The "I Didn't Get Laid Today" Thread

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Another year gone by, another birthday without anyone to spend it with. Ever since my first girlfriend broke up with me two and a half weeks before I turned 20, I have been alone on my birthday. I am really getting tired of this trend. It is as if I am cursed to spend the day alone.
I've spent every Christmas of my life alone. I feel your pain. :(

(Nope, not today. Though I did get to do a bit of cyber-flirting this week. At the very least, it's nice to make a new friend.)
Nope. The first weekend in a long time that I haven't gotten anything at all. Kinda sucks. And I'm really fucking horny.
Not even a chance or me today. And tomorrow is looking worse. I don't know if I will even be leaving the house.

Oh well, at least classes pick up in a week. I have to admit, it's much harder to meet people when you're not in school. (Especially if, like me, you don't like getting drunk.)

Now to just make sure I get into classes where it isn't scads of first-time freshmen. Age gap and all that. (Which is all well and good for raunchy fantasies, but less practical when you were hoping to meet someone to settle down with.)
still nothing. about five weeks now i think? or more? or less? difficult to say.
While I saw some attractive women at the bar I was playing poker at last night, I was hardly in a position to go hitting on them, with my constant coughing, the fact that I haven't shaved in over a week, and most of them were hanging over some frat-looking guys (I hate frat guys).
you never know what type of thing some of them might like. maybe coughing, unshaved guys are just their thing, and they were hoping you were going to save them from the frat guys (whatever frat guys are).
you never know what type of thing some of them might like. maybe coughing, unshaved guys are just their thing, and they were hoping you were going to save them from the frat guys (whatever frat guys are).

College students that have joined a fraternity.
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