The West Coast is burning


Nov 9, 2000
3.1 million acres in California, 900,000 acres in Oregon and 625,000 in Washington state burned so far. There are 500,000 people under evacuation orders in Oregon.

I'm on the coast so all we're getting (so far) is the smoke. Early in the week, it was smoky as hell. Then it cleared for a day. Today it was the worst it's been because an onshore air flow pushed all that smoke that was out over the ocean back on top of us.


There was a young couple who got caught in the Cold Springs fire in eastern Washington. They were rescued but their one-year-old died from it. They are both in Harborview hospital in critical condition.


There are dozens of people unaccounted for in California and Oregon.

We thought it was bad two years ago with the wildfires. It's worse this time around.

Fuck. Just fuck.

It's amazing though how people respond. Many of those on my Facebook feed are forming convoys of trucks and stock trailers to go help evacuate horses and cattle.

I have family and friends there. To say I am concerned is a gross understatement.

I hope you stay safe and that the rain comes.
Even with all the Biblical disasters and constant forerunners of the big quake, people still want to live there.

It's amazing though how people respond. Many of those on my Facebook feed are forming convoys of trucks and stock trailers to go help evacuate horses and cattle.


Yes, that has been amazing. I saw YouTube videos of people being interviewed at the Clackamas County Fairgrounds. Many are in shock, but still taking care of business.
The biggest problem is that people are stupid.

Most of the west coast is arid. Around here we get about 7 inches of rain per year.

LA news stations regularly broadcast that we're in a drought because we haven't gotten our "usual" 14+ inches of rainfall. And no one corrects them on it.

From there; a lot of the vegetation here requires fire in order to either reproduce or clear the space so new growth can occur. Fire is an annual part of the life cycle. Without it, plants disappear.

Wild animals rely on that new plant growth cycle. Without it, they die of starvation.

Yet we allow people to build homes out of dried wood and place/grow highly flammable flora next to those homes, in known burn areas, in densities that are considered "overpopulated", without adequate resources to protect their investments, and then wonder why conflagrations happen and people die.

It's madness.
I have friends in Mendocino County, they are OK at this time. I lived in San Francisco for three years back in the day. Fortunately I was smart enough to move to the mountains of NC. Best move I ever made, the worst we ever get here is an ice storm every ten years or so and the remnants of a hurricane every few years.
I have friends in Mendocino County, they are OK at this time. I lived in San Francisco for three years back in the day. Fortunately I was smart enough to move to the mountains of NC. Best move I ever made, the worst we ever get here is an ice storm every ten years or so and the remnants of a hurricane every few years.

I think NC is my favorite US State. Ocean and mountains, not too hot not too cold, great motorcycling roads, pace of life isn't too hectic but they're somewhat industrious, the girls have the accent and the guys aren't quite as backward or racist than more southern states.
Arson is suspected in several of these fires in California and in Oregon.
Arson is suspected in several of these fires in California and in Oregon.

Many times this is true. Still doesn't take away from the tragedy or the fact of the root cause that allows these fires to be warming.

When a place like Texas...a fucking hell hole filled with Republicans...gets hit by a disaster, I ignore my hatred and ask how I can help...because the bottomline...they are Americans too. Do we get the same in return from them? Nope...we get shit like assholes here saying "good...let it burn".
Many times this is true. Still doesn't take away from the tragedy or the fact of the root cause that allows these fires to be warming.

When a place like Texas...a fucking hell hole filled with Republicans...gets hit by a disaster, I ignore my hatred and ask how I can help...because the bottomline...they are Americans too. Do we get the same in return from them? Nope...we get shit like assholes here saying "good...let it burn".

Texas is sending out firefighters and support to help out, as they have done in the past.

i read once that fires are some of the worst natural disasters emotionally, because their very nature brings out fear and rage.
Many times this is true. Still doesn't take away from the tragedy or the fact of the root cause that allows these fires to be warming.

Friggin' left wing wokeness started this fire:

A gender-reveal stunt sparked a California wildfire that has forced 21,000 people to evacuate

They have ZERO to do with "Global Warming." They have more to do with radical environmental control of the forests and forestry policy in California. They are caused by Democrats who don't have a fucking clue what they're ideology is doing to the state on many levels.
Friggin' left wing wokeness started this fire:

A gender-reveal stunt sparked a California wildfire that has forced 21,000 people to evacuate

They have ZERO to do with "Global Warming." They have more to do with radical environmental control of the forests and forestry policy in California. They are caused by Democrats who don't have a fucking clue what they're ideology is doing to the state on many levels.

