender, a basketball players physique with rich brown skin and close cropped black hair. He wore a short goatee and a diamond stud in one ear. Tonight he had opted for a simple white tee-shirt and black jeans, both tight enough to show off his muscular body while still being comfortable. Malcolm had just returned with his drink when the door opened to allow a slender young woman in. Richard’s eyes ran over her quickly, a smile curling his lips as he took in her pale skin and golden hair. “You must be Cindy,” He greeted her warmly as he waved to Gary, the bouncer, to allow her husband in as well.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” He assured her, not paying any attention to her somewhat geeky husband, reaching out to take her hand in his, lifting it to his lips and kissing her hand while his eyes met hers. “A pleasure.”
Cindy was startled by this greeting and felt a little swept away
she moved along with the black men then looking back at her
hubby as he too walked in and pulled up her shoulders putting on
a fake surprised face.

Both she and her hubby sat down on the bench next to each other and
she smiled at the black man in front of them.

" Hi....." She spoke her hubby remaining silent

" You must be.....Richard....right?"

She smiled.

Pleased to meet you too.

She was wearing a black dress with a few glittered figures here and there
the dress had a nice decolletes to show off her not too big but well presentable cleavage it was clear she was wearing likewise black lingerie.

" This is ummmm.....kinda new for me...so...I'm a little shy....well...you know the story right." She blushed nervous.

Her husband was looking equaly nervous from side to side.

OCC: You can play the hubby too whenever you feel like it ;) , and please do XD

Richard smiled as she sat down on the bench, her husband sliding in next to her. “Yes, I’m Richard,” He assured her, his eyes running over her legs under the hem of her dress. “Would you care for something to drink?” He asked, hoisting the glass in his hand and glancing back at Malcolm. “Yes,” Malcolm agreed, slipping out of the room to fetch a drink.

“You must be… Spencer?” Richard asked, turning his attention to the quiet, timid man sitting next to her. “It is nice to meet you,” He assured him, offering him an outstretched hand.

“Nice…nice to meet you,” Spencer replied, extending his hand for a weak handshake as he glanced at Cindy sitting next to him. He wanted to be anywhere but there, to be home with his wife in their nice quiet house. He wouldn’t have even come out tonight if Cindy hadn’t insisted.

“Please, let me know if you require anything, Spencer,” Richard said before turning his attention back to the young blonde before him. “Now, Cindy,” He purred softly, sliding into the seat beside her, his tall form looming over her as he put his arm across the back of her seat, “if I understand what you want, you want to dance with me?” He asked in a soft voice, his voice a soft whisper in her ear. “Isn’t that right?” He asked as he nodded his head towards Gary as he stood by the door. With that signal, the music in the room changed. Richard stood up as the soft rhythmic pulse of Marvin Gaye slowly filled the room, taking her hand and pulling her gently off the bench, his body moving with the slow sensual beat of the song. “So, dance with me.”
She placed her hands on her legs and looked at Spencer with a girlish giggle of happiness.
She then got up and stood beside Richard smiling up at the black man

" Shall we?"

She rubbed her palms over his chest waiting for him to start dancing and leading her.
Spencer gave Cindy a weak smile as she looked over at him, her giggle of delight causing a tremor of discomfort to wash through him. He did not like this club or the idea of her dancing with the large black man who stood before her but he couldn’t tell her. He was lucky to have her, she was too good for him and he didn’t want to jeopardize their happiness by telling her no. He watched anxiously as his young wife stood up, Richard’s tall body looming over her by nearly a foot.

“Let’s dance,” Richard whispered softly as her small hands ran over his tee-shirt, feeling the muscles under the tight fabric. Placing both his hands on her thin waist, Richard began swaying to the slow seductive beat of the song, slowly pulling her closer to him as the song progressed. He couldn’t help but smile at Brad (the DJ’s) excellent choice of music as “Let’s get it on” filled the room. “Relax and let the music in you,” Richard suggested to Cindy as his body pressed tight against hers, grinding against her in time to the music. His hands slowly slid lower, moving down her black dress to rest on her hips, his long fingers sliding over the soft flesh of her ass. Richard knew that if she didn’t stop his initial approaches, didn’t object to his forwardness, then she was probably his for the night.
Spencer felt sick as he watched Richard grind and gyrate against Cindy, his tall athletic body moving in a sensuous rhythm, every movement hinting at sex and pleasure. As he watched the large black man’s hand slide lower, Spencer knew he should stand up, should object, should grab Cindy and hurry out of there. It was a nauseating realization for him that he would never do it, never follow through on his objections, because this was what Cindy wanted.
Cindy looked up a little shocked at Richard as his hands rested on her hips.

