The Adventures of an Upper Class Slut


Literotica Guru
Feb 13, 2003
Isabelle was a beautiful young blonde, twenty five years of age with a body made for sin { 34 DD-25- 36 } spoiled by her rich daddy from birth and later by her older husband Carlton. She didn't mind being called a gold digger or a trophy wife or even a bimbo because of her barbie doll looks as long as she got what she wanted and that was a life of luxury and weath. Carl provided her with both even if he was in his mid forties. He was kind, considerate and very generous and showered her with expensive gifts such as cars, jewelry and an unlimited credit card to spend in the many upscale restaurants and shops uptown. They belonged to an exclusive country club and lived in a six bedroom estate which included a pool, tennis court and a guest house. This also included a full time maid, cook and chauffer, not to mention a grounds keeper to tend to the lawn and garden. Everything was perfect as far as Isabelle was concerned, she had everything her little ol' heart desired. It was a new start in life and the beautiful new bride was determined to keep her past a secret. There was no need for her husband to know about her being an exotic dancer after her dear daddy died when Belle was destitute and about her bad 'behavior', what he didn't know couldn't hurt him she reasoned. Besides Isabelle promised herself that she was going to be a very good, loyal and faithful wife ito her loving husband in the future !

Unfortunately for Carl, his beautiful new bride made a promise that she couldn't possibly keep. It only lasted until she was introduced to Carl's step brother Roger who was to be best man at the wedding. Roger could be described as the lovable black sheep of the family, who had a reputation as ladies man. Quite the opposite of his balding older step brother Carl, Roger was tall, handsome and charming. It was about a week before the wedding when Roger came to stay in the guesthouse. Isabelle couldn't help but be impressed by this confident good looking member of the family at the rehearsal dinner. Roger gave Belle his undivided attention throuhout the five course meal, giving her compliments and toasting to her beauty. Of course Isabelle flirted back, being a southern belle it came naturally. She didn't mind that he couldn't keep his bold eyes from staring at her cleaveage often when not looking in her baby blue eyes ! It was like he wanted to devour her then and there at the table. Meanwhile everyone else seemed oblivious, including her husband to be, of the sparks flying betweem them. Isabelle caught her breath when she felt Roger's hand touch her inner thigh under the table. She was wearing a dress so it made it easy for him. Her first impulse was to push his hand away...but she didn't, instead she just pretended like nothing was happening. Emboldened now, Roger fingers slowly made their way upwards towards his objective. Isabelle bit her lip, feeling her pussy starting to get wet...

" Meet me in the coat room in five minutes ! " Roger whispered in her ear. His finger started to tease her pussy through the sheer materail of her panties.

Isabelle hesitated, trying not to moan...she was so tempted to meet him there ! But it was too risky at the moment. Isabelle didn't want to take any chances until the wedding band was on her finger !

" Please ...Roger, I can't. Not here ! " I whispered, dispite my excitement.

Roger smirked and continued to finger her pussy. Isabelle parted her legs to give him easier access. Her pussy was dripping now ...

Isabelle's hand reached over to explore his crotch under the table. She was surprised just how big and hard Roger's cock was ! This only increased her lust...and before long Isabelle had a orgasm and creamed her panties while her husband to be and the other guests sat nearby, unaware what was going on...the future bride managed to regain her composure and concentrate on rubbing Rogers erect cock through his trousers until she felt a wet spot. Isabelle then excused herself and went to the ladies room where she removed her creamy panties. Putting them into her clutch she returned to the table before giving them to Roger.

" Until we can find some time to be alone. " Isabelle promised.

To be continued...******If interested in role playing please PM me first don't post without approval *******
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“Look at that smug prick” Roger thought as the resentment he’s felt for Carl since childhood bubbled, yet again, to the surface. “He’s always thought he was better than me and he’s stupid enough to believe that he deserves his soon to be trophy wife. “.

Roger couldn’t pretend however that his desire for her was just driven by his distain for Carl. She seemed perfect in every way and he truly wanted her. The attention she paid to him didn’t go unnoticed either. The vibe she was putting out was unmistakable and he intended to see just how far he could push things. As they were talking at the table he placed his hand on her bare thigh to see what her reaction would be. As she quickly inhaled he thought she’d make a scene but his fears were allayed when she continued acting as if it wasn’t happening. Emboldened by this he pressed further running his hand up her smooth thigh edging closer to her panties. He could feel his cock start to harden as his pulse quickened. He wanted her and no risk seemed to great.

“Meet me in the coat room in 5 minutes. He urged. Expecting he had a 50/50 chance of Isabella accepting.

Her response “Please…. Roger, I can’t” did not at all displease him though. In his mind what he heard was “Not now but later” and he fully intended to take her up on that. He had a few days before the wedding and his return home and he was more than happy to take his time.


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The next few days before the wedding were a whirlwind with the fitting of her expensive wedding gown, the bridesmaids gowns, the tuxedos and the plans with the caterer for the menu and cake for the reception was exhausting. Thank God Isabelles younger sister, Daphne who was to be the maid of honor along with her husband Kyle flew in and helped arrange things. Isabelle was a mess, ever since the rehearsal dinner and encounter with Roger. There was obviously no love lost between the two brothers. Isabelle was determined to keep her distance from Carl's handsome younger at all cost at least to after the wedding but this was proving to be impossible. Every time she turned around he was there, undressing her with his eyes. It didn't help that Roger was staying in the guest house and invited to the family dinners and other occasions. On the weekend before the big event, feeling tired they had both retired early to their bedroom. However after bathing and dressing in her sheer nightgown and feeling restless Isabelle got up and walked over to the window which overlooked the pool. And there he was, naked as the day he was born ! Roger dived into the water and swam several laps back and forth before emering from the pool. He paused on the top step and brushed his hair back with his hand. Because the pool was illuminated Isabelle couldn't miss his huge cock which dangled down between his legs. Roger was hung like a horse in one of her daddies stables. Of course she knew this since fondling it under the table at the rehearsal dinner but seeing him totally naked only added to the fantasy...

