What is crossing your mind right now?

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If that truly was a wall I beat my head against at work.............I would have had to have been put on the disable list for a serious concussion by now.

I had one of those days too...now I'm not there today so it'll let them stew a bit further while I work out what my response will be...:cool:
I can't believe I saw this picture online....that guy is parked on Gull Island in Lake St Clair in Michigan... we used to boat there all the time and bought ice cream for the kids.. such a fond memory...

I can't believe I saw this picture online....that guy is parked on Gull Island in Lake St Clair in Michigan... we used to boat there all the time and bought ice cream for the kids.. such a fond memory...


Are you sure that's Gull Island? It looks more like the Gulf Coast.
Are you sure that's Gull Island? It looks more like the Gulf Coast.

Actually... I looked at it more..and its around the other side of Gull, on the south channel. Ive spent countless hours there...you can see the firecracker channel marker in the background. It sits at the end of a long rock breakwall that juts out into the lake.

The water is deep, and blue just like that and the sand really did look like something off the gulf coast...i recognized the boat first anyways.
Actually... I looked at it more..and its around the other side of Gull, on the south channel. Ive spent countless hours there...you can see the firecracker channel marker in the background. It sits at the end of a long rock breakwall that juts out into the lake.

The water is deep, and blue just like that and the sand really did look like something off the gulf coast...i recognized the boat first anyways.

LOL, i don't think you are in danger of going blind....i can't see that marker :eek:
convenience fees : they sure as hell aren't a convenience to me, so let's just call it what it really is....the you are beneath me and i don't really want to talk to you so i'll just have this machine take care of your business transaction. soooo eff you and suck it, you swill drinking troglodyte fee.
Better get myself dressed before my ride gets here. Its 80F/27F out! What to wear besides sunscreen. I hope we see turtles!
Well... feeling bad still for my buddy.. I dont think he has any idea what an enormous break that she flaked so soon.. I think it woulda been a horrible roller coaster ride. Amazing what we can over look and miss....when we really want it.
Lawn mowed - check
recycled stuff at end of drive - check
boy in bed - check
coffee maker set for tomorrow - check

Now it's time for a glass of wine while folding laundry.
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