" Richard?"

She whispered softly in a mocking tone, not to make him stop
but to show that maybe he was moving faster than she expected him to.
She rubbed his back pushing herself against him.

" So....have you...ever danced like this with a white woman before?"

She asked him shyly with a smile, she no longer payed any attention to Spencer.

Richard just smiled at Cindy’s mock protest, his hands squeezing her a little tighter in response. She felt good against him, her slender body rubbing against his as her hands caressed his muscular back. He could feel the soft mounds of her breasts pressing against his chest as she asked him a question.

“Never with a woman as lovely as you, Cindy,” He replied, his voice a deep rumbling whisper that only she would be able to hear. Richard could feel Spencer’s eyes on them, her husband’s jealous and nervous stare only prompting Richard on. “I dance like this with a lot of women, but so far you beat them all,” He complimented her, leaning closer so that his lips brushed against her ear as he whispered to her. Sliding one hand up off her hip, Richard caressed her back, his fingers tracing up her spine as he held her close, their bodies moving in unison to the slow seductive beat of the song.
She blushed giving him a slightly approving look that gave away that his
approach was rather turning her on.

" I...I see....t...thank you...Richard. So....ummm...do you think we could....ummm...I don't know....talk somewhere more private for a minute or two? I wanna get to the flirting part." She winked at him

she then looked over at Spencer

" Hunny....nothing will happen...I prommise...you know you can trust me right?!
I'll just talk to Richard somewhere more private for a few and we'll be right

She smiled and winked at him.

“We could always go to my office,” Richard suggested, his fingers tracing down her back, pausing just above the curve of her ass. “It is probably the most private place in the club.”
“Someplace more private?” Spencer asked softly, looking up at Cindy in shock. Why would she want to be someplace more private with this man? Even her denial of anything happening sounded hollow to him as he watched them dance seductively together. “Yeah, I can trust you.” He repeated before bowing his head in defeat.
“So what do you say?” Richard asked, taking her hand and guiding her to the back door of the private room. “My office is just down the hall. No one will disturb us there,” He assured her as he gently pulled her down the hall. “Would you like a glass of champagne?” He asked opening the door and leading her into the large spacious office. His large mahogany desk was pushed back against the far wall, two large leather couches flanking it. The music playing in the club was piped in at a lower level but the soft sound of Motown still filled the room. “Please make yourself at home, my dear.”
She smiled and took a seat

" So then Richard.....I just was wondering"

She gave him a seductive look

" Why is it that you agreed to this proposal in the first place...hmmm?"

She traced a finger along his chest and grinned up into his eyes

" What's in it for you big boy?! "

She winked at him
“What’s in it for me?” Richard repeated with a smile as he handed her a flute of champagne, sipping at his own before taking a seat beside her. “Other then getting to dance with a beautiful woman?” He asked with a teasing smile, his tongue wetting his lips as he looked over at the young married woman. “Nothing really. I enjoy meeting and dancing with different women, some of them I get to know very well,” He admitted, his hand falling to rest on her knee.
Spencer paced up and down the private room, his eyes glancing towards the door Cindy and Richard had disappeared through. He knew he should go after them, hell, he never should have let the leave. What were they doing? He wondered frantically, he had only agreed to this because he was going to be present. He hadn’t dreamt that Cindy would go off alone with the man. Hurrying to the door, all manners of sordid images flashing through his mind, Spencer yanked the door open only to be greeted by the large bouncer, Gary.

“Sit down,” the large black man told him simply, his bulk filling the doorway completely. “If the boss wants you he’ll send for you. Until then sit down and relax, Spencer.”

Shocked at seeing the large man simply standing there, Spencer obediently did as he was told, slinking back to the bench and slumping down in defeat on it.
“Now, why don’t you tell me more about this fantasy of yours, Cindy? To dance with a black man,” Richard asked, his fingers gently massaging her knee as he sipped at his champagne. “Is that all there is to your fantasy or is there something you haven’t told your husband?”
She blushed
" Well...that and...."

She traced a finger along his cheek winking at him seductively

" Flirting."

She moved around in the chair taking a few sips of champagne herself

" But that's really all there was....wanted to know how it would feel to be a white girl dating a black guy...never done it...got very curious in the end.
But yeah....I think i've seen that dating a black guy isn't that far from dating a white one...accept for appearance maybe...."

She rubbed his leg

" And you seem a bit straight forward and more sexually oriented...like the way you grabbed my ass before there....I'll tell you something about that if you promise to keep it a secret."