Damn it why did he have to be so goodlooking ? she thought. Unable to resist the urge Isabelle's finger slipped into her panties and played with her clit...she imagined the stud pushing her down on the diving board and dominating her, making her spread her legs for him so he could dominate her with his big cock ! Isabelle knew it was wrong to lust after another man, especially her soon to be husbands brother, but she can't help it ! It was like he knew that she was watching from above, Roger laid down on the lounge chair, looking up at the window, as if daring her to come down to the pool and join took all of her willpower not too. Instead Isabelle continued to play with her wet pussy until she reached orgasm...
Roger woke the morning after the reception and lay staring at the ceiling for a moment as the events of the previous evening played through his head. In the light of day the risk he took running this hand up Isabelle’s thigh seemed absurd but it payed off beyond his expectations when she began stroking his cock through his slacks. “So hot!” He thought as he dragged himself out of bed and headed for the shower.
As he waited for the shower to heat up he tugged his boxers past his hips and let them fall to the floor at has feet then took a moment to look at his naked form in the mirror. The last 2 year’s obsessive fitness regimen had paid off and his body had transformed from mediocre soft to something quite stunning. The way his broad shoulders and muscular chest tapered past his rippling abs and slim waist was the look he’d worked so hard for and the response from women had been well beyond his wildest dreams. This new found allure had been driving him to test the limits of his desirability in sometimes destructive ways.
Stepping into the shower the warm water washing over his body brought his senses to life. As his soapy hands washed his body Rogers imagination wandered to what might have happened in the coat room had Isabelle relented last night. Imagery of them locked in a heated kiss with his hands sliding the hem of her dress up to expose her bare ass flashed through his mind as he subconsciously stroked his hardening cock. Next the image of him quickly turning her as she grips the coat rack bar and him tugging her panties down to her thighs. His strokes quicken as he pictures her ass pressing out inviting him. A low groan escapes his lips as he presses the full length of his cock into her. Her loud moan as starts to pump hard into her. Her breasts, now exposed, bounce with each thrust. His pace quickens until he collapses against the cold shower wall and his cock explodes sending thick droplets of his cum spattering the shower floor. After he gives his legs a moment to recover he steps out of the shower and starts to dry off.
Roger’s thoughts of Isabelle persisted even after his release though. The resolve she showed last night made it obvious that any overt pursuit he engaged in would only have her better angels send her running away from him. If he wanted to take her he’d need to draw her to him. He settled on the the obvious path of relentless clit teasing sufficient to have even her better angles throwing themselves at him. The stone damn of her will slowly chipping away each time he directed her thoughts to her pussy until the water breaks free in a torrent.
With this thought in mind Roger dressed to go to the main house for breakfast. He pulled his drawstring linen pants from the closet and pulled them on leaving his underwear in the drawer and left the drawstring tied a little loose. Then his button up shirt with a few buttons at both the top and the bottom undone. Satisfied with the look he exited the guesthouse and rounded the pool towards the kitchen. At the doorway of the kitchen Roger sees Isabelle sitting alone in a barstool at the island. Bracing his hands against the upper part of the doorframe he asks. “Mind if I join you?” Startled, her head snaps around and he catches her eyes drawn to the part in his shirt and his linen pants hanging dangerously low across his hips exposing his abs along with a generous portion of his well manscaped pelvis. She stammers “not at all, the staff put out some breakfast, help yourself. I was just leaving” all without raising her gaze to meet his eyes. She then gets up and quickly exits the room passing him in the doorway. “CHIP”. He thought as he smiled to himself.
The next few days brought more of the same. The more she avoided him the closer he believed she was to breaking. Knowing that the master suite overlooked the pool he took to skinny dipping around the time they went to bed expecting at some point she’d make it to the window. After a couple nights he glanced up as he was brushing his wet hair back after a swim he noticed some movement in the curtains. It was too dark in the room to see her but he could feel her eyes on him. He moved to the lounge and lay facing the window providing her a view as his mind played through what might be happening on the other side of the curtains. “Chip”
Oh God Isabelle wanted Roger so bad...but she wasn't willing to risk anything until after she was married. If Carl divorced her she would get half of everything he owned. Isabelle had refused to sign a prenuptial agreement like Carl's foolish first wife. Carl was so in head over heels in love with her, and against his lawyers advice decided that they didn't need one. Too bad Roger, who was younger and better looking than his pudgy out of shape step brother didn't have the same financial situation. Carlton and his senile mother had threatened to disown him and cut Roger out of the will if he got in anymore trouble. Isabelle had to avoid temptation at all cost, even if it meant marrying a man she didn't really love. Yes she would be the perfect trophy wife for her husband in public, besides Isabelle loved to show off her beauty by wearing expensive stylish and glamorous clothes. Discretion was a must, she never wanted to humiliate Carl but Isabelle had her needs that Carl couldn't provide.

Isabelle stepped out on the balcony. It was a beautiful night with a full moon. She wanted him to see her and know that she was watching him. Roger was a stud compared to his step brother ! Just the kind of male she preferred in her other life before getting engaged. Only three days left before she became Mrs. Isabelle Renee' Anderson. Of course that meant spending alot of time alone since Carlton went away on business for several weeks at a time. The young bride to be hoped she wouldn't be bored.

She stepped back into her room feeling tired. Tomorrow was the final fitting of her wedding gown and the bridesmaids, as well as the groomsmen's tuxedos. Another day of being around Roger and resisting temptation.
The next morning Roger slept in. There was no need to be up before 10:00 since he didn’t have to be at the bridal boutique until noon when the brides maids finish their fittings. It was odd, he thought that they boutique did both tuxedos and brides maids dresses but he wrote it off as the type of full service customer care that you get from a high end boutique. He pulled himself together just in time to meet everyone in the foyer of the main house to leave. They all piled into the Range Rover for the 15 minute drive over.

They arrive at the bridal boutique and the girls were still finishing up in the back. Everyone took a seat on some sofas situated in the front. Roger wasn’t in the mood to listen to their inane small talk though so he struck up a conversation with a cute girl behind the counter.
“Hi, I’m Becky!” She said offering a hand.

