The West Coast is burning

Not close enough to evacuate but close enough not to be able to breathe.

anywhere you could go where it's more comfortable for you? huge area been burned and still burning. be safe.

anywhere you could go where it's more comfortable for you? huge area been burned and still burning. be safe.

The entire state of Washington can't breathe. My friend lives in Seattle, I'm in the southern part, it's bad up there and down here.
The entire state of Washington can't breathe. My friend lives in Seattle, I'm in the southern part, it's bad up there and down here.

I'm on the upper Olympic Peninsula and it's bad here too. The smoke blew out to sea, then was pushed back by an onshore flow. It channeled down the Strait and kind of stalled over us.


I'm on the upper Olympic Peninsula and it's bad here too. The smoke blew out to sea, then was pushed back by an onshore flow. It channeled down the Strait and kind of stalled over us.


I know you're smart enough to be wearing a mask for a couple of reasons now.

Stay safe and healthy.
From the link you provided.

Maybe you're a visual learner so here's a map of the Inland Empire and Los Angeles. Does this register?

Perhaps you need to go back to geography class; the Inland Empire isn't Los Angeles OR LA County, it's San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. Or didn't you notice that on your map?

See, the problem is that you're shucking and jiving here trying to cover up your lack of knowledge with bullshit. And the rest of the mental midgets here on the GB are going along with you because they don't know any better either.

Anyway, it's been fun showing everyone that you're a fucking moron with a keyboard. Have a great day.
Perhaps you need to go back to geography class; the Inland Empire isn't Los Angeles OR LA County, it's San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. Or didn't you notice that on your map?

See, the problem is that you're shucking and jiving here trying to cover up your lack of knowledge with bullshit. And the rest of the mental midgets here on the GB are going along with you because they don't know any better either.

Anyway, it's been fun showing everyone that you're a fucking moron with a keyboard. Have a great day.

My point remains, your lack of comprehension notwithstanding.




You caught me!!!! I made a mistake!!!!

How will I EVER live it down??????


:rolleyes: Newsflash; you're a fucking moron. :rolleyes:
My point remains, your lack of comprehension notwithstanding.




You caught me!!!! I made a mistake!!!!

How will I EVER live it down??????


:rolleyes: Newsflash; you're a fucking moron. :rolleyes:


2. Grow the fuck up. You screwed up because you have no actual knowledge of what you're talking about, are quoting the sources I said are lying to us, and are now relying on bullshit to get you through until the clock runs out.

3. My last sentence in the above quote also applies to you.
My point remains, your lack of comprehension notwithstanding.

:rolleyes: Newsflash; you're a fucking moron. :rolleyes:

When you have to name call to back up your sad declaration of victory despite having clearly had your ass handed to you??? Not much of a victory......

But keep strutting around buddy, everyone totally buys it!!
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When you have to name call to back up your sad declaration of victory despite having clearly had your ass handed to you??? Not much of a victory......

He's insisting on fumbling the ball over and over and over again.
He's insisting on fumbling the ball over and over and over again.

With "It doesn't matter what yard line it is, a touch down is a touchdown!! You fucking moron!! " as his argument that he is in fact, a super bowl champion. and is thus deserving of participation ring.
When you have to name call to back up your sad declaration of victory despite having clearly had your ass handed to you??? Not much of a victory......
But keep strutting around buddy, everyone totally buys it!!

Dudly, I was quoting HisArpy from another thread. You even posted right after him in that thread but it's curious that you didn't attack him unprovoked.

You can go ahead and say you're sorry now. :)
Since when is 4 "several?" Name-calling = hostility. Did I attack your blatant misinformation?

There are about 100 fires burning right now and you call 4 "several." Talk about being an "idiot." :rolleyes:

You attack the integrity of your own education, numb nuts::rolleyes:


"Several is a word that shows size or number when you can’t be specific or when you want to summarize. If three, four, or five of you hang out, then you're spending time with several friends. Inviting 30 people over and telling your parents that several friends stopped by would be stretching the truth and you might get grounded. For how many weeks? Possibly several"
This makes me so sad:
"As wildfires ravage the West Coast, one boy and his dog died huddled together in a car, where they sought safety from the flames."
Dude! I was thread crapping and cross posting when you interrupted me with a second hefty dose of reality.

Knock it off. Or I'll thread crap some more!!!!

Spoken like a true internet hero.
I learned how to check my AQI.

In Oregon, they have arrested a vagrant man who lives in the area. No known political persuasion. They found a dead man by another one. Still investigating last I heard. The wind picked up and the humidity dropped to 10%. It is considered a 100 year event. Colorado and Montana got snow from it. 2020 is the year for shit to happen. Let’s just ride the roller coaster.

People have been great about helping out. Lots of farmed animals in the region and were evacuated by others. We will survive. Or at least some of us.

Be pragmatic.