What are you doing right now? (besides online & on Lit.)

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Contemplating a hot shower...or better, a bath
Choosing some legwear for tomorrow
Wishing I'd bought that lipstick

You'll have to wait for next year for the bath. Yesterday was National Bubble Bath Day.

Today is National UTI day.
Looking at pictures of ass and pussy.

Hey you!

Stop that. *glare*

And I want you to know that those sound clips of yours made me all squirmy. Damn you.

What's wrong with stuffing cookies into one's mouth? Cuz that's totally where I was going. :cool:

And I accept all damnation given due to those clips, but all blame must firmly rest on the fox and the wolf. *nods*
What's wrong with stuffing cookies into one's mouth? Cuz that's totally where I was going. :cool:

And I accept all damnation given due to those clips, but all blame must firmly rest on the fox and the wolf. *nods*

You'll get to st--er---cram cookies in your mouth tomorrow. Although I haven't tracked it yet. I probably should. Just cause.

Wondering what is being tracked to Dimples house.

and wondering if I should get a snack or just roll over and sleep.
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