“Hi Becky, aren’t you a cutie! I’m Roger” Roger said as he took her hand. Her face becoming so red it looked painful. He leaned into the counter and made small talk while continuing to flirt with her. He wasn’t particularly interested in Becky but he enjoyed the thrill of the hunt. In all honesty her uncontrollable giggling throughout the conversations was starting to annoy him. “What ever happened to playing hard to get” he thought to himself.

The ladies filtered out followed by the manager who directed the men toward the back where they found Isabelle. Becky emerged with the tuxedos and distributed them to all the groomsmen who disappeared into their dressing rooms to try them on.

Seeing Isabelle for the first time since the night before, Roger greeted her and held her gaze probably a beat too long because she immediately disengaged and went to greet the others. Roger, half expecting her reaction entered his dressing room and began to disrobe. After a moment his devilish side got the best of him and he called out. “Becky, can you help me for a minute?” Seconds later she opened the curtain asking how she can help.

“My zipper is stuck”. Roger said looking down at his crotch. As she reached down to try to free the zipper Roger place his hand on her shoulder pressing her down to her knees. Not needing any further encouragement she freed his cock from his pants and stroked it as she stared up into his eyes. “That’s right.” He thought as she parted her lips and took him deep into her mouth. Her lips felt like heaven after the last few days of frustration. He took a fistful of her hair and started softly pumping his cock into her mouth as her breathing became more difficult. After a few moments in the background he heard Isabelle’s voice.

“This jacket isn’t right at all. Where’s Becky?” Lost in her lust Becky didn’t hear this and kept working Roger’s cock deeper into her throat. Seconds later Isabelle appeared in front of the dressing room and froze as she took in what was happening through a crack in the curtain just wide enough for her to take in the scene. Roger made eye contact with her immediately and she blankly stared at him as he began to thrust his cock harder into Becky’s mouth. He braced himself against the dressing room wall as he thrust into her mouth one last time the let out a low groan as he emptied his load in her mouth. In his mind he was fucking Isabelle and just using Becky’s mouth as a proxy. All the while maintaining eye contact with Isabelle. Finally able to snap out of it Isabelle stepped away from the dressing room curtain followed moments later by Becky. Who began to assist the other groomsman with his jacket as if nothing happened.
“Well that was something.” Roger thought as he inspected the fit of his tux. Satisfied he, changed back into his street clothes and joined the rest of the group as they loaded back into the Range Rover.
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Isabelle admired her reflection in the mirror trying on her bridal lingerie that she was going to wear underneath her wedding dress. The four bridesmaids, including her sister who was her maid of honor were all wearing purple. The groomsman were wearing traditional black with a purple lapel. Everyone was so eager to help her since Carlton had spent thousands of dollars alone just on the attire for the wedding ! No expense was spared.. Her sister Daphne entered then the dressing room and after remarking how beautiful she looked she complained that her husband, Kyle, tuxedo trousers were too short and needed to be altered. Just another imperfection that she had to deal with !

" Oh my... okay where is Becky ? She must be around here somewhere ! Help me find her ! " Isabelle said becoming somewhat flustered.

The last thing the bride to be expected was to find Becky on her knees sucking the best mans hard cock in the dressing room ! Roger just smirked upon being discoved in a compromising situation. Isabelle was shocked but kept her composure and quickly shut the curtain so no one else could see. How dare he make a mockery of her, she thought to herself ! Carlton was right, his brother was just a selfish cad and a womanizer ! Truthfully Isabelle had no reason to be jealous but for some reason she was. She was silent on the way home and refused to look at him and acknowledge his presense while everyone else chattered about the wedding and upcoming reception. Isabelle couldn't get the scene out of her mind of Beckyon her knees worshipping Roger's big dick. Once they arrived home a barbeque had been planned by the pool. The loyal chauffeur Carlos was manning the grill and cooking the steaks and grilled shrimp ! Isabelle went upstairs to change into a bikini, thinking about last night and seeing him naked swimming in the pool under the moonlight. How bad she had wanted to join time she went down to the pool everyone else was there, including Carl. His eyes widened in appreciation when he saw her wearing her skimpy bikini !

" My God if you were out in public wearing that you might get arrested ! " Carlton teased.

" You might want to get used to it darling because I will be wearing it on our honeymoon. "

" If you do we might not leave our honeymoon suite for the whole week ! " Carl commented.

" Promies, promises...does that mean you won't be playing golf ? " I smiled, knowing it was one of his favorite past times.

Carl laughed, and offered to make me a cocktail. After todays adventure I needed one. I glanced over at Roger who was sitting there with a smug expression on his handsome face. How I wanted to go over there and slap his face but I didn't dare...
Laying on one of the chaises facing the main house by the pool Roger soaked in the sun. His eyes scanning the crowd behind his sunglasses he wondered where Isabelle was. Based on her frostiness in the car on the way home he knew she was not pleased to find Becky giving him head. Obviously he couldn’t blame her but the sexual tension of the past few days had reached such levels that some kind of release had to happen.

The door opened drawing his attention and Isabelle walked out wearing an obscenely small bikini. “God, her body is amazing” Roger thought as he watched her move then exchange words with Carl. Scanning the attendees once again he noticed he wasn’t the only one who noticed. Virtually every man and even some of the ladies had their eyes trained on Isabelle as she walked around the pool toward her sister. Rogers eyes fell back on Carl who oddly enough was more interested in watching everyone watch her. “What a cuck!” he thought to himself with a chuckle. “How on brand is that?”

Sensing he needed to do some damage control Roger pulled himself up from the chaise and started to mingle with the other guests making his way over to Isabelle. “Love that suit” he said as he approached Isabelle and her sister. She thanked him somewhat coldly. “Gonna grab a drink, can I get either of you anything?” Having just freshened their cocktails they both declined. Roger continued to the bar having confirmed his current position in the dog house but also feeling like now that he’d broken the ice a little a thaw would happen sooner than later.

