What do you think of the use of the word "slut"?


Kink Lord
Apr 9, 2015
Out of over 400,000 stories on Literotica, over 3000 -- .75% -- use the word "slut" in the title. Literotica stories are full of slut mommies, slut sisters, slut daughters, and, especially, slut wives.

It's traditionally a disparaging term about women, and most people still see it that way. Some women today are trying to reclaim the word as a way of celebrating women's sexuality as opposed to scorning it.

However people see it, there's no question that for a lot of authors and readers it packs an erotic wallop. The word shows up a lot, and people seem to get an erotic charge out of it.

I'm curious what other authors -- especially women authors -- think about the use of the term in erotic stories. Is it good? Bad? Neutral? Why? Do you use it or steer clear of it?
I'm curious what other authors -- especially women authors -- think about the use of the term in erotic stories. Is it good? Bad? Neutral? Why? Do you use it or steer clear of it?

Very few of my female characters are sluts, so I don't use the term very much.

In the story I'm working on now the two female characters are ghosts who were prostitutes in life, but they lived in the 1920's. One of them calls herself a quiff (which meant slut), and the other is called a slut (among other things) by her mother when her mother finds the daughter being raped by her step father.

Another story uses the term "slut bun."

If the character is a slut, then why not use the word? I think most alternatives are going to either sound stilted, or they'll be worse than 'slut.'

Urban dictionary lists these as synonyms: slut, whore, tramp, floozy, skank, hooker, flirt

I don't think 'flirt' belongs on that list, but maybe that's just me.
It's an insult. Don't know ways to reclaim it, cause the word is just an insult. It has no meaning other than to be offensive. I don't like to see it in stories and wouldn't use it even in the context peoples think reclaims it.

It's a misogynistic insult. That's it. It has no 'deeper' cultural context.
It's an insult. Don't know ways to reclaim it, cause the word is just an insult. It has no meaning other than to be offensive. I don't like to see it in stories and wouldn't use it even in the context peoples think reclaims it.

It's a misogynistic insult. That's it. It has no 'deeper' cultural context.


I don't know. I've known men and women describe themselves as sluts with a lot of pride. However, if someone else were to call them that they'd be offended. I avoid it, have never used it, so far as I know. To me it is judgemental and I don't regard myself as having the right to be judgemental of people or actions in any of my stories. I try to describe them.. If I don't like something I don't do it. That's the intention anyway.
Never used it in a story. I don’t think I’ve ever used it in real life to describe someone. Too negative. Which is funny to say considering my use of the word “cunt.” I suppose I’ve always felt that women have the same “right” as men to fuck whomever they please and it’s nobody’s business. So “slut” is only negative. I tend to not read stories that advertise themselves as “slut” stories.
My girls in my stories use the term far more often than the boys do. As I've had my female friends explain to me, ' it's okay if we do it, especially in reference to ourselves'. I have friends who use it as a reference to greeting their inner libertine, treating sex for themselves the way men (wish they could) treat it for themselves.

I think I've had a man use the term once comically, and if other men are doing it, they're being vicious and hateful, probably because they have more issues than Reader's Digest. Guys like that tends to get their balls kicked off in my stories.

The word is there. I don't begrudge people using words in their stories. It depends on the mindset of the character using the word and context it's presented in. I'm deathly opposed to slut-shaming RL, so if I see it used as a pejorative because the author is slut-shaming, I just stop reading. No biggie.

Give me context or give me death.
I’ll use it in a story, but it’s not my preferred term. As always, it depends which character is using it. I don’t think of “myself” as using it; rather, I’m putting it into someone else’s mouth.

I find it demeaning, and I’d never use it in real life. But I know people who are proud of using it to refer to themselves, so as always, you just have to decide for yourself what your comfort level is. BiscuitHammer is right about context.

I don't know. I've known men and women describe themselves as sluts with a lot of pride. However, if someone else were to call them that they'd be offended.

I'd agree with that. Some of my characters enjoy being called 'slut' by their significant other(s), but it's not a judgement, more part of erotic play (they're also all male, so no misogynistic intent there).

Or, in darker work, it has another use, also an erotic trigger. But that's in the realm of non-con.

I honestly wouldn't feel comfortable using that word on females, because of its historical use, which is to shame, not empower or celebrate sexuality.
Just throwing it out there, but I fall in that percentage. However, it’s attached to a lengthy series “A Slut’s Triangle” and the “slut” is a Transvestite. Okay, I’m going to bow out gracefully and leave. 🌹
It's an insult. Don't know ways to reclaim it, cause the word is just an insult. It has no meaning other than to be offensive. I DON’T LIKE TO SEE IT IN STORIES and wouldn't use it even in the context peoples think reclaims it.

