Trump Only Living President Whose family Didn't Own Slaves

If you want me to start posting what Roy Cohn meant to your racist god, I'll be happy to oblige. Hell, if they made an entire movie about it, I think I can manage a thread. 😘

= no takers.

Didn't think so. 😉
This thread went triple lead. :ROFLMAO:

Even had Dino-sore boi trying to save it with bricked three-pointers.

Who did You QUOTE?

ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN the LibTards Hacks of the Democratic Party?
U mad, beta bro?

I got my statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics: link HERE

Now are you gonna channel your inner-"Contrifag32" and claim "we can't trust no nigger numbers from the gummint when a Democrat is inna White House"?
Why would the Trumps want slaves when they can hire foreign workers and pay them less than it would cost to keep slaves while avoiding the responsibility of feeding and housing them?
Except it's Joe letting them all in and furthering the human trafficking industry.