The afternoon wore on and people were starting to get in the pool. Roger, sitting on the side of the pool with his feet in the water, decided that didn’t sound like a bad idea so he stripped his shirt off and lowered himself into the pool. His chest and triceps flexing as they lowered his body weight slowly into the water. Behind his glasses he couldn’t help but notice at least a few ladies watching his entrance. He lay against the side of the pool his arms outstretched on the deck supporting him as his legs and torso floated in front of him. The warm sun on his face, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the serenity.
Through out the day Isabelle kept glancing in Rogers direction. She couldn't help herself, after he had approached her and his sister, Daphne and complimented on her bathing attire Isabelle had thanked him but otherwise gave him the cold shoulder. She wanted to also tell him to eat his heart out and go find his little whore Becky but she didn't since her sister was present. Roger offered to get them a refill but Daphne who had no idea what was going on politely declined. Roger shrugged and walked off towards the bar.

" What a hunk, I can hardly believe that he and Carl are brothers, Roger is so better looking ! I do declare, if I wasn't married I would jump his bone...I mean bones ! " Daphne giggled.

" Please stay away from him, for your sake ! " Isabelle warned her. And yes she had no doubt her that her husband to be couldn't possibly compete with his handsome younger brother in any way.

Throughout the day Isabelle played the perfect hostess, making sure everyone had enouch to eat, { steak and lobster were on the menu } and drink. She noticed that her future brother in law stayed to himself and didn't mingle with the other guests. This surprised her, Isabelle thought that Roger would be trying to pick up his next conquest and take her to the poolhouse to get another blowjob. Enough of the females, married or not, were definately interested and it shouldn't be too hard for him to find someone willing to suck his big hard cock ! Eventually Carlton introduced to the professional photographer, Ramone, who was going to take pictures at the wedding and reception. He was most complimentary, telling her she was beautiful and asking if she would like to be a lingerie model. Isabelle politely declined, saying she was going to focus on being a wife for now but would keep his offer in mind. After Carl excused himself, Ramone gave her his business card.

" This is the address of my studio downtown, if you change your mind or want to do an erotic photo shoot in your bridal lingerie as a gift for your husband please call me. I guarantee he will just love your portfolio, what any man wouldn't ! " Ramone winked.

Isabelle thought it over She had really liked the promotional portfolio that was taken when she was an exotic dancer of her in several costumes like a french maid, a hot teacher, a naughty schoolgirl and sexy nurse. Although Carlton was old fashioned he might really private pictures of his wife posing ! Besides time was running out and Isabelle had not purchased a wedding gift for him yet. This might be the perfect gift ! Ramon said he would like to take some pictures of the bridal party later in their bathing attire using the pool as a backdrop and Isabelle agreed. Ramon then walked off to solicit more business. Just then she saw Roger take off his shirt and get in the water. Isabelle admired his broad shoulders, powerful chest and muscular arms, not to mention that impressive bulge in his swimming suit. She really couldn't blame Becky for wanting to suck his cock. Roger seemed so relaxed, cool, calm and collected without a care in the world. Actually Isabelle was kind of peeved that he wasn't giving her more attention despite giving him the cold shoulder, most men would have fallen all over backwards and kissed the very ground she walked on to get her attention. Carlton was a perfect example as he showered her with gifts almost everyday ! Roger it seemed could care less...

The blonde decided it was time to make a second impression. She strolled or strutted if you will, around the side of the pool in his direction in her heeled slippers. Isabelle stepped out of them and entered the water using the steps until she was waist deep. Someone slashed water on her and Isabelle tried to cover herself with her hands not wanting her hair to get wet...

" So did you enjoy having your cock sucked by that little whore today in the dressing room ? "

Roger just smirked, not giving her an answer... Isabelle did not like to be ignored by anyone.

" I'm sorry. " { why am I apologizing to him } she wondered, " but I need a ride tomorrow to a studio downtown. And I thought since you are the best man, you would help me ! "

Maybe she should have just asked her sister..." I have a photo session with a professional photographer and I feel uncomfortable being alone with him ! "
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Roger’s head was spinning with the latest developments. Initially, he thought he was about to get chewed out for his morning escapades which would have been understandable. When Isabelle asked if he enjoyed his blow job his mind froze. Stuck between coming up with some quip making light of it or being honest and telling her how Becky was just the unfortunate victim of Isabelle driving him wild for a week and that frustration manifesting itself in what occurred. He chose just to remain silent.

When she asked him to escort her to a photo shoot his jaw almost hit the water. She’d gone from avoiding him, to being mad at him, to now wanting him to take her while there were so many other obvious choices. He chose not to overthink it and just agree to drive her and see what happens knowing that his will power was going to be tested being alone with her in the car. “Sure, I don’t have anything going on and would love to see your photo shoot” he said as he made an obvious show of scanning her body. It felt good being back on more familiar ground with Isabelle.

After another hour or so he excused himself, said his good nights and retired to the guest house. On his way out he confirmed the time with Isabelle.

His alarm the next morning sent him jolting out of bed. He didn’t know what to expect but was excited to find out. As the agreed time approached he headed toward the main house to meet Isabelle.
Isabelle got out of bed earlier than usual, after Carlton had left for work. She made a pot of coffee, hoping Roger would be on time. Perhaps Isabelle should have asked Daphne or Carlos their chauffeur to accompany her but this would be a good excuse to get to know her brother in law better, after all she was a soon to be member of the extended family. Besides dispite being a rake and a ladies man, Isabelle was attracted to him ! She had contacted Ramone last night and made an appointment for ten thirty. He assured her to come as she was and not to worry about doing her make up or hair. Everything would be provided for her including the lingerie. Roger was on time and entered the kitchen and Isabelle poured him a cup of coffee. He looked casual dressed in a white button down shirt and black pants and comfortable shoes without socks. His cheeks were shaven but he sported a goatee which only added to his allure and bad boy image.

" Thank you for doing this for me ! " Isabelle whispered, resisting the urge to kiss him. Isabelle could not deny the chemistry between them, at least on her part. " I know I can trust you to keep it a secret ! "

They took her Mercedes, an egagement present from Carl and Isabelle let Roger drive. He put down the top and within minutes they were downtown, thanks to Roger putting the metal to the pedal. Isabelle found it thrilling and wished they could speed down the highway even further to the beach or somewhere. And Roger was the perfect gentleman...