It's a misogynistic insult. That's it. It has no 'deeper' cultural context.

I agree with you that the word is an insult and it is intended to be offensive and insulting. It describes a woman lacking in moral values as seen by society of a whole. I would never use the word myself or want to hear someone else us it.

But we aren’t talking about its use in everyday life. We are talking about it’s use in fiction and, if the word fits into the story and contributes to the story then I see no reason why it should not be used.
My girls in my stories use the term far more often than the boys do. As I've had my female friends explain to me, ' it's okay if we do it, especially in reference to ourselves'. I have friends who use it as a reference to greeting their inner libertine, treating sex for themselves the way men (wish they could) treat it for themselves.

I think I've had a man use the term once comically, and if other men are doing it, they're being vicious and hateful, probably because they have more issues than Reader's Digest. Guys like that tends to get their balls kicked off in my stories.

You do that too? Some terms I use also herald a good kicking for the person who's used it. I hope my readers get that.
Any word, term or phrase can legitimately be used in fiction, provided that it contributes to the story. Imagine, for instance, To Kill a Mockingbird without that ultra-offensive word 'nigger'. Without that word and the pathetic bias it supported, the book would not, could not have been nearly as powerful an indictment of racism. Mark Twain routinely used the same word to describe the slave Jim. It was Twain's genius to use it in a way which inexorably leads the reader to see Jim as a very human, worthy individual.

Yes, it and many other epithets are loaded, but the purpose of any art is to evoke emotion and emotively-loaded language can be a very useful term to that end.

Similarly, 'slut' can IMO be a viable word if properly used.

(I count myself fortunate, of course, that I've never had to write something which demanded its use.)
You do that too? Some terms I use also herald a good kicking for the person who's used it. I hope my readers get that.

Hopefully my disdain for bigots, racists and misogynists comes through in my writing, BEFORE someone gets their shmoo kicked off, but the comeuppance always happens eventually.
Out of over 400,000 stories on Literotica, over 3000 -- .75% -- use the word "slut" in the title. Literotica stories are full of slut mommies, slut sisters, slut daughters, and, especially, slut wives.

Interesting that so many Lit authors believe in the pulling power of the word slut.

I am pretty sure that I have never used it - and I can't imagine that I ever would. Mind you, it may be another of those geo-cultural words: it's not really a word you hear in the UK - certainly not in my circles. :)
Mind you, it may be another of those geo-cultural words: it's not really a word you hear in the UK - certainly not in my circles. :)

According to OED, 'slut' originated in Middle English, so maybe you just need some much older friends. :)
I'm surprised by how polarizing 'slut' seems to be. I think it'd be interesting to check on the occurrence of 'cunt' in Lit stories which (as a pejorative) I find much more offensive.

I even asked my wife how she felt about the use of 'slut.' She was fine with it. It's a word. She doesn't feel the same way about 'cunt.'

Anyway, the responses here so far aren't going to do anything to change my use of the word.
I even asked my wife how she felt about the use of 'slut.' She was fine with it. It's a word. She doesn't feel the same way about 'cunt.'

I find 'cunt' offensive when used as a pejorative against women; the level of contempt is out of proportion, most of the time. Although, if women use it against women who are enemies to women, I feel that's their call. But in general, I can't help feeling it's misogynist (and yes, I have used it myself in a moment of rage, and I've corrected myself).

I don't mind the way the Aussies use it (it's not a bad thing, to be a good cunt).

I'm not sure, but I think your wife might be one of only a couple of females to weigh in on this. Maybe they don't care?
Interesting comments.

My view: One of my stories incorporates the word "slut" in its title. It's a story in which a wife gets lessons on becoming a "slut." The husband approves. I use the word because it's titillating and because it turns the tables on its use as a term of disparagement. In the story, becoming a "slut" is something both the wife and the husband want for her.
Slut is a word I only use with certain people and always jokingly - I never call someone a slut out of malice. I never, ever call a woman a slut because I don't like her, or because she has sex a lot - good on her if she does!

I think it has a place in some fiction though, I guess some women like to be called a slut in bed, and if that's what they want, then more power to them. But I hate women calling other women sluts in fiction as a slur. I hate it when guys do too, but I always feel a little bit let down when women do it :(