It is over your head. But for others, I will break it into simple facts. Oceans warm. More moisture in the air. Jet stream changes. Warm, wet air hits mountains and is forced to rise. Cold air holds less moisture than warm air. Excess water must fall out either as snow or rain. Excess moisture causes plants to grow. In the summer, when fires start for whatever loves the excess vegetation. Add wind...and you see what we have happening today.
It is over your head. But for others, I will break it into simple facts. Oceans warm. More moisture in the air. Jet stream changes. Warm, wet air hits mountains and is forced to rise. Cold air holds less moisture than warm air. Excess water must fall out either as snow or rain. Excess moisture causes plants to grow. In the summer, when fires start for whatever loves the excess vegetation. Add wind...and you see what we have happening today.

I'm quite familiar with the demonstrable propaganda you suffer from both in politics and in science. You don't understand the history of the World or your country. It's just that simple.
I'm quite familiar with the demonstrable propaganda you suffer from both in politics and in science. You don't understand the history of the World or your country. It's just that simple.

the virus is a hoax

Global warming is a hoax
The virus is real, Global Warming causing fires is a hoax supporting a political narrative that drives a failed social policy.

If I search back in your posts, I will find you saying the virus was a political ploy. Glad to see you finally got on board with the facts. Wear a mask

If you live long enough...even you will admit the implications of global warming (i hate that terminology...but it is what people understand). There is still hope for you Vette. You don't have to die alone. Reach out to your family...say you are sorry.
If I search back in your posts, I will find you saying the virus was a political ploy. Glad to see you finally got on board with the facts. Wear a mask

Show me where I said the virus wasn't a virus. I might have said the virus is being used to advance a totalitarian social policy, but I never said the virus wasn't real.
Many times this is true. Still doesn't take away from the tragedy or the fact of the root cause that allows these fires to be warming.

When a place like Texas...a fucking hell hole filled with Republicans...gets hit by a disaster, I ignore my hatred and ask how I can help...because the bottomline...they are Americans too. Do we get the same in return from them? Nope...we get shit like assholes here saying "good...let it burn".


Fire here is a "natural event".

ONE of the reasons we're having more wildfires is because of interference by zealots and do gooders like yourself.

Back in the 70's the Sierra Club SUED to block the government from clearing land to reduce fire danger. They won.

Now forest lands are choked with dead brush that can't be cleared. Dead brush burns fast and hot.

ANOTHER reason is that more people live here than the land and resources can support. The fruitloops hide in the masses and cause fires to start by doing stupid things (like gender reveal parties during high fire danger areas/times). Edison is also at fault because they're not being responsible with their equipment and maintenance of their electrical infrastructure. They have this infrastucture because too many people live here and the company would rather take profits from all that revenue over expenses.

And YET ANOTHER reason is that more people require more space so there are a lot of people living in areas where fire burns frequently from purely natural events like lightening strikes.

It has NOTHING to do with "global warming" which your asinine explanation gets totally wrong anyway.
The biggest problem is that people are stupid.

Most of the west coast is arid. Around here we get about 7 inches of rain per year.

LA news stations regularly broadcast that we're in a drought because we haven't gotten our "usual" 14+ inches of rainfall. And no one corrects them on it.

From there; a lot of the vegetation here requires fire in order to either reproduce or clear the space so new growth can occur. Fire is an annual part of the life cycle. Without it, plants disappear.

Wild animals rely on that new plant growth cycle. Without it, they die of starvation.

Yet we allow people to build homes out of dried wood and place/grow highly flammable flora next to those homes, in known burn areas, in densities that are considered "overpopulated", without adequate resources to protect their investments, and then wonder why conflagrations happen and people die.

It's madness.

Not really:
Los Angeles gets an average 14.93 inches of rain a year.

L.A. Airport: Average for seasons 1944 through 2020: 11.65 inches*

Arson is suspected in several of these fires in California and in Oregon.

Not "several." Don't be hysterical.

The virus is real, Global Warming causing fires is a hoax supporting a political narrative that drives a failed social policy.

That's ridiculous on many levels.