Finding a place to park, they walked to the door of the studio. Isabelle was nervous for some reason and glad that Roger was here with her. Ramone came across as a play boy and Isabelle felt somewhat uncomfortable around him. She felt more relaxed when a pretty young blonde took her into a beauty lounge and did her hair and make up.Thankfully Roger was permitted to come with her and sit in a chair nearby. Isabelle hoped that he wouldn't get too bored ! Soon a young petite asian female entered and offered to give her a pedicure. Isabelle demured since she had recently had one two days ago at her favorite salon. " But maybe my friend would like one while he waits ! " referring to Roger !

The Asian beauty smiled and approached Roger " Excuse me sir would you like to have a pedicure ? I give very good ones ! " She promised.
The whole drive downtown Roger was focused on trying to get a good read of the situation. As this could possibly be a pivotal moment in his quest to take Isabelle. He didn’t want to misstep by either missing an opportunity or by pressing when all she really wanted and escort and nothing else. “Damn it, this is painful”. He thought to himself. For a quick moment he longed for the easy prey.

As the pulled up in front of the studio all signs seemed to indicate and innocent intentions so he put thoughts of her moans as he drives his cock deep into her out of his mind. They exit the car and enter the studio where Ramona greeted them and gave Isabelle a long hug and a kiss on the cheek. Alarm bells instantly went off in Roger’s head. He couldn’t be sure it it was jealousy. or not but this guy struck Roger as someone who ends up fucking his subjects more times than not. Her request for him to escort her makes complete sense now.

He scanned his phone as a tight little blonde did Isabelle’s hair and makeup. The past few days he hadn’t been on his phone too much so there was some catching up to do and a lot of missed texts to read. He worked his way through them telling most that he’d get with them when he got back home from the wedding. He then got one from a number that wasn’t in his contact list. He opened it to find an selfie of Becky laying in bed with one hand across her breasts playing with her nipple reading “Hope to see you soon”. He was confused for a second until he realized he had to leave his cell number when he rented the tux. “Nice tits” he thought as he was startled by a cute Asian girl asking him if he wanted a pedicure. He quickly hid his phone screen from view and replied. “I’m not much of a pedicure guy but you wouldn’t happen to do chair massages too would you?” It was true that he’d never had a pedicure and didn’t know what all that entailed. Roger wasn’t at all opposed to giving it a try but but knew he needed to keep an eye on things and the last thing he wanted was to be stuck in the middle of her applying some clear coat or worse yet have those weird toe separator things on his feet as Isabelle started and have to waddle after her. The image in his head of this was kind of amusing.

As luck would have it she agreed to do a chair massage so she began to work his shoulders as he continued to catch up on his phone. He unlocked it and quickly closed the text from Becky that he’d forgotten was open. Not sure if his masseuse had seen it or not he played it off.
After about 15 minutes into his massage Roger decided he needed to use the restroom. He excused himself and asked his masseuse where it would be. Her directions were less than clear but felt like he’d be able to find it so he wandered into the back area to search them out. He came to a door that looked promising so he turned the handle and pushed it open. Much to his surprise it was definably not the bathroom. What he now found in front of him as a playroom that would make Christian Grey jealous. The walls were lined with whips, spreaders and all sorts of bindings. The rack looked particularly well used. He knew his read on Ramona was spot on. “This guys a player” he thought to himself “but there’s no way I’m letting him have her before me!” Roger closed the door and found the bathroom behind the next door, relieved himself and rejoined the ladies just as Isabelle was finishing up.
Isabelle watched Roger out of the corner of her eye while he got a massage from some asian bitch. She was not jealous, it was just a harmless massage but he was not the one getting getting a portfolio done. Isabelle wondered who he was texting on his phone. Probably just one of the many females he knew...even so Isabelle was glad that he had come with her, she didn't feel exactly comfortable around Ramone. She was going to insist that Roger be in the room when Ramone was taking the pictures, besides that way he wouldn't be able to sneak off with the pretty asian girl ! Isabelle took another sip of tea. It was very good but had a distinct taste about it. The young bride to be felt more relaxed by the minute...she had always dreamed a fairie tale wedding with the beautiful gown and no expense spared so these photos would be something to help her remember it by ...

The young beauty tech Shelly finished her hair and makeup, holding the mirror at all angles so Isabelle could admire her handiwork. She was vey talented and Isabelle was pleased. " Shall we go and pick out something for you to wear ? We have alot of bridal lingerie to choose from ! Please come with me ! " Shelly smiled. Isabelle followed her, a little worried about leaving Roger alone with the asian doll but reminded herself he was not hers and only the best man. Definately the best man she thought to herself...

Isabelle was amazed when the entered the room upon seeing all the dresses, heels, boots, leather, costumes, corsetts and lingerie in every color. Any fantasy imaginable...of course this was a bridal theme today so they paused in front of the large collection that was available. Shelly told her to pick out what she liked to wear underneath one of the many wedding gowns first because throughout the session she would be taking off more and more while posing for the camera. Oh God some of these things are so revealing she thought...

" Could you do me a favor ? Could I have another cup of that delicious tea ? " Isabelle asked sweetly " And I will just select some things to wear.. "

" Of course ! " Shelly smiled and left Isabelle alone while she went to get it. Oh my, Isabelle looked about the room and then concentrated on what to wear first. She felt like Alice in Wonderland ! The beautiful blonde felt so calm yet so excited...

Ramones looked up from the camera he was adjusting and his eyes opened wide in appreciation when he saw Isabelle enter the studio which consisted of a four postered bed draped in sheer curtains, a sofa, a mirror and dresser. It was surrounded by tripods and various lighting equipment.

" Ahh, there you are...I have no one else scheduled until later this afternoon so we may take our time and take the best pictures possible. May I just say your husband will treasure every shoot of his beautiful bride ! " He is the most luckiest man alive ! " Ramone said while his bold eyes dropped to her cleaveage revealed in the low cut gown as he kissed her gloved hand.

" Thank you, Ramone. Your studio is just amazing, if I may say so myself !

