The "I Didn't Get Laid Today" Thread

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i see. and what is different from other people about them? we don't really have fraternities like that here...

I think we still have those fraternities in Germany, they are just much smaller than they once were. (Schlagende Verbindungen are the worst...)
Do I actually have to say it?


fine! I didn't get laid again! It's nothing new! Leave me alone already!

*runs away crying*

I think we still have those fraternities in Germany, they are just much smaller than they once were. (Schlagende Verbindungen are the worst...)

well i guess they exist then - but they don#t really play a role, and i wouldn't recognize a member of them...

and no, didn't get laid.
well i guess they exist then - but they don#t really play a role, and i wouldn't recognize a member of them...

and no, didn't get laid.

Well, the ones from the "Schlagende Burschenschaften" you can easily identify, since they have two scars on their face, the so-called "Mensurnarben". They derive from a ritualistic sabre duel, in which the opponent slashes you on purpose in the face. It is more common at universities with a long history and tradition, like in Göttingen, Heidelberg and Freiburg for instance.

I've never seen any women with Mensur-scars though, so I suppose it's a boy's thing.
i see... and what are they about? i remember hearing something about burschenschaften (and it took me a while to make a connection between that word, and the word fraternities) having usually a right wing tendency?

and to not make this a complete thread jack: still no getting laid.
i see... and what are they about? i remember hearing something about burschenschaften (and it took me a while to make a connection between that word, and the word fraternities) having usually a right wing tendency?

and to not make this a complete thread jack: still no getting laid.

Well, same as the upper level ones in the US. Reactionary, perhaps, not necessarily extreme right wing, more elitist. They tend to be people that are very well connected.

Six weeks now, innit? Well, still same here and so far my writing seems to benefit from that. I will refrain from posting in this thread again, so that it doesn't turn into a game of who of us will blink first.
I only saw one woman today (outside family), and that was across a crowded room. And then I went to bed at 7:00 pm with a splitting headache. So no, I didn't even have much chance to masturbate, let alone have sex :(
Wow, have people started getting laid all of a sudden?

Still no joy for me. But hope remains high. There is this one girl in my Music Theory 101 class... Incredible pianist, teaches both that and violin, applying to be the Teaching Assistant in the class itself... Very attractive, very independent. Seems to like me back. In the event that this is true, it would be only the fifth occurrence of such an event in, oh, the course of human history?

Possibly taken, as judging by the guy she began to drape herself on right after class ended.

I'm not sure. I couldn't exactly stop and stare. But who knows. Maybe I misinterpreted things. Maybe that's her brother and she's just... Very affectionate. Maybe she'll break up with him. Maybe he'll break up with her. Hope remains high.

...Maybe I'm just falling for my traditional trap of, "Ha-ha, CWatson only seems to fall for girls who are already taken."

Still no joy for me. But hope remains high...
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The husband's been away for a month and it'll be another before I see him again. :(
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