Well it's Waffle House after all. This stuff is gonna happen.

Well, I'd rather do it with the midget. At least he's the right height, and can stop sucking on his pinky. Hell, I'd rather shag Fat Bastard, baby.

I was going to eat at a Waffle House today but the nearest are 600 miles away so I drove past the Waffle Hut in the county seat instead. I didn't stop. Just to be safe.
There are none in my neighborhood either, but there is a Pannekoechen Huis.
I don't accept violence. It happens everywhere, but I don't get used to it. Not at waffle house. I go to waffle house for hashbrowns. Not violent political action.
I thought WH was more than SE states? Like ATW to CA by now?

I would go more often if Taylor Swift would stop stalking me.:mad:
We'll arrange RuPaul as a substitute

Uhm, Taylor Swift can blend in. I mean, she'd need a hoody, and a lot of make-up, but Ru-Paul's hair is bigger than her torso. She could curl up in it like a nest.

If Rupaul was stalking anyone EVERYONE would know. Hell, Kanye would probably know, and he forgot he was black.