" Well then shall we get started, I want to take as many photos of your beauty as possible while I have the chance ! "

" Yes but before we start I do have one condition..." Isabelle smiled demurely.

" And what is that ? " Ramone arched his eyebrow.

" That my friend be permitted to watch ! "

" What ? This is unheard of ! How can I work with an outside interference ? I am an artist, absolutely not ! " Ramone insisted, somewhat angry.

" Well then, I am sorry to waste your time. Perhaps it isn't too late for my husband to find another photogragher for our wedding ! "

" wait ! Okay he can watch but he must stay out of my way ! " Ramone conceeded.

Roger was ushered into the room. Isabelle winked at him before kneeling on the bed in a full low cut wedding gown The first few photos were tame mostly close ups of her face, eventually moving on to her whole body. Isabelle was a natural, doing as Ramone instructed. He told her to smile or to pout, look innocent or naughty and lift her gown and show a little leg. Soon Ramone told Isabelle to remove her gown and put her shapely leg upon the stool and pose with her fingers inside her stocking top...
As Roger entered the studio the daggers being shot his way from Ramome were unmistakable. He was obviously not pleased by Roger here cock blocking him. “Oh well Ramone, you’ll just have to settle for cash payment today” he thought. The photo shoot started out as Roger had expected but things were starting to escalate in a way he wasn’t quite prepared for. “Damn, she is so sexy” he thought as she propped her leg up in the stool and adjusted her stockings. Roger had embarked on a relentless campaign of clit teasing for the past few days but this shaping up to be a shock and awe campaign of dick teasing. He could only sit silently and watch as his hard on raged in his slacks. The irony of Carl only being able to look at the pictures while Roger was there to witness them being shot was not lost on him either.

Roger leaned back in his chair and continued to watch with wrapped attention.
Ramone was using shudder speed from different angles, encouraging Isabelle to display her body for the camera. After bending over the dresser and showing off her ass in certain poses, Ramone instructed his gorgeous subject to lay down on the bed. Somehow Isabelle had lost her pushup bra and her hands were the only thing covering her full breasts. To make matters worse the blondes nipples were stiff and aching ! Isabelle's nipples had always been very sensitive but she had never felt nothing like this before. She pinched them between her fingers as Ramone snapped photos. Isabelle whimpered, aware that her pussy was getting wet, the pearl panties doing nothing to stop her arousal ! Isabelle was acting like a total slut by spreading her legs and touching herself but never intending for it to go this far ! But she just couldn't help it !!! Meanwhile Ramone was encouraging his beautiful blonde model to play with her hot wet pussy ! Isabelle felt like a porn star, her whole body was alive with passion and then Ramone approached and shoved the strand of pearls up inside her wet cunt !

" Pull them out ! " Ramone demanded, filming it with a video camera !

" Oh God please no... don't make me do this ! " Isabelle begged, knowing if she did she would have an intense orgasm ! She was such a slut...what was happening to her ? Isabelle had never behaved like this before !
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Roger sat against the wall with his jaw on the floor as he watched Isabelle playing with her pussy. Her wetness audible through the room. As hot as this was though, one of the hallmarks of Isabelle’s personality is control and this was anything but. He felt like things had gone too far and he had to put a stop to it. As Ramone bent down and pressed a string of pearls into her it was time. “I think you have enough! Roger said forcefully as he pushed himself up from the chair. Neither seemed to have heard him and he reached Ramone just as he was demanding “Pull them out!” Roger shoved Ramone to the side making his way to Isabelle. Enraged Ramone tried to push past him yelling “pull them out!” again. Roger spun him around wrapping his thick arm around his neck and squeezed until Ramone’s body went limp and his video camera tumbled to the floor. Roger then discarded his unconscious body with a thud, picked up the video camera and removed the SD card and slid it into his pocket “Video wasn’t part of the package”

Rogers attention returned to Isabelle who still lay writhing on the bed. “Let’s get you out of here.” He said as he grabbed the pearls and started to pull them from her. The pearls slowly popping out one by one. After the third Isabelle gripped his wrist hard and her eyes locked onto his as her body started to quake and she moaned uncontrollably. Her orgasm coursed through her body like a thunderbolt as she began to squirt on his hand. Muscle memory took over from there and Roger slapped her clit four times then planted three fingers on it and rubbed it hard casing her body to convulse more and gush an incredible amount of her sweet juices. Spent, she lay gasping on the bed for a moment then seemed to pass out. The Asian girl entered the room screaming “What’s going on?” “Get her things and bring them to me!” Roger yelled forcefully as he collected a silk robe from the clothing rack in the studio. He pulled Isabelle into a sitting position and slid her arms into the robe as the Asian girl returned with her clothes and purse. “Follow me” he said as he scooped Isabelle into his arms and carried her toward the door. As he reached the door he could hear Ramone moaning on the floor coming to.

They made it to the car and Isabelle was starting to make soft groaning noises indicating she was coming too. He deposited her in the passenger seat grabbed her clothes and bag and threw them in the back seat then rounded the car, started the engine and exited the parking lot with screeching tires.

A block away he pulled into a secluded spot in the side of the road. Looking over at Isabelle he noticed her silk robe had fallen to the side exposing her encouraged lips that were still splayed open and soaking wet. Her huge firm breast was also peaking out of the robe. His cock instantly hardened again and pressed uncomfortable against the seem of his slack. After gawking for one last moment he pulled her robe up to cover her as she whispered. “Thank you!” Roger stroked her hair and told her she’s alright.
" Thank you " Isabelle whipered to Roger, grateful that he rescued her before something worse happened. Isabelle didn't really like Ramone, their was something sleazy about him, from the moment she had met him at the pool party. If Roger wasn't there to save her, Isabelle would probably be starring in a porno on the internet. The young blonde was so grateful to him. Isabelle remembered everything at the beginning of the session, but after drinking that second cup of tea everything got strange. Once she laid down on the bed, Isabelle's body started to tingle, her nipples stiffened and her pussy got so wet and she lost all her inihibitions...