She leaned over and whispered into his ear

" Your advancing that quickly from a stranger right in front of my hubby...got my panties a little.....moist."

She grinned at him with a little blush.
“Oh, there are differences other then appearances,” Richard assured Cindy as her hand rubbed his leg, his own fingers sliding up her leg a little, caressing her soft thigh.

“Well, with a lovely ass like that I couldn’t help but get a feel,” He chuckled, his arm going around her shoulders as she leaned forward to whisper in his ear. “Only a little moist? I must be losing my touch,” He chuckled, turning to look at her with a smile, his hand moving up her thigh, sliding the skirt of her dress up. “Now, I wonder, was it having a stranger groping you or the fact that it happened in front of your husband?” He mused softly as his fingers played across the bare skin of her leg.

“If that got you moist I wonder what this will do to you,” He chuckled, leaning forward suddenly to cover her mouth in a passionate kiss, his lips pressing against hers hard as his arm pulled her tight against him.
Cindy was shocked by the man kissing her but didn't stop it, on the contrary she kissed him back but put her hand on the one that was moving up her skirt and subtly tried to make it go back downwards a little more.

When the kiss ended she looked at him

" Richard?! My my.....don't black people have any shame at all? My husband is in the next room and you just dare take me full on on my mouth?"

She seemed more appreciative and happily surprised by it than angry or upset.

" Well if you think there is difference more than appearance than I would like to see it...Cause you say there is but I ain't seeing it."

She shook her head

" I mean Spencer also is very charming during our dates, and he....mmm...dances realy good and...he's a good kisser."

Her expression became dreamy talking about her husband.
“What’s there to be ashamed about? Kissing a beautiful woman, doesn’t matter if she’s married or not,” Richard chuckled, letting her small hand stop his on her thigh. Despite her protests, he knew she had enjoyed the kiss. “I’d be more ashamed if I let the opportunity pass me by.”

“Oh, there’s another difference,” Richard assured her with a knowing smile, his hand taking hers and pressing it against the large bulge in his tight jeans. “A large difference,” He told her, drawing her small hand along the length of his penis.

“I usually just take what I want,” Richard confided to her, his large hand covering hers, holding it to the bulge in his pants. “And I have trouble believing Spencer is good at anything,” He chuckled, “but then maybe you just need someone to compare him too. To find out exactly what you’ve been missing,” He said, leaning down and kissing her once more.
as he rubbed her hand over his cock her eyes widdened

" Ohw my....that...that's...b..big...huge even"

As he said that he doubted that Spencer is good at anything she began trying to break free from his grasp, he seemingly hit a wrong note with that.

" Spencer is good at lots of things, he's a great and loving husband....ummm.."

She used her full force now to break free

" I...I think we should go back to...Spencer...s..soon."

She nodded at him blushing.
She did seem very impressed by Richards size also his straight forwardness clearly was helping her get even more wet...Richard could clearly feel that
as he was rubbing in between her legs.
But she also seemed offended by him degrading Spencer.
“You are right, Cindy. I’m sure Spencer is good for something. I shouldn’t have said that,” Richard apologized as his hand moved to her crotch, feeling the moist heat of her sex through her clothes. “It’s just that I think you deserve so much more then what I’ve seen of him.” He assured her softly, his lips brushing against the nape of her neck, kissing the sensitive flesh. “A beautiful sexy woman deserves only the best,” He whispered as his fingers slipped up under her skirt, caressing the inside of her thighs. “Let me show you what you’ve been missing, Cindy.” He murmured, this hand taking hers and placing it once more on his crotch.

“If you want to return to Spencer, you are free to leave,” He assured her as his fingers moved up to the moist center of her panties.
She whimpered as he touched her moist panties.

" Richard....behave..." She smiled at him

" Ummm...Before we go back....I am...slightly...curious...ummm...could I.."

Her eyes looked at his crotch as she moved her palm away from it.
It was clear what she was asking for...she wanted to see.
Richard smiled as she told him to behave, her smiling lips robbing her words of any strength as his fingers continued to caress the wet center of her panties. “Of course,” Richard replied to her hesitant request, his free hand sliding down to his crotch and unzipping his jeans. As his hand slipped into his pants to draw out his hard cock, Richard pulled her panties aside to run his fingers across the soft lips of her sex.

“So, do you like what you see?” He asked, his hand pulling his erection free, his long thick penis bobbing slightly as it jutted out from his crotch. “Go ahead and touch it, Cindy.” He encouraged her softly.