Roger was stroking her hair, making her feel better as she lay her head on his lap. Isabelle wasn't sure what to do about Ramone, he was the photographer Carl had chose to take pictures of the wedding but she wasn't going to worry about it at the moment... Isabelle was aware that Roger was sporting a nice big hard on in his trousers. It didn't help that she was wearing nothing but a silk robe and was naked underneath ! Without a word Isabelle unbuttoned his trousers and pulled down his zipper ! Her handsome hero groaned but lifted his hips so Isabelle could pull his trousers down to his knees. She held that magificent shaft in her hand first, admiring it, before letting her tongue work it's magic...Isabelle began at the base and slowly licked upwards along the length until she reached the sensitive membrane beneath the balbous head and flicked her tongue back and forth a few times before swallowing several inches down her throat ! Over and over again Isabelle would tease and kiss then deepthroat him until she paused " Mmmm baby... you're so hard ! Just consider this a reward for saving me ! "

Isabelles fingers were playing with her wet pussy while she sucked Roger's big cock ! "Its okay if you cum in my mouth ! " she whispered. She could feel his cock start to throb in her hand and knew he was close.
" I hope this feels better than that blowjob you got from that tramp in the dressing room ! What was her name ? Betty ? "
Roger’s head fell back on the headrest as Isabelle fed his cock into her mouth. He’d been so turned on all morning watching her photo shoot and subsequently watching her cum as he pulled the pearls from her he felt like he was going to blow quickly. He glanced down and saw her fingering her pussy as she took him deep into her throat and that turned him on even more. He reached down and replaced her hand with his as he drove two fingers into her and started to work her g-spot as she worked his cock deeper into her throat. He could feel her saliva dripping down his cock and soaking his balls. He wanted to bury his cock deep into that sweet cunt of hers but he knew it would be pretty unsatisfying in the car. His breath quickened as low moans emanating from deep within him accompanied by the sound of her wetness as he fucked her with his fingers broke the silence inside the car. He thrust his hips up as his body quivered as jets of his hot cum shot deep into her throat.

They recovered for a moment and re-dressed themselves as best they could then he started the car and pulled back onto the road.

“I’m glad you had me come with you this morning. God knows what would have gone down if I wasn’t there.” He said

“I don’t know what they gave me but I definitely think they slipped me something.” Isabelle added.

“Wouldn’t be surprised, when I went to the bathroom I happened upon his playroom in the back. That guy is into some kink and that’s not something you need to be around when compromised.” He added. “Should definitely stay away from him.”

A moment later he reached into his pocket and produced the SD card he retrieved from the video camera “Oh, I’ve got this I’d be willing to give you at the right price.” Roger said with a devious laugh.
" Oh I got this I'd be willing to give you at the right price "

Isabelles heart froze, if Carl ever saw that video he would call off the wedding in a heartbeat ! How could she be so foolish and risk her whole future of becoming Mrs. Isabelle Renee' Anderson ?

" Maybe we could at the pool house tonight after Carl falls asleep. You know he always goes to bed so early...I could put on a private show just for your eyes only ? " Isabelle offered. This wouldn't be the first time she used her body to get what she wanted. Besides Isabelle wanted to be fucked like the slut she was !!!

Once they pulled into the circular driveway Isabelle fixed her make up in the rear view mirror. She doubted anyone would ask where she had been but she was the center of everyones attention these last few days.Her sister was always curious about her where abouts. Otherwise Carl was probably off playing golf. Isabelle gave Roger a quick kiss on the cheek before rushing inside after promising to meet him later. Her pretty latina maid, Maria greeted he, and when Belle asked where everyone was, Maria informed her that her sister and husband were relaxing at the pool and that Carl was at the country club playing a round of golf, just as she thought. Isabelle stripped out of her clothes, enjoying a moment of privacy and stepped into the marble shower after putting her long blonde hair up on top of her head. Isabelle poured the scented body wash over her breasts and immediately felt her nipples stiffen as the soap dripped down between her thighs ! Isabelle closed her eyes and pinched her nipple and her other hand slipped down and played with her pussy ! All that the blonde could think about was Rogers big cock. How she had wanted to mount it in the car and have a 'quickie' but Isabelle convinced herself to wait when the could get together and fuck for hours ! Perhaps this evening at the pool house her fantasy would finally come true...

Isabelle didn't feel guilty in the least. Why shouldn't she have a stud on the side to please her when Carl was busy at the office or on a business trip. The young bride was going to find an some excuse to let Roger stay in the guest house in the forseeable future after they returned from their honeymoon. Isabelle was positive Carl would agree to anything she wanted.

After drying off Isabelle slipped into a bikini and went down to join her sister and brother in law by the pool...
They pull into the driveway and go their separate ways. Roger’s mind ran through the myriad possibilities of what might happen tonight in the pool house. Each one more pleasing than the last. He was just teasing when he said “for the right price”. He’d only casually considered keeping the SD card for his own enjoyment but he had always intended to give it to her. Now it seems it’s going to happen with perks.

The days events had given him a to-do list that he needed to get through before tonight so he got to work on it. First, he needed to do some shopping for another wedding present. Pulling his laptop out of his bag, he set up at the counter and did some shopping. It didn’t take him long to find what he was looking for, select next day shipping and enter his payment information.

From his vantage at the counter he saw Bella emerge from the house in another incredible bikini to join her family by the pool. Relaxing by the pool for a little while sounded fantastic so he changed into his suit and walked out to join them.

“You don’t mind if I join you do you?” He asked in their general direction. He was welcomed warmly by all so he flopped into one a chaise facing Bella. They were discussing the planned activities for the next couple of days and he didn’t want to interrupt the conversation so he laid back and soaked in the sun. He draped one leg over the side of the chaise knowing this suit didn’t have a liner and doing so likely provided Bella a view up his swim suit. He enjoyed the thought of her gawking and wanted to keep tonight top of mind for her. He only hoped her sister didn’t have the same view. ….

Roger dozed off for a bit but was awoken by Carl coming out and greeting everyone. He waited until they’d exchanged pleasantries then sat up.

“Hey bro, can I talk to you about something in your office?” Roger asked.

Carl seemed somewhat put out but agreed. Roger glanced at Bella as he got up and noticed the puzzled, almost scared look on her face. They entered the house, crossing the living room toward Carls office. Roger didn’t wait to get there though and started talking as they walked.

“I’ve got a business proposition for you.”

Skeptical Carl let out an “umm hmm”.

“I’ve been working on AI and 3D modeling lately at work and I’ve been seeing a market emerge for AI augmented LIDAR modeling. I brought it to my company but they’re focused on our clients immediate needs and don’t want to make the investment. I think this could be huge and I have the skills to do it but I just need the time and minimal capital for cloud computing. We’re talking maximum $10,000. My proposal is this. Would you consider letting me stay in the guest house for the next 6 months while I developed the solution enough to bring to investors? I’d be willing to give you 30% equity in the outcome. I could go to early stage VCs and get it funded now but you know how they gouge you. They’re like loan sharks.”

Carl considered his proposal for a minute and couldn’t really see a downside. It was virtually free equity for letting him stay in the guesthouse which would probably be empty anyway and $10,000 wasn’t a sum of money that made him wince. “Sure, I trust you and all but I’ll have my lawyers draw up an agreement and we can get it signed when I get back from the honeymoon.” He said.

“Perfect, I have a really good feeling about this. You won’t be disappointed”. They shook hands and Roger went back to the pool smiling like the cat who just ate the canary. His startup was seeded and Carl’s wife will be too.
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Isabelle was simply elated when Carl told her that he and Roger had worked out some kind of deal and that he would be staying in the guest house for an extended period of time. This was wonderful news, having that stud living so close she would be able to see him from her balcony ! And Carlton was often away on business or working late ! All through out the rest of the afternoon and at dinner Isabelle could not stop thinking about Roger and his big cock and their rendezvous tonight in the pool house. This afternoon beside the pool she got a peek up his swimming trunks at her object of affection ! Isabelle thought that Daphne might have as well but her sister didn't say anything. Daphne had asked her where she went this morning and Isabelle had responded that it was a surprise for Carl and couldn't tell her. Daphne's next question was who did she go with ? Isabelle hesitated, she didn't want to lie, but on the other hand she didn't want to raise any suspicion. " It's okay I saw you drive off with Roger ! " Daphne answered her own question. Later her sister gave Isabelle a friendly warning " You better be careful around him "

After the late dinner out on the porch, Isabelle kissed Carlton on the cheek and excused herself saying that she was tired and a bit tipsy from too many glasses of wine. Carl promised he would be up soon. This remark set off alarm bells in head, what if he was horny and wanted to make love tonight ! Although they slept in the master bedroom together for convenience they had an understanding to wait until their after the wedding to have sex. Of course Carl was the MAN of the house and didn't think certain rules applied to him. Isabelle would just have to find some way to discourage him, but hopefully it wouldn't come to that !

Once she reached her room she decided to bathe in the whirlpool ! Isabelle loved to relax in the luxurious bath, sometimes for hours. In her other life she thought that she was a mermaid, a beautiful blonde siren that lured males to become hopelessly infatuated and fall in lust with her...until she grew tired or bored with them lol...and then they were dismissed to never love another woman in their life again while she lived happily ever after ! Isabelle came back to reality wondering what she would wear her fantasy mermaid she was a temptress and liked to look feminine and female. Sometimes being innocent worked as well as being naughty or dressing as a slut ! Roger was still a mystery but he definately sported a big hard on this morning !

Carl came into the room and disrupted her thoughts. He chatted about the wedding plans and a light bulb went off in her head about what had happened with Ramone ! It was too late to find another photographer ! Isabelle would call him first thing in the morning ! Tomorrow promised to be a busy day, they had a final meeting with the caterer and the wedding planner and so many minor details ! Carlton finally excused himself and went to bed. Isabelle would wait until he fell asleep and finish getting ready...she could hardly contain her excitement !

Later when Carl was sound asleep, snoring, Isabelle finished putting on the finishing touches of her make up and brushing her silky long blonde hair...
Throughout the afternoon Roger tried hard not to make eyes as Isabelle although thoughts of the evening to come occupied his mind completely. Shortly after Isabella excused herself to go to bed he did the same, retiring to the guesthouse to get ready. He put on his favorite button up Pólo with the cuffs rolled up to his elbows and a pair of beige linen shorts. His boxers seemed like an unnecessary hinderance so he left those off.

Finally his phone buzzed. The txt read “15 minutes. 💋”. He quickly replied. “Can’t wait” then walked over to the pool house.

The pool house had a large leather sofa and recliner set in the middle of the space surrounding a 70” Tv hung on the wall. A card table was situated aside the kitchenette complete with granite countertops. He assessed the surroundings quickly making sure to note how best to make use of them then settled into recliner that faced the door and awaited Isabelle’s arrival. The lights coming from the pool provided sufficient light inside so he left the lights off to not attract any unwanted attention. His heart raced with anticipation and the minutes felt like hours as they ticked by.
Full of anticipation Isabelle snuck out the back door and walked towards the poolhouse where she knew her handsome stud was waiting ! She was wearing sheer lingerie and heels that she hoped would be seductive enough, although Isabelle was sure that if she was completely naked Roger wouldn't mind one way or another ! Isabelle opened the glass door and stood there for a moment, like a goddess,her body sillulated by the lights from the pool, until her eyes adjusted to the dark. Roger was waiting, sitting in a recliner dress in a shirt and a pair of shorts. He had a smile or was it an arrogant smirk on his face ?

" Sorry to keep you waiting ! " Isabelle said, " It took forever for Carl to fall asleep ! "

Isabelle entered the room and stood over Roger and placed her hands on her hips, posing for him in her fishnets and panties and sheer top ! Roger sat up in the chair giving her his undivided attention !

" Do you like what you see ? " Isabelle whispered, turning around on her heel and letting him see her from behind. " I have been saving this lingerie for a special occasion. "

Isabelle turned back around and started to pinch her nipple through the sheer material while looking into his eyes...
Smiling at him Isabelle sat down in a chair and parted her long shapely legs and pulled her panties aside, exposing her hot neglected pussy...